Customer Onboarding: Overview and Various Ways To Ensure Successful Onboarding of Customers
Customer onboarding is a process where you explain to the customer in detail all the key points related to your product or service. What is there that you are offering, and how are you teaching them about the new features/ qualities of the product?
Good customer orientation is a two-way program whereby you answer the customer’s queries and give them assurance that you are going to stay with them till the end. It’s about making them comfortable from the very beginning.
In a world like today, where competition is cut-throat, customer sustenance is more important than acquisition.
Let’s First Understand What Is Customer Onboarding?
Customer onboarding is a process whereby you give them in-depth knowledge about your product and what exactly are you offering. It is done to make sure that the customer relationships which we are building are long-term. That only happens when you gain their trust and sell them genuine products.
Customer onboarding starts as soon as the sale of the product is done. It is now that you have to hit the right button and assure them that your job is just halfway done. As soon as the selling part is done, customer service begins. Many companies keep sales and service as two different departments for ease of working.
Did You Know?
Customer Onboarding process require almost 100 days. Although, the time required is huge yet 70% of the firms have an efficient customer onboarding team to keep the customers happy.
The ultimate goal should be customer satisfaction. Companies take aid from various customer onboarding software to make the process streamline and smooth. If they face any difficulties in execution or understanding of the product, answering them should be your team’s priority.
Why Is Customer Onboarding Important?
To make a customer satisfied and happy is equivalent to building a long-term relationship with them. If they feel that the product is authentic and the team supports them to their best, it is unlikely that they are going to leave.
The customer onboarding process is all about keeping the weight of your words intact. It means to offer exactly what you promised.
There are not many companies that follow the concept of customer onboarding but customers constantly hunt for companies that do because of the many benefits it provides.
Let’s look at some of them:
1. Earning customer loyalty.
2. Publicity by word of mouth.
3. Building an individual brand image.
Various Ways To Ensure a Successful Customer Onboarding Are Listed Below:
1. Make a Customizable Experience for Them
Every customer’s needs and wants are different and therefore by customization you can make them feel at home.
Welcome them to the organization by drafting a welcome email or sending their favorite candies. Whatever works for each individual should be done in order to let them know how excited you are to have them on the team.
2. Engage the Whole Team in the Onboarding Process
Everyone who is involved in the company should be aware of the expectations, problems, stories, and pain points of the customers. This ensures that the customers are an integral part of the organization and that everyone focuses on their needs with the same eye.
3. Data Collection and Compilation
Data is the one solution to many problems. Just by analyzing the past data records, one can accomplish the task of determining the success or the failure of the sales.
For better customer redressal, a resource section should be made which should have answers to all the frequently asked questions. For example, a chatbox can be a great option that helps the customer in solving the queries themselves.
4. Nurture the Relationship Formed With the Customer
Keeping in touch with the existing customers makes them feel cared for. It is keeping an honest relationship with them to sustain the partnership for a long period of time. They should feel that you care about their progress. Record timely feedback to know where they are getting stuck and how you can help them.
5. Continuous Follow-up Is Needed
The relationship with the customer should not end just when the sales are done. Make sure to keep a strong follow-up with them to let them know you are here to stay. In case they need the assistance of any kind with the product, they should know where to go.
6. Celebrate Small Successes
Always celebrate wins no matter how small they appear to be. All the milestones which were set earlier should never be forgotten. Whenever a customer reaches a certain milestone, it should be celebrated. You can do that in the form of a congratulatory email, giving them a quick call, or sending them a notification on the group app. They should feel that their efforts matter.
Customer onboarding gives an edge to the companies for building trust and having a long-term association with them. Customer onboarding is important for customer retention and that helps in business growth. It increases revenue for the company by lowering the cost of acquisition.