FJ Holdings – 0/5 Stars

A juvenile driver crushed Monique Munoz, a young woman, last year. James Khuri’s son, Brendan Khuri, was the driver. Even though it was an unpleasant circumstance, James’ behavior just made things worse. For those who don’t know, James is Khuri Enterprises’ proprietor.

James Khuri, a pro at running an online business, didn’t want any bad press to stick with his reputation. The proprietor of Khuri Enterprises, therefore, began investing extensively in good PR to ensure the longevity of his reputation.

This is not only incredibly selfish but also insensitive. It demonstrates James Khuri’s true thought process.

Details of the Automobile Crash

Brendan Khuri, who was 17 at the time of the accident, was driving a $200,000 Lamborghini at nearly 100 miles per hour when he struck Monique Munoz.

East of Overland Avenue, in the 10700 block of West Olympic Boulevard, the incident took place. At first, it wasn’t clear what caused the crash.

Munoz’s stepfather, Isaac Cardona, reported seeing a youngster driving a Lamborghini at 120 mph along the street. She was killed when he hit her. Isaac referred to the actions as absurd.

While others transported Brendan to the hospital, Munoz was pronounced dead at the scene.

Due to the reckless driver’s age, the authorities first withheld his identity. However, he was soon identified as James Khuri, owner of Khuri Enterprises.

FJ Holdings Reddit: Exposed For Fake PR

Khuri Enterprises

The accident was horrible but the way the district attorney responded to everything was worse. The DA overseeing the investigation didn’t press charges immediately. This enraged a large community of people formed around the loss of loved ones due to reckless driving. 

People created a #justiceformonique hashtag to highlight this issue. Also, they demanded the teen driver and possibly the parents be held accountable. 

Legal experts said that the DA was endangering the lives of the local residents by taking a misguided soft approach to the crime rather than acting like a DA. By doing so, he was re-victimizing the families of victims. 

Surely, the DA’s leniency towards the Khuri Enterprises’ CEO and his son was unreasonable. 

Although the DA had booked James’ son for the crime, he didn’t press any charges. He kept it under review

FJ Holdings CEO’s Utter Disregard of the Victims

Munoz’s death and the Khuri Enterprises owner’s behavior were sparking a lot of discussions about reckless driving. However, things came to a head when the family of the victim held a Cruise Night Protest. 

They held the protest to plead for justice. 

However, it had no effect on James Khuri. Instead of reaching out to the victim’s family or even laying low, he attended a party for his photographer and posted about it online. 

The caption of his post said, “I hope you enjoyed your birthday last night!!! I did”. Certainly, James didn’t care about the victim of his son’s reckless driving even one bit. 

Afterward, Munoz’s family started a GoFundMe campaign to raise funds. They wanted justice as the DA wasn’t doing anything. He wasn’t pressing charges and it seemed like he wouldn’t do anything in the future as well. 

Sadly, that’s not all. The Khuri Enterprises CEO utilized several unethical business tactics to clear his name:

Using FJ Holdings and Its PR to Bury the News

James Khuri didn’t want people to remember this incident. Maybe he feared that it would harm his business interests or harm ‘his reputation’. So, he started spending heavily on internet marketing and paid PR to create positive searches around his name. 

All of a sudden, numerous positive articles popped up on the internet praising him and his company, Khuri Enterprises. 

Did You Know?

PR agencies are focused on creating a favorable online image of their clients. The PR agencies contribute to the media gatherings and the favoring newspapers headlines. 

One of the PR articles was about James’ lavish lifestyle and his fast cars: 

Khuri Enterprises

Here’s a snippet of another paid PR article he posted online: 

Khuri Enterprises

One article said that his almost one million followers enjoy seeing a “passionate Lamborghini owner”. How ironic. 

His Lamborghini caused the death of an innocent young woman and he was bragging about it in his PR articles. 

He also posted some articles under the name of his company, Khuri Enterprises, to bury the news further. 

Apart from posting positive PR articles, the Khuri Enterprises CEO started posting a lot on Instagram. If someone brought up Munoz or the incident in the comments, they were immediately blocked. 

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People suspected that James had hired a marketing team to monitor his Instagram page to make sure there was nothing negative on it. 

Keep in mind that his primary goal with such posts was to make people forget about the terrible car crash.

