Buyer Beware

Beverly Hills Concierge Doctor – Is Incompetent, Rude, and Unethical Involved in His Behaviour?

You might have seen the “Beverly Hills Concierge Doctor” Ehsan Ali on TV or on news sites. He is a celebrity doctor who uses his media presence to mislead consumers into trusting him. 

On TV, he seems like a genuine expert. In reality, he is a selfish and greedy professional who takes advantage of a pandemic to scam people. Furthermore, he has received countless complaints for misdiagnosing people and for misfiling insurance claims. In many instances, he lied about the patient’s insurer so they would pay out of pocket. 

Before you trust him with your health, it would be best to go through these reviews. They would help you make a better-informed opinion on this concierge doctor: 

About Beverly Hills Concierge Doctor:

Ehsan Ali aka Beverly Hills Concierge Doctor is a geriatrician and his clinic is located at 9400 Brighton Way #303, Beverly Hills, CA 90210, US. His contact number is 310-683-0180. 

He offers various services here including: 

  • Primary care physician
  • Hormone replacement
  • Annual executive physicals
  • Urgent care
  • House call doctor
  • Anti-aging treatments
  • Travel vaccinations
  • Medical weight loss plans
  • B12 vitamin injection

Along with these services, the Beverly Hills Concierge Doctor offers several medspa services such as Kybella, Vampire facial, CoolSculpting, chemical peels, and Juvederm fillers. 

Ehsan Ali has attracted a considerable amount of media coverage thanks to his presence in Beverly Hills. Hence, he might seem like an attractive doctor to anyone. 

However, he has a lot of skeletons in his closet. For example, most of his media coverage through paid outlets. He pays blogs and websites to write about him so he would seem like a celebrity.

This is a big reason why he keeps writing guest posts for different publications. It helps him distract consumers from the facts. 

Additionally, he has received countless complaints

Ehsan Ali has faced lawsuits for personal injury in the past. In 2019, Linda Cohn filed a Personal Injury lawsuit against the Beverly Hills Concierge Doctor in the Los Angeles County Superior Courts, Santa Monica. 

Certainly, he is not as good as he claims to be. 

Now that you’re familiar with who is the Beverly Hills Concierge Doctor,  let’s look at some of the many complaints he has received: 

What is Misdiagnosis?

Misdiagnosis occurs when someone is wrongly labeled as having a specific illness or condition when, in reality, they have a different one. This error can happen due to similar symptoms, incomplete information, or human error. The consequences include delayed or unnecessary treatment, psychological distress, and worsened health outcomes.

Ehsan Ali Holds Your Test Results Hostage and Only Cares About the Fees


The above reviewer went in for a physical at Beverly Hills Concierge Doctor. Dr. Ali had told the reviewer that he would inform them if he found any abnormalities. When the reviewer received their lab results, they found several abnormalities. Hence, they expected a call from the doctor’s office but didn’t receive any. 

As a result, the reviewer had to request a follow up with the doctor themselves. 

On the day of the follow up, the clinic called the reviewer to collect additional payment for the vision. However, their charges were higher than usual. They claimed it was because of the cost of telehealth.

Basically, the doctor wouldn’t go over their test results unless they made an additional payment. The reviewer points out that most doctors would give you a courtesy call in case they discover an abnormality. They highlight that they will file a complaint with their insurance provider and the medical board for the unethical conduct of this doctor

Clinic Offers the Worst Customer Service

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The Beverly Hills Concierge Doctor COVID Policy is Pathetic

Tn9UGCr3kOQ4KyyNeXaSZUuYtqajiOrIfFvThzpxnsnmc9RN3RWcgJAakfLv9slPoJoGfWfqE239tU0WsegL 8v7HbUjsBqQDfkEL1IxegZrULVsgobtkepovXhi Kfa3 DkAtgJ

Inna shares that Ehsan Ali MD is running an unethical practice. She began to see Dr. Ali in November of 2019 and the problems started in the beginning of the pandemic. When she called in to inquire about their testing policy in case she started showing symptoms, they told her: “We can put you on a waitlist for a test for $500 or $250 out of pocket with insurance.” For them, no symptoms were necessary. 

This means, if you were showing symptoms and were not on the waiting list, you would have a very minute chance of getting tested. 

