Enrico Pucci – Phoenix Scammer and Worker Exploitation Exposed
Enrico Pucci is a Phoenixing scammer. He has faced regulatory action from Australian watchdog, ASIC.
Before you consider doing business with this crook, be sure to read the following review.
About Enrico Pucci – What He Claims to Be
A Sydney-based cleaning company named OffshoreGeniX owned by Enrico Pucci is facing near-record penalties after it was found to have exploited vulnerable employees.
Enrico Pucci claims to be an experienced sales and marketing expert with a solid track record of developing and maintaining excellent client relationships. He endorses himself by claiming that he has polished his skills in business growth, strategic planning, and team management as a self-employed entrepreneur, and has successfully guided multiple businesses to profitability.
OffshoreGeniX, an Australian-based outsourcing company created and directed by Enrico Pucci, claims to be leading the way with its leveled-up offshoring services that enable more effective remote work services by tapping into a varied range of abilities and knowledge for various business industries.
Pucci’s Sydney-based outsourcing firm, OffshoreGeniX, markets itself by claiming that it intends to redefine how businesses access a high-potential global workforce through seamless and flexible remote work solutions.
Enrico Pucci is Spreading Lies to Hide His Criminal Past
OffshoreGeniX a company owned by Enrico Pucci, claims in all of their interviews that they specialize in locating and hiring top worldwide talent for remote work in a variety of industries like bookkeeping, accounting, virtual assistant, call center and more.
What Enrico Pucci claims in his interview given to one of the media platforms is that businesses can develop successful remote teams that achieve results by working with OffshoreGeniX which is a company owned by Enrico Pucci.
What further Enrico Pucci adds on endorsing his company named OffshoreGeniX is that OffshoreGeniX’s services are designed to fight against the challenges which are deeply connected or associated with remote work, including difficulty in understanding the culture and languages, legal considerations, and maintaining quality and consistency.
However, these lies fail to hide truth:
Enrico Pucci is a Phoenixing Scammer: ASIC Takes Action
Due to his involvement in the demise of three enterprises, ASIC has barred former cleaning and labor-hire director Enrico Pucci of Sydney from managing corporations for a maximum of five years.
Between August 2012 and April 2020, Mr. Enrico Pucci served as a director of GPSFM Pty Ltd, Grouped Property Services Pty Ltd, and National Contractors Pty Ltd.
GPSFM supplied commercial cleaning, security management, and maintenance services, while Grouped Property Services and National Contractors provided labor hiring to Mr. Pucci’s group of firms, including GPSFM.
The three companies owed creditors a total of $9,710,858 at the time of ASIC’s ruling, including $2.4 million to the ATO, $1.27 million to the NSW State Revenue Office, and $711,730 in an outstanding judgment in the case of Fair Work Ombudsman v Grouped Property Services Pty Ltd.
ASIC found that Mr. Enrico acted improperly and failed to meet his obligations as director by:
- Acting as the shadow director and controlling the minds of National Contractors.
- Failing to ensure the companies complied with their tax obligations.
- Failing to ensure consideration was provided to GPSFM when it transferred its business to a related entity.
- Failing to ensure that GPSFM and Grouped Property Services kept adequate records.
- Failing to ensure records of GPSFM and Grouped Property Services were provided to the liquidator
Furthermore, ASIC relied on the Federal Court judgment in Fair Work Ombudsman v Grouped Property Services Pty Ltd FCA 1034, which ruled that Grouped Property Services:
What does the Labor Act’s rule mean?
The two main categories of labor law are. The relationship between the employee, employer, and union is referred to as the tripartite relationship in collective labor law. Second, individual labor law focuses on the rights of employees at work and under the employment contract.
- Breached the Fair Work Act 2009 on multiple occasions.
- Showed a “flagrant disregard for the law in the face of numerous attempts by the Ombudsman to bring its legal obligations to its attention…”.
- Engaged in the “shameless exploitation of a vulnerable workforce and inept attempts to avoid its legal consequences”.
- The Federal Court discovered that Enrico Pucci had established a long line of companies that evidence pointed “strongly to a practice of phoenixing”.
ASIC commissioner Danielle Press words- “Illegal Phoenix activity causes serious harm that often leads to creditors and employees not being paid money owed to them. ASIC takes illegal Phoenix activity very seriously and will hold people who engage in this conduct accountable. ASIC will continue to work closely with other agencies within the Phoenix Taskforce to share information and intelligence to detect, deter and disrupt this behavior.”
Enrico Pucci is barred from managing corporations until March 7, 2027, and has the right to have ASIC’s judgment reviewed by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal.
Penalties for a Sydney company’s labor exploitation are near-record-high.
A cleaning company in Sydney is facing near-record penalties after it was discovered to have exploited vulnerable staff.
Brothers Rosario and Enrico Pucci were both punished, and Grouped Property Services was fined over $500,000 for underpaying employees, many of whom were foreign workers with inadequate English.
A Colombian student was threatened with deportation, an Italian student was ordered to ‘kiss my ass’ after asking for unpaid wages, and still, another struggled to assist her cancer-stricken boyfriend.
These are only a few of the employees of a Sydney-based cleaning company that has been penalized more than $447,000 for exploiting 51 people, some of whom were treated as slaves.
Many of the victims were temporary foreign workers with low English abilities who were unfamiliar with Australian labor regulations.
Natalie James, the Fair Work Ombudsman, said it was one of the agency’s most complicated cases.
Natalie James further adds on with these words- “Grouped property services is a company that has been at the center of a scheme that has been designed to deprive vulnerable workers of their wages and entitlements for a very long time. And we’re very pleased that the court has handed down almost half a million dollars worth of penalties in response to their behavior.”
Grouped Property Services has also been ordered to return more than $223,000 in back wages to employees who were exploited between 2011 and 2013.
Justice Anna Katzmann described Rosario Pucci’s handling of vulnerable workers as “inexcusable,” “disgraceful,” “reprehensible,” and “shameful” as she handed down her conclusions.
According to Grouped Property Services, the 51 workers were hired through a labor-hire company called National Contractors Pty Ltd.
However, Justice Katzmann determined that National Contractors was only a front for Grouped Property Services to avoid paying employees the minimum award salaries and entitlements.
Natalie James, the Ombudsman, claims that the company targeted vulnerable workers, many of whom were unaware of their rights.
Natalie Words- “A large number of the workers were from a range of non-English speaking backgrounds. We have Italian and Colombian workers here as well as Vietnamese, Chinese, and a number of other nationalities. One of the things that we applaud is some of these vulnerable workers coming forward to the Fair Work Ombudsman for help. We can protect visa holders including around their visa conditions if they come to us for help. We have an arrangement with the Department of Immigration to make sure their visa is not compromised if they work with us to bring operators like this to justice.”
However, local workers were also exploited, including one former employee who wishes to stay unidentified.
Natalie mentions that It’s not the first time the corporation has come under scrutiny from authorities.
Labour exploitation is the abuse of people in the workplace for profit. The abuse can be direct and brutal or much less obvious. But its impact is devastating for victims; psychologically, physically, emotionally and financially.
The wrong doings of Enrico Pucci have made him pay a huge sum as Enrico Pucci and Rosario Pucci were fined $4,400 in 2011 for underpaying employees.
However, the company, Wash and Go, had gone bankrupt, preventing the Fair Work Ombudsman from obtaining the penalty.
According to Enrico Pucci, Grouped Property Services is seeking legal counsel and intends to appeal the ruling.