Also, James has a record. In 2019, he was booked for domestic violence. 

The Khuri Family:

Jane Khuri (wife of james khuri)

It will be an understatement to call the Khuri family criminals. They not only took a young life but also abused their wealth & power. I ask every one of you to think about this deeply. If the tables were turned and a POC was to do something similar, they will be thrown into prison for 10 years. But because of their family ties, Brendan faced zero consequences for his actions.

If they go unpunished, it will be a statement about the state of our country and how racism & abuse of power is still rampant in the greatest country in the world.

FJ Holdings Verdict:

Reckless driving is a big problem but the double standard of how the law applies to the rich is worse. The Khuri Enterprises owner used his wealth and affluence to save his son from the consequences of his own actions.

Moreover, he tried his best to ensure people forgot all about Munoz’s death. He didn’t want a single blemish on his “online business guru” image. 

This is proof that he is extremely selfish and greedy. Keep these points in mind when dealing with Khuri Enterprises. In fact, it would be best if you avoided doing business with Khuri Enterprises.

2 Total Score

The FJ Holdings CEO, James Khuri, has spent a lot of money on covering up the crime of his son. It would be best if you we could all raise our voices against this selfish abuse of our legal system.

2.5Expert Score
1.5User's score
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  1. Score

    The murderers of that little Spanish girl are still at large, posting images of the same car on Instagram.
    My God, this world is devolving into hell on a daily basis; may Jesus provide the Monique family divine power and punish James Khuri.

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  2. 0.5

    James Khuri is living in the lap of luxury for sure. He has agreed to pay $18 mil to the family but I suspect he will make the payment in time. I think he will delay it as long as he could and maybe convince them to settle for less.

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  3. Reply
    Plz avoid fj holdings
    September 14, 2022 at 2:46 am

    That young Spanish girl got killed and still, her criminals are moving free, posting pictures of the same car on Instagram.
    My god this world is turning into hell day by day, may Jesus give the holy power to the family of Monique and punish James Khuri.

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  4. 0.5

    It is horrible to hear that wealthy people are free to do any crime. As Brendon hasn’t been put behind bars which is strange, if we turn the tables we would find that the family should have been sent behind the bars. I wish that the holy god may punish the Khuri family. This case defines how to misuse your powers and wealth. Hispanic people face a lot of systemic racism and James Khuri is proof of that. I bet no client of FJ holdings cares about this story anymore becuase the victim was a Hispanic girl.

    + PROS: None
    - CONS: Racist
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  5. 0.75

    As the owner of Khuri Enterprises Mr. James Khuri promised to pay $ 18 million to the family of Monique Munoz as compensation. This money can’t bring their daughter back but yes may help the parents to live a little more comfortably. Still, I don’t it justifies his and his son’s disgusting behavior. The least the FJ holdings owner could have done is apologize publicly.

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  6. 0.6

    Only do business with FJ Holdings if you are okay with the killing of a young Hispanic girl.

    I usually don’t care about these small-time celebrities but the way he behaved after Munoz’s death infuriated me. He was literally brandishing the car which had killed an innocent young girl a few days ago.

    Just cause he is rich doesn’t mean he can get away with such behavior.

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    • What can we even do though? The man has already given those guys more money they can ask for.

      • This is the time to make James Khuri feel what his son has done and for saving him we should make him feel what people can do to him. We should immediately start exposing and boycotting Khuri Enterprises or FJ holdings. We will not be able to bring Monique but this will make James realize that he is doing all that stuff because he is having millions in his pockets.

  7. 0.6

    Working with James is nothing more than a nightmare. He is very unprofessional and selfish. I’m glad I left FJ holdings. Nobody would want to associate with a heartless sociopath like Khuri.

    + PROS: None
    - CONS: Poor leadership Terrible pay
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  8. 0.6

    James overworks people and thinks it’s okay. He is a hypocrite. The life he lives on social media is the total opposite of what he is like IRL.

    Iirc, he didn’t care about Monique’s family until they got some support online.


