Dr. Vijay Naik: What’s the Scandal Around His Course?
Online courses have grown in popularity among many ambitious professionals in today’s fast-paced digital environment because they give them the flexibility and convenience to master new skills at their own pace. The importance of making sure you’re getting your money’s worth cannot be overstated, though, as not all online courses are made equally. The USMLE prep course provided by Dr. Vijay Naik is one such online course that has recently come under fire. The charges about this course and its contentious instructor are thoroughly examined in this article.
The Debatable Course Structure of Dr. Vijay Naik
The cost of Dr. Vijay Naik’s six-week training is a whopping $5,380. In-depth lectures and test-taking strategies are part of the course’s demanding timetable. Students contend that reality is very different from what is advertised. They assert that Dr. Vijay spends the majority of class time criticizing pupils for not knowing the answers, rather than paying attention to the course topic. The course is 5,380 for 6 weeks. You are supposed to have 1 hour 15 min of test-taking skills and the remaining 3-4 hours for lectures. This is a big LIE!
You can help us put a stop to online scams before they grow too big and end-up ruining thousands of lives. A scam is a scam, doesn’t matter if it’s big or small. Now that this is out of the way, let’s get started with the review.
On the contrary, Dr. Vijay Naik claims as an online course provider that his course offers individualized one-on-one tutoring to meet the specific needs and learning preferences of each student. Dr. Vijay Naik and his team of coaches prioritize the success of their students, assisting them in concentrating on the material that will be most important for their exams. Medical students can acquire the tools they need to succeed in their studies and beyond with this level of support and motivation.
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The Alleged Toxic Learning Environment
This program offers individualized one-on-one tutoring to meet the specific needs and learning preferences of each student. Dr. Vijay Naik and his team of coaches prioritize the success of their students, assisting them in concentrating on the material that will be most important for their exams. The learning environment is so toxic that if you dare to speak up or unmute yourself he expels you from the course if. Recently, a student was expelled from the class for raising her hand and requesting that he cease, using the term “congenitally retarded.” He started laughing, after which he expelled her from the class. Additionally, he mocks others who have previously criticized his indecent remarks to him.
The Harsh Punishments of Dr. Vijay Naik
According to former students, speaking up against Dr. Vijay’s inappropriate behavior can result in instant dismissal from the course. This high-handed approach has resulted in many students silently enduring the hostile learning environment for fear of losing the hefty course fee. But what is claimed by Dr. Vijay Nayak on various social media platforms and on his website is that-
“After every lecture, Dr. Vijay Naik makes an extra effort to respond to queries from the students. He actively participates in the conversation and imparts his expertise as well as a wide range of services to those who come into contact with him. He holds that knowledge is gained by sharing. Because of this, each session is incredibly engaging and students don’t only retain what the instructor says or does. They comprehend the idea and put it into practice to succeed.“
But Dr. Vijay Naik actually do is that he yells at the children for not knowing the answers during the entire test. He calls his students extremely fucking stupid and asks them to get “I am a congenital retard” tattooed on their faces because they are so fucking stupid, these are both insults. He also enjoys encouraging students to abuse one another, and he won’t stop until you unmute yourself so he can use you as the target of his next insult.
Offensive and inappropriate remarks
Additionally, Dr. Vijay has been charged with making insulting comments in class by students. Students have expressed concern about his remarks on touchy subjects like teenage pregnancy and abortion, especially in light of the fact that his mother is an OB/GYN in India.
In certain lectures, Dr. Vijay Naik makes scathing remarks about a girl’s pregnancy and character assassinate her as having an early pregnancy.
Like on pregnancy some of the harsh comments made by Dr. Vijay are that- “A bottle of wine and poor choices is what gets a girl pregnant “ or “If the patient is 18 yo and pregnant, just abort that shit” Just some of his many offensive remarks. Strange considering his mother Dr. Radhika Naik who works as an OBGYN at Uday Naik Heart and diabetic clinic in India won’t perform any of those abortions this asshole likes joking about.”
Even after learning that his mother practices Gynaecology in India, he refers to the fetus as a crap and encourages abortion.
Speculation on Dr. Vijay Naik’s Mental Health
Some students have suggested that Dr. Vijay might have narcissistic personality disorder and/or other mental health issues and have attributed this to his unpredictable behavior and ongoing off-topic rants. However, they are just conjectures that need to be treated with caution.
