Gordon R Baker QC gordbaker.com – Law License SUSPENDED – Eight (8) Victims with over $1,000,000 in Stolen Fees

Gordon R Baker’s law license has been SUSPENDED per the Law Society Tribunal decision held in December 2022.

Did You Know?

The Law Society Tribunal is an independent adjudicative tribunal within the Law Society of Ontario. The law is concerned with the regulatory cases between the Law society and Ontario lawyers.

Investigation Report on Gordon R Baker

It was determined that Gordon R Baker, Q.C. failed to cooperate with the Law Society investigations and failed to produce the books and records they requested regarding the two (2) cases filed against him for fees that he held in trust and NEVER returned to the victims after the deadlines for their transactions expired and the transactions never completed. There a total of eight (8) victims have been uncovered so far with over US$1,000,000 in stolen fees.

This scandal revolved primarily around Gordon R Baker, QC the trust attorney of Toronto Canada and his associate scammer Phillip W. Knight of London, Ontario who resides at 25 Southland Drive (reconfirmed again in January 2023) with his girlfriend Allison whose father is the president of the local newspaper there.

Please contact us with your helpful information and help justice prevail against people like this who steal the bread from the table of innocent honourable families. We would appreciate any assistance that can be provided for further exposing the truth in Canada.

Please also see the judgement online against Phillip W. Knight for $353,000 at www.phillipwknight.com.Baker Picture copy

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