She shares that it’s medical offices like this one who give a bad name to the industry. They are in it for the money. Later, she updated her review because the office manager started harassing her by calling her multiple times. Why were they harassing her? Because of the negative review she posted online. 

She says that it’s extremely unprofessional on their part. 

Fillers Left Multiple Dark Spots Under the Eyes, Dr. Ehsan Ali Didn’t Do Anything to Fix the Problem

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Junior had posted a 5-star review for this clinic. However, he later updated the review to 1-star because of the results he received. 

He had reached out to Dr. Ehsan Ali to give him a more rested look under his eyes. Ali gave him fillers. The procedure was quick and the bruising occurred immediately. However, they had told him that the bruising and swelling would go away. 

Junior points out that it wasn’t his first time getting fillers. He shared that he saw dark marks develop right after the injections. But the doctor told him that they would go away with ice and rubbing. 

Weeks later, the situation got worse. Again, he shared his concerns with Dr. Ali who told him that it needed more time to heal.

Junior waited for a few more weeks but there had been no improvement. It had been 3 months since the procedure. 

When Dr. Ali saw him, he examined the spots and told Junior that he must see another doctor who can perform a chemical peel to lighten the stain. However, he wasn’t 100% sure that it would work. 

Junior saw 2 other doctors after that. 9-10 months later, he contacted Dr. Ali again to see if he might help fix the problem he created. However, the Beverly Hills Concierge Doctor didn’t respond. 

Here are the pictures Junior has shared: 

JSSfVwG92VWJp5jUCz5 JmOJYfWn18TQfrWLdR6A7f8SKtAIdAyNw5CYXs dx WIQMVhjH6iFxTNKITyErmmF9O sVihpQl bcMSPLS85KRNIb h fpjTN3amARse4RcziBQUikO

Beverly Hills Concierge Doctor Doesn’t Send Your Details to Your Insurer to Steal Funds from You

8MJezKQyYU2jDMuSJ7JjrZ947tZnf3MccaGaTb6iDkR7UgJaMq4napEwgn76oWvdua57rvUviUswLfrJgfx5UNsanCn2a4Ny5ejv0mHdEm QAYb73ELLg7ECK9N3dVaSMe4Zp2s0

Gabe has shared his multiple gripes with Beverly Hills Concierge Doctor. He says that he doesn’t understand the hype around this doctor. Both he and his wife went to see Dr. Ali and they will be seeing another doctor in the future. 

He has given many reasons for not seeing Dr. Ehsan Ali anymore. 

Gabe points out that Ali spends more than 5 minutes in a consultation. He doubts whether such a short meeting is enough to give a proper diagnosis. 

Furthermore, he only provides prescriptions for an extremely short time. Gabe points out that doctors generally prescribe him medicine for 12 months. However, Dr. Ali only provides 2 or 3 refills before needing another follow up visit. 

WHile some may argue that Ali does this to ensure proper care but Gabe believes it’s to make more money. After all, he doesn’t even spend 5 minutes in a consultation. 

That’s not all. 

The clinic fails to follow binding requirements with the insurance companies. They transfer the payment responsibility to the payments. Gabe and his wife had received a $365 bill from the clinic so they contacted their insurance provider. They wanted to know why the insurance company wasn’t covering this bill.

The insurance company told them that they would have covered the claim but Ehsan Ali MD’s office didn’t send them the required medical records. 

Also, the insurance provider shared that Dr. ALi’s clinic can’t share the payment responsibility onto the patient without sending the necessary records to the insurance companies. So, the insurance company contacted the clinic regarding this matter. 

Afterwards, the Beverly Hills Concierge Doctor refused to see Gabe’s wife citing the unpaid $365 bil.. The insurance company reached out to the clinic twice but they didn’t receive a response. United Healthcare told Gabe and his wife about this. 

Then, they sent both the clinic and Gabe a copy of the letter outlining their agreement terms and that the clinic wasn’t allowed to transfer the payment responsibility onto the patients. 

However, Dr. Ali’s clinic started claiming that they were charging the couple because Ali had diagnosed the wife with ADHD with depression. Gabe points out that it’s a blatant lie. They had forwarded him medical records from another doctor who had made the diagnosis and Ali had only written a prescription.

