Jeffrey Shaw

Jeffrey Shaw is manipulating thousands of people, he steals content from other creators and doesn't care. Read full review on Gripeo.
3.3/10 (Expert Score)
Product is rated as #93 in category Consumer Reviews

Everyone is working day and night to have a better life in the business field. This will push to make that matters to acquire success in the business. People will have to travel to many places visiting those who have made it in their businesses. The only thing these people want is the secrets the gurus used in succeeding and becoming top business moguls. They pay a higher amount of money than expected to listen to the experts in business and apply the skills learned from them. Having that in mind, also called business gurus, some do not match the qualifications as per their name. One of the worst people to listen to is Jeffrey Shaw, a keynote speaker, and entrepreneur.

Attending his show was the worst mistake I did and wished I could watch my best movie series of Undertaker humiliating his opponents. I wasted a lot of money on paying entry fees and the drinks offered at the show. Without forgetting the taxi money, I paid out only to come and get what was meant for a grade three student. Jeffrey advertises himself on all social media, and you might think he has all needed in the business class.

The show was one of the worst shows I have attended so far this year. I felt robbed daytime with my hard-earned money. The two hours I took at the show were like sitting on thorns. When rise pain eats you, and when you sit down, it also pains; therefore, the solution stands up for remaining seated for the two hours to elapse.

On social media, Jeffrey Shaw is shining like a star, but in the real sense, those who look for his services cry because of the poor service delivery. He only shines because he pays bloggers and asks his close friends and family to give false testimonies that he gains followers. My main agenda was to get excellent ideas to develop my pet business, but I ended up coming out of the hall empty-headed.

This article’s focus is to help those who have not attended Jeffrey Shaw’s motivational shows and followed his advice to kill that dream of visiting Jeffrey Shaw. People can look, support other entrepreneurs, and keynote speakers for better ideas than those of Shaw. I was a victim, and I do not want any close person to me and the globe to waste their money in listening to Jeffrey and visiting him. The funds should use in other economic activities to improve their business and even be taken to orphanage homes for the support of the children.  

More about Jeffrey Shaw

He is a visual artist meaning incorporation of a variety of different disciplines including drawing, painting, sculpture, and textile design. Visual artists can also specialize in graphic design, photography, and film, among other areas. He is known for being a leading figure in new media art globally. People travel from different parts of the World to come and get advice on their businesses. What attracts the multitudes is his ability and experience in visual art and motivational speaking.

 He does all his best to make sure people get the message they want to hear from him. He has successful advice on different people in the art industry, and the companies are thriving, making huge profits. At least that’s what his company claims. You should always read the bios of such people with a pinch of salt. 

They have multiple PR teams working constantly to improve their image in the eyes of others. 

He was born in 1944 in Melbourne in the country of Australia but lives and works in Hong Kong in the state of China. 

He was the first rated speaker out of fifteen at out Profitcon company 2018 event. His bio claims he has been a pioneer and leading figure in new media art since its emergence. The performance expanded cinema and installation paradigms of the 1960s to its present-day technology-informed and virtualized forms.

Occasions where Jeffrey Shaw Involved

His work has been exhibited worldwide at major museums and festivals. He has won many awards and honors that include Immagine Electronica prize, in Ferrara country of Italy. In 1990, Oribe Award in Gifu, Japan.  In 2005, Honorary Doctorate in creative media at Multimedia University in Malaysia. In 2012, the lifetime achievement Award, the society of Art and technology, Montreal in the country of Canada. He has, in the year twenty-twelve, graced the occasion during the grand opening festival of Run and Run Shaw Media Centre, City University of Hong Kong, in the country of China. In the year 2000, Net-condition, Centre for art and media Karlsruhe (ZKM). He has also attended many University graduations giving out lectures on how to succeed in the business world.

Social media platforms of Jeffrey Shaw

Like any other fake people who want followers, Jeffrey Shaw found on every social media platform. Facebook has lots of followers and friends, and others still line on his pages to follow him. On Twitter, the number is higher as he has lured family members to corrupt other people by giving them a hefty amount of money so that they can follow him. YouTube, he is also there with the fake motivation that earns him a lot of money without the struggle. 

Instagram has many followers, and as per observation, most of the followers are fake. Linked in has more than five hundred connections and people who think that Jeffrey Shaw is a genuine man. I want to tell the followers on all platforms to tap the unfollow button and live this fake man alone. The more you follow him, the more money he makes, and he continues to exploit his followers.

The day I attended Jeffrey’s motivational show

My pet business was not thriving, as I wanted it to grow. After many consultations from my friends and close family, they encouraged me to look for money and attend one of Jeffrey Shaw’s motivational talks. Believing in them caused me to take the step of attending the show because all I wanted was to shine in my business, and Jeffrey Shaw shines. After receiving entertainment in a hall that was full of my fast estimated number of people fell to three thousand people. Everyone is eager to get the knowledge to change his or her life completely. When Shaw took the podium, the hall was alive with applauds and people screaming his name louder.

What was all about the motivational show

Jeffrey Shaw was thrilled to see the large crowd in his presentation. The happiness that a lion displays when it considers the prey. He knew he had made lots of money by just that single show. The motivation was all about the cars a person should drive. Mr. Jeffry took his time to explain about different vehicles in the motor industry. He started from the least expensive motor vehicles to the highest sold cars found in the market. Mr. Jeffrey Shaw describes how the parts of the car are brought from different manufacturing companies and assembled to come with the best final product. He advertised different companies that provide car services. He forgot that he made his show public to equip the attendees on knowledge to do with business and to improve the existing businesses.

