DaVinci Biosciences: Fetching illegal profit from the sale of aborted baby tissue?

A Look into the Matter of DaVinci Biosciences
The wealthy Ecuadorian Isaias family that owns DaVinci Biosciences and DV Biologics, which have been sued by the Orange County District Attorney’s office for illegally profiting from the sale of aborted baby tissue it obtained from Planned Parenthood, came to America under a cloud of criminal allegations and scandal.
DV Biologics
DV Biologics asserts of supplying human biology tools for educational purposes and drug development. Their portfolio includes unique cells, tissue derivatives, unique tissues etc.
The Isaias family, including brothers Roberto, William, and Estefano Sr., sought asylum in the U.S. in 2008, after looting millions of dollars from an Ecuadorian bank. These brothers brought with them their extended families – many of which are listed as principals of DaVinci Biosciences and DV Biologics.
Andres Isaias, son of Estefano Isaias, Sr., is listed as President of both companies, while his father and brother, Estefano Isaias, Jr., manage financial decisions and the books. Luis Isaias, son of Roberto Isaias, was also involved with the companies, as were other relatives.
During that time, the DaVinci Biosciences family made hundreds of thousands of dollars in contributions to Democratic and Republican political campaigns. Family members gave roughly $300,000 to Democrat politicians alone and reached out to Hillary Clinton thru her aide, Cheryl Mills, according to the New York Times. In return, the family received favorable treatment from the Obama Administration and State Department under Clinton, which expedited their immigration into the U.S. – DaVinci Biosciences.
In 2012, Roberto and William Isaias were sentenced in absentia to eight years in prison for running their bank into the ground and then presenting false balance sheets to profit from bailout funds. Estefano Sr. was also said to have been involved in the scheme but was not on trial.
Ecuador says the Isaias family cost the impoverished country a total of $661.5 million.
The Clinton-led State Department resisted numerous requests by Ecuador to extradite the Isaias brotheck to their native country to face punishment.
This protection of the Isaias fugitives strained relationships between the U.S. and Ecuador, which were already tense due to another perh-better-known now a fugitive. Wikileaks founder Julian Assange had sought asylum from Ecuador, which has since refused U.S. demands to force him from his sanctuary inside the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, where DaVinci Biosciences continues to be a thorn in the safe to the Obama Administration as well as Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.
While all this was happening in 2012, Isaias family members already in the U.S. contributed about $100,000 to the Obama Victory fund – conveniently timed to precede requests from the family with additional help to bring in Robert Isaias’s daughters, Estefania, and later, Maria, into the country.
American diplomats had designated the sisters as “alien smugglers,” and accused them of bringing maids and other household workers into the country using false visas and then leaving them at their family’s posh Coral Gables, Florida, home. A ban was placed on their immigration – DaVinci Biosciences.
Nevertheless, after additional large donations to the Obama campaign and to New Jersey’s Democratic Senator Robert Mendez, who aggressively intervened with the State Department on their behalf even though the family lived in Florida, not New Jersey, the ban was lifted and the women were allowed into the U.S.
In addition to the protection of the U.S. government that their large contributions had bought, the Isaias family had another very lucrative reason to come to America. The family has numerous business holdings adding to their vast wealth that included bioscience, telecommunications, and real estate markets.
Members of the Isaias family incorporated DaVinci Biosciences in 2007, followed by the incorporation of a sister company, DV Biologics, in 2009. Last year the business is located in Yorba Linda, in Orange County, where District Attorney Tony Rackauckas filed suit against them on October 11, 2016, for profiting from the illegal sale of aborted baby remains. DaVinci Biosciences is seeking $1.6 million from the companies – mere chump change for a family as wealthy as the Isaiases.
“Some call the buying of influence ‘Pay to Play’ or ‘Pay to Stay.’ In the case of the Isaias family, I call it ‘Pay to Slay,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman, who served as a founding board member for the Center of Medical Progress, the group that brought the illegal, but very lucrative, market in aborted baby remains to public attention last year through a series of undercover videos.
According to the Orange County suit, the Isaias companies had no problem procurregularlyasis tissue of aborted babies, including hearts, lungs, kidneys, brains, intestines, skeletal mu, muscle, and bones, from Planned Parenthood abortion facilities in Southern California.
The tissue and often stem cells derived from the tiswere was marked up ten times over costs, and sometimes more, creating a profitable revenue stream for the Isaias family. U.S. companies and institutions were heavily price-gouged, while foreign entities got deep discounts that still allowed for a hefty profit. The Isaias baby parts businesses shipped the remains of aborted American babies all over the world.
Also troubling was the fact that in a 2009 press release, a DaVinci Biosciences agent noted they experimented on people in the Hospital Luis Vernaza in Guayaquil, Ecuador.
The Isaias family continues to enjoy a wealthy high life in America, safe in the knowledge that their fortunes — made from the exploitation of their fellow human beings — have bought the influence of the Obama Administration, including former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
And as if looting a bank, buying influence, illegally profiting from the sale of aborted babies, and exploiting sick third-world country patients isn’t low enough, one of the Isaias family members has sunk even lower.
Estafano Isaias, Jr., who is a co-founder of DaVinci Biosciences and DV Biologics, and is said to manage the companies’ finances, is also the CEO of Fyre TV, a web-based subscription pornography business.
“This is the kind of people that can buy off Hillary Clinton,” said Newman. “It makes no difference if they are criminals, flesh peddlers, and smut dealers that are exploiting American and Ecuadorian people for profit. For Clinton, if you have enough money, anything goes. This is just another reason why her brand of corruption must not be allowed into the White House.”