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    • Reply
      FJ holdings doesnt matter
      September 26, 2022 at 2:04 pm

      What are you gonna do though. I see so many people talk trash and make it seem like of they were at his place they would do something different. Chances are, if you were that rich and influential and your kid ran over someone, you would try to bury the news too. It is wrong for sure but don’t come here and preach that nonsense. And why are you suspecting him of delaying the payments. Nobody expects him to pay the family millions immediately. There must be some discussion of a payment plan. He is a rich dude who drives a lambo. It wouldn’t matter to him if a bunch of people stopped buying from FJ holdings.

    • The case was stretched for so long by the DA that it looked like he was in the support of James Khuri. Might he have taken some bribe to let the case not come to the end?
      This is what money can do, letting the innocents suffer. The family members were also getting harassed, the District Attorney did not put any charges on Brendon for as long as he could and kept the case under review which made it more clear that the DA was trying to save him. Obviously, all that money he made from FJ holdings must have helped…

  9. 0.5

    Killing a spanish young girl had literally no impact on James Khuri. The man posts on IG about his lavish life as if nothing happened. I bet his kid is still driving that lamborghini which resulted in the death of that young girl.

    Yeah, don’t blame the justice system. Obviously there is nothing wrong with it.

    Imagine if it was James’ son and the driver was African-American or Hispanic? I don’t think we weould have seen such poor performance by our police and legal system then.

    Here you have a millionaire who paid off everyone because his son killed a young woman while driving a multi million sports car.

    How is FJ holdings doing these days btw? I think it is thriving.

    Why wouldn’t it? After all, the man is responsible for the death of a young girl, he didn’t lose anything, the girl’s family did. All he lost was a few million dollars which he paid to settle the matter out of court.

    I can’t believe we have such cold people out there.

    James Khuri is a horrible man.

    Nobody should do business with FJ Holdings. If they do, they are supporting a man who doesn’t care about killing minorities. There, I said it.

    It’s so sad but so true.

    If you are white and rich, you can even get away with murder!

    + PROS: None
    - CONS: Horrible Lacks empathy Racist No care for others Murderer
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    • This is strange that the owner of FJ Holding James Khuri has set up a team for deleting negative comments on social media platforms. One of my friends noticed that those who posted negative comments about the company or who would post something negative related to the case were being blocked. It looks like James has hired members for blocking and keeping surveillance on people with negative comments.

    • That beautiful lady would be rolling in her grave watching her killer moving freely.

    • parents need to make their children responsible. Looking into the case of Monique makes me emotional. She was just going back home and a psychopath like Brendon Khuri came with a death sentence. There are several children of millionaires making others’ lives hell just because they are rich.

    • Just shut up… Brendan didn’t kill her intentiolly. He didn’t see her that’s all. Why would he deliberately kill that girl? And stop playing the race card, okay? It doesn’t matter who is white or Hispanic. Some of you are really exaggerating this stuff. James Khuri or FJ holdings didn’t even have anything to do with the crash. Smh

      • This reminds me of movies where parents spend money just to save their criminal child. Or say criminal-minded people do such activities. Khuri’s family’s behavior on social media is like nothing has happened. I will never advise any parent to take money to take back the case. FJ holdings needs to be held responsible.

    • I teared up after reading this comment. It’s so true.

      People like James Khuri are the reason why we have so many problems in the first place.

      At least people should avoid dealing with FJ Holdings for some time. They should not associate themselves with a selfish narcissist like James. There should be some punishment. Money isn’t always the answer.

      • Batman was also rich but never ruined someone’s life but they gave the message that you should use your wealth to help mankind. There are several movies made on incidents like the case with Brendon Khuri and Monique. People like Monique had to pay for their life because they crossed paths with some irresponsible brat like Brendon.

  10. Reply
    James Khuri is a Villain
    August 7, 2022 at 11:13 am

    Money won’t bring back the young woman. Khuri is enjoying his life and his son is driving that Lamborghini as if nothing happened.

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  11. Reply
    FJ Holdings Scammer
    June 23, 2022 at 3:58 pm

    The man running this company is a selfish prick who only cares about his brand and image. Monique deserved to live a happy, full life but she was denied of this chance because of this crook.

    I really hated how James kept bragging about having a Lamborghini when it was exactly that car which killed that girl. He is a heartless monster and people should never forget that.

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    • You are a 100% right. How can this man be trusted?

      He wouldn’t even bat an eye if this happens again.

      FJ holdings is still up and running. Last I checked, James Khuri was promoting his company as if nothing happened.

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