Expectations vs. Reality

His Talks Are Full Of Fluff

Attending the show was one of my dreams come true. I had full hopes that the show will influence my business substantially. Bought a new notebook and a pen armed to note anything that comes out of the mouth of Mr. Jeffrey Shaw’s mouth. Even I was ready to write down the tips so long as they boost my business in one way or the other. However, things did not work as per my expectations. 

Mr. Jeffrey Shaw talked about cars instead of talking about the ideas we can use in our small businesses to succeed. He advertises talking to business owners and those aspiring entrepreneurs on how to change their business into making more significant profits. That is why the hall was full. I did not intend to purchase a car as soon as possible. Car, to me, is a luxury, and I will only buy it when making millions in the future. Therefore, there was no need to advise us on the different models of cars and the costs. That one Mr. Shaw, you can leave it for advertisement companies.

Reaction from Jeffrey Shaw

After the motivational talk, I went back to Mr. Jeffrey Shaw’s office. As always, the people who call themselves successful will always have several guards to protect their ill-gotten wealth. I found Jeffrey Shaw in his office, enjoying his cup of coffee. After greetings, I pulled for myself a chair and settled down.

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Jeffrey Shaw seemed relaxed after minting millions of shillings in the past motivational show. I told him how the show was not beneficial to me because he did not talk about matters that I wanted to tackle. All Mr. Jeffrey Shaw spoke about was different car models. To my surprise, Jeffrey Shaw said that was all he was to discuss that day because he changed the topic last minute after receiving some good cash from car companies. He suggested that I pay more money to attend another Shaw about to start in a few days.

I left the offices of Shaw, as a disappointed person, and felt like I threw all my money away to listen to unnecessary kinds of stuff. I cannot pay money again to attend his talks, no matter what happens. Let me look to other prominent persons who have vast knowledge in the business to get some facts on how I can make profits.

Customer Complaints & Gripes

Jeffrey Shaw Complaints


People have traveled from different parts of the globe to listen to Jeffrey Shaw only to find the message delivered, not so much appealing to them. A lot of money spent on the shows by people does not give back the value they need. The shows are too expensive, and therefore, the feedback should appealing.

Jeffrey Shaw should not hold motivational presentations in the name of giving business people tips to make lots of money. He should not accept to keep Television shows and run his fake social media platforms. Many complain arise every single day as people want to hear for what they paid to attend the shows, not a lot of unnecessary kinds of stuff shared by Jeffrey Shaw.

Review on the Jeffrey Shaw motivational talks

Jeffrey Shaw is one of the worst motivational speaker and entrepreneur have ever come across. He does not care about what he shares versus what people want to hear. All Mr. Jeffrey Shaw does is to push for a time through those outdated jokes the self-proclaimed business mogul shares on his shows. I think he can make a good comedian in the village jokes.

As an excellent motivational, always deliver what your audience wants to listen to and what they paid to have it in their minds. Going against the client’s will is a violation of the law, and you sued in some States. Therefore Jeffrey Shaw gets locked in custody for misleading people in his motivational talks and stealing money from average people in the name of giving them the best tips to flourish in life and the business arena.

Different states need to burn Mr. Jeffrey Shaw’s motivational talks, and social media activities from airing everywhere and University stop inviting Jeffrey Shaw in the name of the motivational speaker. People need to avoid the shows as a plague and follow other influential people who add value to their lives. Those companies were advertising for shows and services offered by Jeffrey Shaw to stop and focus on other essential things.

Jeffrey Shaw and his team have one common agenda of looting money from poor people to enrich themselves. If it is necessary they continue with their services, then they need transparency in their service delivery and offer the best services to their clients.

Jeffrey Shaw Report Verdict: Disappointing


Finally, if you are a great follower of Mr. Jeffrey Shaw, you need to change your mind and follow some essential people. Following Jeffrey Shaw is wasting your precious time and resources that can pull in other activities to benefit you economically. The advertisement he makes all over the social platforms and on Television is a lie, and today I want to open your eyes so that you can see what is happening.

Am one of the victims from his shows and services he rendered to me and many people? I know there more victims who are silent on matters, and all they do is to suffer in silence. I urge them to come publicly and shame the man who thinks he is a pro in the speaking arena. All his social media platforms should be avoided and those following him to rethink again and unfollow him. The World is a better place to live, and we cannot allow people such as Mr. Jeffrey Shaw to spoil the goodness we enjoy in the business areas.

If you do business, motivation, and visual art and you need to improve your standards, then look upon following other great people. Jeffrey Shaw is not that person that you will have to pool your resources and listen to or follow on social media platforms. Follow the great people who bring impact on your life. The world has better people who are real and ready to help society in improving global standards. Mr. Jeffrey Shaw does not fit in the shoe of those most influential people in the World.

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User’s Score & Editor’s Rating

3.3Expert Score

Following Jeffrey Shaw is a waste of your precious time and resources that can pull in other activities to benefit you economically. The advertisement he makes all over the social platforms and on Television is a lie.

Value For Money
Honesty & Transparency
Customer Experience
  • -null-
  • Sells a dream
  • Plagiarism
  • Selfish
  • Fluff Content & Advise

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