He just got OCD/ADHD diagnosed and also has a narcissistic personality disorder and a type of tic disorder. A personality disorder is a mental health illness marked by persistent, pervasive, disruptive patterns of thought, behavior, mood, and interpersonal interaction. These behaviors significantly disturb the individual and/or limit their capacity to operate. Personality disorders can lead to deviant actions, erroneous perceptions of reality, and unhappiness in all facets of life, including employment, relationships, and social interaction. Additionally, those who suffer from personality disorders might not be aware of their bothersome habits or how they affect others negatively. He continually complains about his own troubles and never stays on topic. The fact that this individual has been bullied his entire life is evidently the cause of his various issues. He can only exert his “power” over the students in this class.
The Question of Morality
While passing the USMLE is a noteworthy accomplishment for any medical student, should it come at what price? Many students have responded to this question by raising issues with the course’s moral implications and the propriety of backing a program that supposedly fosters a poisonous learning environment.
There are many reviews given by people on this:
Some say that Dr. Vijay Naik’s lectures should be recorded for proof and should be uploaded on youtube. While others who were about to sign up for his course are now backing off. Some commented on his poor dressing sense to wrap a scarf around his neck.
One of the students of Dr. Vijay Naik posted a very hurtful comment saying that – “I have heard the same scenarios in “lecture”. He loves using the word “retard” and making fun of teen pregnancy abortions, and saying women are pregnant after poor choices and wine. Also, Wtf is up with his scarf that he repetitively wraps around his neck?
Besides all of that, the point of the course is to prepare you for your exam. I came to this asshole needing a certain score on my CCSE. Multiple people from my class signed up for this course because someone from my school “recommended it” on our class Facebook page. IDK what this person got from Dr. Naik, but it wasn’t a good score. Literally, everyone that joined didn’t get the required CCSE score to take Step 2. HE DOESN’T KNOW HOW TO PREP YOU FOR THE CCSE EXAM! I repeat, has no indication on how to teach for CCSE, but yet guarantees it to you when you contact the course. He says “Oh we’ll take care of you, comp, pomp chomp, whatever exam it is” “Relax and listen to me” Well I fucking listened, and my score was not great. Tutors suck, test-taking sucks, and lecture sucks. I could have saved 3 grand by going to the PASS program, which is essentially the same thing. Only came here because some asshole from my school said “Oh I got a 240 on CCSE” Show me the fucking exam! This isn’t something to play with, these tests are our lives, determinations of our futures. Don’t swindle me out of my loan money! Super fucked dude and super fucked course.”
The Silence of the Majority
Many students are silent despite the many concerns, presumably because they have paid a lot of money for the course. However, this silence merely serves to maintain the allegedly toxic climate and permits such courses to keep abusing students.
Although it could seem that keeping quiet is your strategy for avoiding arguments and pointless drama, you might actually be sending the wrong message. Refusing to speak out against injustice could be interpreted as condoning the current situation. As a result, you are an enabler. Another form of communication is silence. This shouldn’t diminish the value of remaining silent; in fact, it often works best when you are angry or unsure of what to say. However, remaining silent in the face of injustice simply helps it continue. A voice can always be influential. It is crucial for each person to understand when to keep quiet and when to speak up. When it will benefit others, speak up!
Anything that can happen to anyone can also happen to you. When injustice is prevalent, it transcends all moral limitations and makes place for additional injustice. You put your human rights at risk of being violated in the future if you don’t speak up against small things now. If minor problems are frequently ignored, they develop into larger societal problems. As a result, if you keep quiet when something is wrong, you could end up involved in the problems you previously chose to ignore.
The Attempt at Redemption
It’s interesting to note that Dr. Vijay Naik appears to be trying to improve his reputation. He has made profiles on several PR websites and has participated in interviews that have been published on odd websites. It remains to be seen if this is a sincere effort at atonement or only a calculated maneuver to forget the past. Dr. Vijay Naik uses dishonest public relations and false advertising to promote himself. He establishes credibility through fabrication and lies. It appears that Dr. Vijay Naik has engaged in “Fake PR” in an effort to repair his reputation.
Dr. Vijay Naik uses false press releases and unethical marketing techniques to try to cover up his soiled reputation as a scammer. Scammers frequently choose this technique because it enables them to hide their criminal histories while projecting the image of a reliable company.
Because it entails spreading false information and lies, fake PR is incredibly dishonest. This was also accomplished by Dr. Vijay Naik.
He may be utilizing websites and social media platforms like Crunchbase, and Instagram. according to the evidence. The majority of Paid articles all contain the same information, however, they all use different terminology. Although Dr. Vijay Naik had the money to buy fake articles, he was short on content to keep the diversity. In order for readers to believe the stories are authentic, he should have invested more money in content creation. This is irony!