Below is the document Gabe’s insurance company had sent to the clinic:

QZTwVK9IHyKCbj6I356d6K6t8eVGcbt6lAjR5OCdj5GbxAQXtE i3K2IV7m8ZiKkkpdon n5TM5UEZuJpVT0BcNP6BxmENDrVC10ee2fkp6b bO2uJw1qP4DyeDA8JvHM9IvS1Sz

Dr. Ali Mistreats a Disabled Patient, Doesn’t Help Her Thinking Her Insurer Wouldn’t Pay

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The reviewer says that the Beverly Hills Concierge Doctor lies about having his clinic open 24 hours. He made her second appointment for a Sunday claiming that his clinic is closed on Mondays. 

She points out that she left his office feeling confused, angry and humiliated. The intake process of the clinic was jarring and bizarre. She shares that she is on a cane and in a lot of pain. 

The reviewer had called Ali before New Year’s eve. It seemed very difficult to get an appointment with Dr. Ali. However, the reviewer saw several reviews where Ali had visited patients for things much less severe. The reviewer had her pre-cancer cells removed last month but Dr. Ali didn’t care. 

She points out that he has a terrible bedside manner. 

Also, the reviewer had a poor experience with a spine specialist who runs his clinic in the same location as Dr. Ali. She shared this experience with him but he didn’t care. She points out that Dr. Ali lacks empathy. Ali told her that he is closed on Mondays and occasionally closed on Sundays.

She points out that he treated her poorly, and didn’t give her anything. All he did was give a letter for a home helper to get medicare pay for her annual wellness visits, which is nothing compared to what she actually needed – medicine. 

She shares that seeing him was a complete waste of her time. His attitude was extremely poor and he misleads consumers by claiming that his clinic is open 24 hours. 

She wanted a letter from him for home aid  but he refused saying that the insurance company wouldn’t pay. Also, she needed a refill on her prescription but Ali didn’t do anything about that. She shares that she has been in severe pain because of the lack of medicine. 

Finally, she had to contact another doctor and see them to resolve these issues. Dr. Ali didn’t help her with anything. 

Ehsan Ali MD Forced People to Pay $500 for a Free COVID-19 Test

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Amar shares that Dr. Ali took down his Google review. THere, he had complained about how Ali is charging people $500 for an in-home COVID-19 test, paid entirely out of pocket. 

Dr. Ehsan Ali doesn’t bill any of this to insurance while tests are being made free everywhere else. Certainly, Dr. Ali was taking advantage of the pandemic. Amar says that it’s absolutely abhorrent and he would report him to the California Medical Board. 

Later, the clinic responded to his complaint. They claimed that they can’t give free house calls. However, Amar points out that his complaint wasn’t about this service. This is about Ali taking advantage of a pandemic and using it to charge people $500 by forcing them to only have the house call option available. 

Amar points out that the clinic can do a lot of things to make the testing more accessible and humane. However, the clinic is forcing people to pay out of pocket for a free test that’s hard to find. Furthermore, the clinic is creating artificial demand by controlling the supply to jack up the price

Dr. Ehsan Ali is among the crooks who took advantage of the pandemic.

Beverly Hills Concierge Doctor Misfiles the Insurance Claim 4 Times, Doesn’t Fix the Mistake Once


Jessica shares that she has been seeing Dr. Ali for five years. However, in the past year she has had 4 misfillings by his office. THis means her insurer rejected the claims even though they were completely valid. For example, Dr. Ali would file routine blood work for scheduled medication as a ‘general physical’. 

She points out that Dr. Ali didn’t care about this issue which was caused by him in the first place. 

Furthermore, he and his clinic didn’t return any of her emails or calls. Eventually, the lab canceled the charges because they knew it was the doctor’s fault, not the patient’s. 

Jessica says that she is disgusted and warns everyone to think twice before booking an appointment here. She points out that Ehsan Ali MD is an average doctor who prescribes you whatever you ask for. He isn’t anything special. 

Botched Fillers Didn’t Last for 2 Months, Started Ignoring the Patient

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Roya says that she doesn’t like posting negative reviews but she had no choice left. She had a lip injection here before and her experience was amazing. 

Hence, she visited the clinic again to get lip fillers. However, this time the experience was totally opposite of the last time. When he was done with her lips, her lips weren’t really full. 

This seemed odd. Furthermore, when she left the clinic there was no swelling. Her boyfriend didn’t notice any difference in her lips when they were in the clinic. 

