Buyer Beware

Elliott Rose MD: Charged with the Fraud Charges

Elliott Rose MD, a Cosmetic, Plastic, and Reconstructive Surgeon, charged millions of dollars to many patients while leaving them in the worst-case scenario. He attracted thousands of patients by displaying his out-of-date published book.

Many patients have revealed Dr. Elliott Rose’s true face, claiming that he is unconcerned about his patients’ conditions or complications and that his only concern is money. He is a money-hungry man masked as a doctor.’ He has blanketed many of the worst cases in which he charged a large sum of money and then neglected them by making them even worse.

elliott rose md reviews

In this article, we will show you the ugly side of Dr. Elliott Rose as he worked on several serious medical cases.

Dr. Elliott Rose MD’s Background 

Dr Elliott Rose MD is board-certified in plastic and reconstructive surgery, serving patients nationally and internationally. Patients come to Dr Rose because he is a leader in Bell’s Palsy Surgery, Facial Paralysis Surgery, Burn Reconstructive Surgery, and other types of aesthetic plastic surgery.

dr. elliott rose md

Dr. Rose’s practice, The Aesthetic Surgery Center, is on the Upper East Side of New York City. Dr Rose earned his medical degree at the University of Texas, Galveston, where he finished first in his class. He completed a General Surgery Residency at UCLA Medical Center; a Plastic Surgery Residency at Stanford University Medical Center; and a Microsurgery Fellowship at the University of California, San Francisco.

What precisely is done during plastic surgery?

Your appearance can be altered by cosmetic plastic surgery. For some people, this may entail reshaping the body’s outline and features, minimizing wrinkles, or getting rid of bald spots. Others may choose for breast augmentation or varicose vein treatment.

Dr. Rose also authored a major plastic surgery textbook, Aesthetic Facial Restoration, published by Lippincott-Raven. Dr. Elliott Rose MD has also appeared on ABC’s “20/20” and “Good Morning America,” NBC’s “Today Show,” “Entertainment Tonight,” and Fox News Network, as well as numerous local news segments in New York.

26/12/2023 Update
As of now, Elliott Rose MD has not responded, nor has he apologized for his misdeeds. He has ignored our efforts to highlight the problems faced by his victims. Furthermore, he has only focused on propagating his fake PR.

Elliott Rose MD is a Money-Hungry Man 

elliott rose md reviews

Dr. Elliott Rose MD has a long history of charging patients without fully explaining the range of possible outcomes, nor did he provide any alternatives to the recommended procedure. He was also unconcerned about what a patient was going through or the impact of medical procedures on the patient. Look at what patients are saying about Dr. Elliott Rose:

  • A patient had liposuction on her neck with Dr. Elliott Rose MD about 15 years ago when she was still in her twenties. She told him about her neck problems and what she wanted to accomplish. After she paid for the $500 consultation, he told her exactly how to proceed. She had the surgery and received no results – there was no difference at all. She waited a few months for things to settle before he repeated the entire procedure. Nothing has changed. When she came back for my check-up, he said, “So, what exactly do you want me to do? That’s your crotch. It’s all muscle.” He should have told her that before she gave him the $10,000. She says he still looks the same, and she will never forgive him for his terrible response and for taking my money when he knew he couldn’t do anything.  
  • A patient stated that he would not recommend Dr. Rose to anyone because he only impressed patients with his out-of-date published book. In his case, the plastic surgery method he suggested was unsuitable for his condition. Dr. performed reconstructive surgery on the patient’s face, which cost him thousands of dollars more.

 These Patients Were Also Victims of Dr. Elliott Rose MD’s Deception

  • Another Patient shared her experience, saying that when she was a child, she was in a fire. She had burn scars on her right cheek, arm, and leg. Four years after the accident, she visited Dr. Elliott Rose. He performed a tissue expansion procedure; removing the scars would require five surgeries. He did not wait for the patient to recover from the second surgery before beginning the third. She awoke in the hospital one day unable to move her right hand. There were “complications,” and she had to spend years in physical therapy as a result. Her scars are still visible, and she is afraid of surgery because of Dr. Rose.
  • Numerous Patients even reviewed that Dr. Elliott Rose MD is money hungry. And his office staff acts like a sales team.

A Girl Saved Money for Dr. Rose’s Surgery, and He Made Her Worse

A young girl who was in a car accident saw Dr. Elliott Rose on TV and saved up a lot of money for her treatment with Dr. Rose. When she first met Dr., he took a graft from her thigh and told her he was doing a “facial lata sling,” which she later discovered was not what he did, and after a year of healing, her face looks worse!! He, she felt, took advantage of her desperate search to improve the appearance of her facial scarring and did not deliver on what he promised on the computer screen. She also stated that she wants her $28,000 back!! 

He Conned Innocent People For Money

  • A patient stated that Dr. Elliott Rose MD did not explain the full range of possible outcomes or provide any alternatives to the recommended (most expensive) procedure. Even in the worst-case scenario, he failed to deliver. He was more of a salesman than a thoughtful, caring physician, in retrospect.
  • According to many patients, Dr. Rose does not recommend the best options for each patient and is only interested in making a lot of money.


Dr. Elliott Rose MD charged a lot of money and jeopardized the lives of innocent people by failing to inform them about the medical procedure and the complications that patients would face. The patient reviews above clearly show Dr. Rose’s intentions, which were to make a lot of money by charging people for medical treatments that never treated them well, and how he has blanketed many of the worst cases in which he charged people large sums of money and then ignored them by making them worse.

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  1. I don’t know where to begin
    I had bell palsy went to Dr Rose was charge over $30,000
    Nothing has changed my Bell palsy still the same .He promised he can correct it I was so excited in the end .after 12 hrs in surgery my face still the same ..this was around 2015 ..First he send me to a hospital that he performs his surgerys , for nerves test on my face the Dr that admistrated the test told me he sending my report to Dr Rose and my nerves on my face too weak to make a difference..went back to Dr Rose office he told me the surgery going to be a success ..I be very happy ..$30,000 My face still the same horrible I was lied to ..

  2. You can’t rely on Dr. Elliot for your treatment, he is not reliable for visiting his clinic.

  3. Get the correct information about him, this article is trying to defame Dr. Elliot so search for some better options from the market, we have seen several people trusting these misleading articles and not being able to get professional assistance.

  4. Chose some other experienced doctor from the market but not Elliot Rose, if you want to get some bad memories added to your memory then most welcome.

  5. Most of the clients were unsatisfied after being treated by this man he is unreliable in taking the treatment, and it is like wasting your precious time and money.

  6. Choosing the perfect doctor for being treated is important because the clinics aren’t hiring professional doctors for their patients and providing them with the most degraded services after charging them a million.

  7. Beware of this nefarious doctor, full scammer type, unreliable for treatment.

  8. If you are planning to have some treatment then you can avoid dealing with this fraudster who is making their clients suffer a lot so avoid being treated with this man, he can easily deform your face even after the treatment, and make you regretful for choosing him.

  9. Plastic surgeons have some problems regarding their field, aren’t they interested in their profession, these incidents defame the complete sector of plastic surgery centers.

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