Some of his social media platforms still showcase his online course “ Survivors Course” . Here is the proof.
Most of the reviews for Survivor Course are bought and misleading as on Trustpilot like
Here people are praising this course but the reality is the opposite.
The Ethics of Rebranding
Rebranding isn’t always immoral. But concealing the truth in an effort to fool prospective students presents ethical issues. When working with the public, especially when providing a service as important as education, transparency and honesty are essential. This reputation management strategy is dishonest and may even backfire in the long run. People have a right to the truth and the ability to make their own decisions if all the facts are provided to them. Someone who receives fake news has every right to be offended since they are being made to feel foolish. If someone wants to make an online purchase, they would want to read reliable articles about that company so they can make a good investment, not fake-bought articles and reviews that are just meant for misleading people in the wrong direction. It’s ethically wrong and is subjected to a crime.
How E-learning fraud affects the country’s education system
E-learning has given fraudsters additional avenues to exploit. The majority of students are using laptops, mobile phones, and tablets to continue with online lessons. People are urged to disregard pointless links shared on social media sites. Parents are advised to utilize parental controls because there is a potential that these devices will be misused. The Union Ministry of Education has warned individuals, including parents, students, stakeholders, and others, to exercise caution when choosing online coaching and content. They claimed that these web portals were providing free services and requiring the auto-debit option for electronic fund transfers, which means that future payments would be automatically deducted without authorization.
Examining the claims made against Dr. Vijay’s course serves as a reminder of the value of doing extensive research before signing up for an online course. It’s crucial to assess the curriculum seriously as well as the instructor’s reputation and student reviews. The public is entitled to the truth and intelligent enough to make their own decision if they have all of the facts in front of them. When someone is presented with fake news, they have every right to be offended because they are being treated as an idiot.
Remember, investing in your education is a big deal, and you have the right to make sure it’s worthwhile.
Note that the accusations in this article are from former students. Before coming to any conclusions, we implore readers to carry out their own independent investigation.
Literally, I don’t wanna go to purchase this course again. There are numerous obstacles to completing this course, and this website has numerous faults. The tactics they taught me were useless, and I had paid $500 for the training. It would never help me pass the USMLE. These classes are a total waste of money. It would be to do self-study since these classes are pretty stressful and never directed me on how to succeed in the exam.
This course is not an online skill development program. I’ve been preparing for the exam and looking for the best online preparation courses for clearing the exam. And now I regret that I short-listed Dr. Vijay Naik’s course. The stories that he is telling me are not relatable to the topic and make it more complex to understand the topic. When I raised the doubt, he started criticizing me for asking the doubt this is truly insane man how can even he do this to his students? If you are precisely prepared for the USMLE exam, then don’t come here and go for the other valuable courses.
I enrolled in this course and realized that it is a complete waste of time due to the lack of appropriate class scheduling. This course provided no useful information for me. And I believe Dr. Vijay Naik should learn how to teach students. When I looked for a refund, they said there was no refund policy. My money was wasted after I purchased this course. This bogus online platform is never useful for learning new skills, so it is advisable to avoid these courses and go for further valuable courses in the market.
This would be even more annoying for me after paying for this useless training. I have finished this course. Although I understand how difficult it is to pass the exam, this does not mean that these courses guarantee success on the medical exam. I adjusted my study schedule after purchasing this course because there is no set time for scheduling the lecture. The course structure is quite complicated and the lecturers who were teaching the topic seemed to be hurrying. They are unable to close the learning gaps. For me, it was completely worthless.
After purchasing this course, for what they were charging, I was disappointed that they were unable to provide valuable content to their students. The content that they were providing at that price level was worthless. This course has made no Contribution to my medical journey. At the end of the day, I was regretful of the bad choice that I had made in my medical career. I completely wasted time and money. I would be advised that it would be better to never depend on these fake courses they are only here to make money. Make your own study plan and go for the valuable course that literally teaches the content wisely.
Never sign up for this course. His lectures are out of the syllabus. He expects a great amount of money from the money from the students. Once you pay the fees, they start ignoring you and not giving the proper reply in doubt-solving sessions. Due to his poor guidance and his teaching, I’m unable to crack step 2 now it is quite depressing for me that giving that much of an amount and getting nothing in return completely disturbs me mentally. If you’re still looking for the best courses for the USMLE exam, then don’t come into this course since it’s unreliable for students.