She didn’t notice any difference as well. So, she contacted Dr. Ali who said that the syringe was full and there was nothing different from last time. She disagreed. Because 2 months later, there was nothing left in her lips at all. 

Disgruntled, she tried to contact the clinic but the front desk staff wasn’t very helpful. She wanted a refund or more Juvederm. Roya claims that it’s unfair because she paid for the procedure but didn’t get the required results. Also, she was disappointed with the terrible service

Misdiagnosed the Patient, Billed for Things He Didn’t Even Do

beverly hills concierge doctor reviews

Sky says that the Beverly Hills Concierge Doctor misdiagnosed and prescribed her with something that had nothing to do with her condition. 

Moreover, his office will bill your insurance for things that they didn’t do at the office. Also, they make you pay right away otherwise they will send you to collections and end up getting a reimbursement. She says that this place is full of hassles so it would be best to avoid. 

Staff misled the patient, and the patient received inadequate care

beverly hills concierge doctor reviews

Dr. Eshaan Ali’s clinic needs an improvement

beverly hills concierge doctor reviews

They provided poor customer service to their clients

beverly hills concierge doctor reviews

They appeared to be impatient and clueless

beverly hills concierge doctor reviews

Dr. Eshaan Ali’s deceptive service and a complete waste of time and money

beverly hills concierge doctor reviews

The hospital provided poor service and was unable to provide concierge services

beverly hills concierge doctor reviews

Dr. Eshaan Ali did not discuss the patients following the procedure

RDPCcMvZucIO5U1QmG8dcaE4MFFl iVuz5FYtwWvia0BwxewwgpluV0mVrnqdDTVso5gbkbIHrXg8X41UojTb2p1iNP DrRcgGwilzsqgB7u ISS YkFoSzpbgzCLvEbilXPTnQu

They overcharged clients and were careless about their patients

beverly hills concierge doctor reviews

Staff misplaced labs and seemed to be unconcerned with their work

VL0Bj9vV cZz9SFYV0qv29TVROwVb0rxJHKMfV0id5H6QAGky5Xs6Js45RMIYsWKzANKS1gWWARSqpekc4aVuwLC4HUv BGygUqEDuiddMyVyE9xmGfMMGrHbALWlfU6nl6MP Wz

Many patients reported having the same experience

beverly hills concierge doctor review

Appointment delays and a poor overall experience

34aosVGIkQ ekmoA80DAlGWZinoQYyXRxXkcv1PjoBbQ7djjtxrp8mCcQwbSgHA93ADmT0RkGMCpjc2Gab5gXGOdze1U1c84 oA9WTCaYnK4EqAFnMUng7YTSvRUj8koZ a7K9f0

Dr.Eshaan Ali did not give adequate billing services

beverly hills concierge doctor review

They were unable to respond to patients’ calls

TYwrlOMvcQ4PvO1A AvesVh9gXvo3jfi Zsk4POiwjXLDEc LrxUAXWPgqpmh1l G2SeJG4NuQA4HwDgcxeYSKAXnLIGfnVeT u4RfJOfz7zsyBLgsRiJ7LCB8W8oSU Wo4dIeis

Dr. Eshaan Ali provided poor services

rIF vJa86Gi1SXOh M8k8CkZew3Y5CFWowUc7xeDslaQorofTJYeCek9w3ifhtmu1xuqR04rWqq5zRS0DWs33Gh0mqyQDVi9z04h5c0wCrZDVlc0vH0qa1qCg7R40aqc4Il NV1

Dr. Eshaan charges an additional fee for Covid

JwvnEY EXAc3aqPa GMmekUbmkvnxXl2i7Seb3q3yclJiSYImmQC4IJkTp76O

Dr. Ali appears to be unprofessional and unconcerned about their patients

9vzUclvWkmNnuSkV1BZcteF bCzmZ

Improper medical care and services

WkNUuRzErN4vdeefvnsikL8OoKATdcZrZRBceqZRcuA0dFogH08st3fyMNeHE mAoqJe1fg3rSkeAoE8hWGuMu0E4BeTf5hExVad50uYzKj3W oeT2W0Tb4ZYZhygiMcGRrzR4zT

