Ginkgo Bioworks
Terrible Management and Toxic Workplace
I was a low-level employee at Ginkgo Bioworks, and I couldn’t tolerate the place for even a few months. The management of this place has many problems. They don’t appreciate their employees and treat everyone like trash. Favoritism runs in the blood of the management because some people will get all the incentives and bonuses while some others would never get anything. I can go on and on but I don’t want to write that much. So I’m listing out the different drawbacks in separate headings:
The biggest issue with the management at Ginkgo Bioworks is its favoritism. Some employees do nothing and get all the rewards. They force others to do most of the work but get all the credit. I don’t mind sharing the credit for completing a particular task or winning a new client but the issue becomes a lot more daunting when the person responding for doing everything gets nothing at all. Many times, the management rewarded a person for all the work and didn’t reward me at all, even though I had done all the work. There aren’t many employees at Ginkgo but those working there know that you can’t raise any issues with the management.
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The leadership doesn’t like to hear criticism. If a founder or someone in upper management favors you, this place will become heaven. On the other hand, if the upper management doesn’t favor you (like the 90% of the staff) you’d end up suffering all the time. This is not okay by any standards!
Another huge issue at Ginkgo Bioworks is the rampant discrimination going on there. Black people aren’t safe there. They are constantly discriminated against and treated like trash. One of my friends left Ginkgo because she couldn’t tolerate the toxic racism going on there. I couldn’t tolerate it too. But for some reason, the upper management at Ginkgo doesn’t like to think that their company has so much racism. Whenever someone brings up the issue of discrimination with the HR or the managers, nothing happens. Moreover, because the number of black people is very low here, no one can make such a complaint while remaining anonymous. Everyone would know who made the complaint. That’s why my friend left this organization in the first place.
Did You Know?
Racism is discriminating people and violating the civil rights of people because of their race, color, or national origin. According to federal law, racism in US offices is illegal. Racism can result in penalties for the employers, who practice the felony.
So many problems are going on at Ginkgo but the leadership doesn’t take notice at all. The founders are very aggressive towards their employees and always want them to work harder. But when it comes to listening to the employees and their problems, the leadership turns deaf. You can’t expect employees to deliver their best when you wouldn’t listen to what’s holding them back, let alone fix their issues. Racism, favoritism, and carelessness are all major problems but the founders of Ginkgo don’t address them. In fact, these problems don’t exist for them too!
With so many issues going on here, I wouldn’t recommend anyone to work here. These people might get a lot of good PR from media but the reality is way darker.
I know what’s it like to be discriminated against in the office. The place where I used to work was filled with good people but my boss was a bigot. He loved to make racist remarks whenever he got the chance. Not only that, he would always make me feel singled out and dejected in meetings. It was a hellhole for me. In a way, I can understand what you must’ve faced at Ginkgo Bioworks.
But the fact that these people force their employees to work harder than they should is just too much. These are greedy capitalists who are making millions for sitting around while the people who are putting in the work get peanuts. Sad.