Do you think you’re well-protected from Gripeo’s potentially damaging content with a fake copyright takedown notice? Well, be warned—not only is this illegal, but it could also end up costing you much more than what would have been lost. Filing a false copyright infringement complaint or deliberately misrepresenting facts about your copyrighted material can put both you and the other party at risk of serious civil penalties and criminal charges. Not to mention the fact that it does nothing to actually protect your interests in any way! In this blog post, we’ll look into why filing a fake copyright takedown notice isn’t worth the potential dangers.
Let’s assume that you were approached by a fly-by-night reputation expert who claimed to be able to remove “critical reviews” from for suitable compensation. He/she does not reveal the method employed to deliver the result, citing “plausible deniability.” Well, why not? You might think, “What have you got to lose anyway?”
In over 90% of the cases, Google will identify such fake takedown requests. However, even if by some chance, Google decides to remove a article from its search results, it notifies us immediately and allows us to file a counter-notice.
Once we file a counter notice, Google reinstates the article within 10 business days.
Back to the status quo. And this is where Gripeo steps in with retribution.
Gripeo will expand its investigation into critical claims against you (or your organization) and publish its detailed report on Gripeo, and nearly 2 dozen other like-minded platforms.
Gripeo will look for other similar web pages illegally removed by you or your Reputation agency. If any such webpages are discovered, they will be reinstated by suo-moto filing of counter-notices, and informing the aggrieved parties.
The content which you or your Reputation agency attempted to remove from the internet, will be shared across dozens of platforms, making it impossible to get rid of ever.
We will ensure that Google proudly displays dozens of copies of the content you tried to hide illegally. In doing so, you will inadvertently learn about the notorious Streisand Effect. Enjoy!
It’s essential for businesses to take copyright infringement seriously, but what if a business doesn’t properly investigate violations before filing for a takedown notice? When it comes to protecting your copyrights through digital platforms, filing false or incorrect takedown notices can have serious consequences. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the different types of legal and financial consequences that could occur as a result of sending out an improper/bogus copyright-takedown request. We’ll also offer some guidance on how businesses can best protect against such potential issues by observing proper practices when they need to file any type of copyright violation report.
Here are some fake DMCA notices we discovered, and are being processed as per the above-listed counter steps:
Connectum Limited attempts to censor shady past : Exposing Copyright Takedown Scam 2024
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Exposing Andres Isaias, DaVinci Biosciences and DV Biologics Fake DMCA Case
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Alex Arrash Ariana Exposing Copyright Takedown Scam
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Andrew Katz of Seaquake Shady Past: Exposing Copyright Takedown Scam
Our review of Andrew Katz and Seaquake is based on this attempt to hide critical reviews …
Wow! Thank you for this information. I’ve been experiencing fake copyright claims on my content along with a blog takedown request filed by Mike and Darren of Enagic MLM. The info is really helpful to me.
Wow! Thank you for this information. I’ve been experiencing fake copyright claims on my content along with a blog takedown request filed by Mike and Darren of Enagic MLM. The info is really helpful to me.