Dr.Eshaan Ali looked to be unpleasant, and the staff was disrespectful

RMMfKPC0ojtUPOXXaaaqdM2VFgQc3oBgOfB5qHpaEjxf1RH28EfVcurUjdlciGX9nqLQcpfrYaz7x9pkMUyAMRlptIysKzjwP1 ZXTPfQLGeU5OUq5Ed 40X7e7OhosDV3 oIkjL

They only wanted money and could easily commit medical fraud

UG5EoYAR3sliir13ZfQ7jyPmUuoOSEsyfQs4pH1cxVFUVx0BH7J6O9G380GIaIp ovlSXpmx0tHiP HlNA17o 0npL8LPv8S6TmBLVnX

Dr.Eshaan Ali never provided their surgeon with accurate treatments

image 1448

Dr. Ali appears to be incompetent and provides poor services

image 1449

Appointment scheduling delays

image 1454

They refused to accept insurance plans

image 1452

Dr. Eshaan Ali rushed through the treatment and overcharged the patient

image 1442

The appointments went so quickly, and the patients were never recognized

image 1443

They strive to deceive their patients

image 1444

Dr. Ali insists patients pay additional Fees

image 1457

During the procedure, Dr. Ali neglected some stages

image 1459

They were claiming the patients’ bogus insurance

image 1461

The insurance was not recognized here, and premium services cost more

image 1462

Dr. Ali adjusted appointment times that seemed so erratic

image 1465

They were not giving their patients complete information

zZnpi6lmbwQumJPkPq64jjoThKhQ9DKoVX8Vg6NRf6rYMiqisxq SUoneMjJ 53RT3scWIJHb3pEDtCrsuy7cF4qUT zuNVvj ybl1T3C 61cquQJ5DSVoV5ie NSgRUBP Q0 sK

Dr. Ali disregarded what the patient attempted to tell him

YCFM7XQyxOfC7SjKvux5QXOAbBTpGFgcr8yDVbJpeMhBYtmYvdaN6vm5N6sYYzG 84yR9w9CwZOJPj 2 z0BV4fLMRjDTMZ8Sopd07TFDZpqDl7egt2GK SIsK1uM4BWZWD6SlYv

Dr. Ali provided awful service and owned no professional experience


All of the Beverly Hills Concierge Doctor reviews shatter the “near-perfect” image Ehsan Ali MD has created through his media appearances. He claims to be an expert doctor but he misdiagnoses people, misfiles insurance claims, and doesn’t respond to his patients. 

Furthermore, he took advantage of numerous people during the COVID-19 pandemic by forcing them to pay $500 for a free test. 

Many people have complained about his bedside manner as well. It seems he doesn’t care about his clients unless they are a celebrity. Due to these reasons, it would be best to look for a different physician in Beverly Hills and avoid Ali. 

2.7 Total Score
Not a Reliable Concierge

Dr. Ehsan Ali aka Beverly Hills Concierge Doctor is a shady professional who has received too many complaints for taking advantage of his clients. He botches basic procedures, misdiagnoses people with serious illnesses, lacks empathy, and lies about their charges. Overall, he is not a doctor you should opt for.

2.6Expert Score
2.8User's score
  • None
  • Misdiagnoses people
  • Lies about patient’s insurer
  • Has received too many complaints
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  1. Dr Ehsan Ali billed my insurance for immunizations but never provided the service. He is abusing the healthcare insurance companies and basically submitting fraudulent claims. I wonder if the Center for Medicare Services or Human Health services will ever audit his practice. It’s about time to put this Doctor In jail. He is either not aware of False claims act or is deliberately doing it over and over again

  2. Nice review. I was going to call Beverly Hills Concierge Doctor to set up an appointment just a week ago but life happened. Now I know better.

  3. 2.35

    I think the doctor was nice and well spoken. My only problem was the wait time.

    + PROS: Nice doctor
    - CONS: Wait times are too long
    Helpful(1) Unhelpful(0)You have already voted this
  4. 0.75

    I’m glad more people are talking about this dangerous doc. He has ruined too many lives to count.

    Helpful(1) Unhelpful(0)You have already voted this
  5. 1.1

    Ehsan Ali is the epitome of carelessness. He doesn’t listen to you and fails to understand your requirements. Save your money and go somewhere else.

    - CONS: Careless
    Helpful(3) Unhelpful(0)You have already voted this

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