The 2015 case of, ‘Rajeev Mittal RK Associates’, is yet again surfacing in the news for all the gloomy reasons.
In December 2015, the Central Bureau of Investigation filed a chargesheet against two former Chief Commercial managers of the Railway, along with the savvy business tycoon, well known by the name of, ‘Rajeev Mittal RK Associates. In 2017, the case was cracked and it was asserted that the chargesheets claimed the truth against the culprits.
However, soon after the cracking of the case, led by the NDA government, under the guidance of Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, it was manifested that the culprits would be sentenced as summoned by the courts as soon as possible. But, it’s 2023, and yet, justice is awaited.
Rajeev Mittal RK Associates | ‘Meals on wheels’, a swing to swindle
The name, ‘Rajeev Mittal RK Associates’, is distinguished for his business possessions and food delivery in the remunerative rails. RK Mittal managed to maintain food supply in the trains, namely, Shatabdi, Rajdhani, and Duronto Express, for more than ten years, and fetch immense profits for himself. However, the fair play of business bored Rajeev Mittal and others, and to fetch illegitimate profits, the culprits got engaged in malpractices.
These ill-practices were called out by the NDA government, which led Rajeev Mittal into trouble. But the case never unfolded, the way it was supposed to be.
According to sources, Rajeev Mittal used to bribe the Railway officials, and reinstated ‘Rail Neer’ with cheaper water bottles. This intentional fault of the frauds, led to a loss of 19.5 crores to the railways.
Stating the facts, it is claimed that the scam of Rajeev Mittal RK Associates, flourished the most, in years 2004-2010, by the name of ‘Meals on wheels’. During this tenure, the lucrative trains were supplied with cheaper bottles and foul-food, gearing immense profits for the culprits. According to sources, corruption flourished during this time, hollowing the economic backbone of railways to date.
Rajeev Mittal RK Associates | A loss of much more than INR 19.5 crores
Although, according to the reports of 2017, ‘Rajeev mittal RK Associates’ was accused of being part of the 19.5 crore scam, where he was supposed to be accountable for 1.5 crores.
But, will you believe that the authentic reports of scams were glitched?
Reports of the financial loss, which was on paper, proved and could be perceived. But, what about the losses, which could never be scribbled on paper?
Conveniently, the huge sum of corruption, which could not be accounted for, due to lack of evidence, was completely proved, non-existential.
So if the author burns your house, and you didn’t see it, it was burned by ghosts or never burned at all. Alas! How convenient for the author.
Ideally, a corrupt starts corruption from his first breath and remains corrupt till his last breath, in the system. Now imagine the loss Rajeev Mittal has caused.
Rajeev Mittal and the two former Chief Commercial managers of the Railway have been looting the railways for years. They were counted on for the ‘Rail Neer scam’, solely, but the culprits had much more on the list of their evil deeds.
Scamming railways for the food deliveries, which never took place; Delivering orders to ghost, claiming of excessive occupancy; Stealing-out illegitimate commission out of raw material purchase; Selling food packets for much more than its actual cost; compromising the food quality and manhandling lives of passengers; corrupting the election process for tender of mess in railways; hampering the national economy for personal gains, etc etc. The list is longer than the prevalence of Rajeev Mittal in the system.
Unfortunately, Rajeev Mittal got an easy way out, by simply returning the 1.5 crores recovered from the office and residence. Nobody tried to dig out the potential sources of losses. Immediate arrest might have revealed several wells of black gold but, due to unspecified reasons, Rajeev Mittal was never arrested. Instead, it was believed that money not recovered, means money never looted.
Nevertheless, it has also been claimed that, since the year 2004, political parties have been backing-up the moles and have been relying on moles for burrowing bills to drag-out the gold from railways.
Indian railways kept bleeding and the moles kept plucking the wounds, whereas, the responsible authorities were clueless, like ever before.
Punishing the culprits with evidence has been a dare for the authorities, even after a decade.
The web-pages get silent and blank when asked about Rajeev Mittal or the ‘Rail Neer Scam’. Moreover, surfing, ‘Rajeev Mittal RK Associates’, leads to mere, 2-3 links, as if, Rajeev Mittal is a commoner leading a serene life in front of Christ. Even baptization requires clearing of the soul. Then why Rajeev Mittal is being shielded from punishment?
What is a Red Flag?
A red flag serves as a signal or sign that there may be an underlying issue or danger associated with a company’s stock, financial statements, or news reports. These indicators can come in many forms and are often identified by analysts or investors as any notable undesirable trait.
Rajeev Mittal RK Associates | Feigned Facade
However, the crime has been proved and the court asserted the mishap. Yet, for more than 10 years, authorities claim to be scanning the culprit. Instead of arresting him. The question lies intact, why?
What makes the authorities take this long to set a culprit behind bars.
After diligent research, the author is capable of concluding that the reason behind no arrest is not specified, but the political acts of Mittal and group, indicate the interruption of justice via ministerial interference. Instead of being behind bars, the Mittal brothers are still fighting for the tenders of food-supply in premium trains and political power.
Moreover, according to reliable sources, Rajeev Mittal RK Associates not only fights to claim the railway food tenders but also, does not let other food-chains enter the pantry process for railway tenders. If the above statement is even 1% true then the scammer needs to be behind bars.
However, seemingly, the political affiliations of Rajeev Mittal have been a huge support for him, in the years of his despair and hence, the political groups try hard to whitewash his image as a ‘visionary businessman, aiding Indian economy’. Although, other than politics, Rajeev Mittal has kept it low, when it comes to social appearances.
Mittal’s last public appearance was reported on 11th April, 2009, as a speaker in ‘Women Economic Forum’, New Delhi. Whereas, his facebook profile shows the last update of 12 May, 2012.
Rajeev Mittal RK Associates | The script writers of the scam
As addressed by the officials in the trials, Rajeev Mittal framed the script of the scam and lured the railway authorities with financial aids. Most of the authorities, prioritizing alliance with Rajeev Mittal, instead of being dutiful to the railways, states the affinity of authorities towards corrupted capital. However, the yet, intact image of Rajeev Mittal, shamefully justifies the choice of alliance with him, smashing the law and order, hard, for its fragility.
Speaking of the facts, the reports have accepted that, along with ‘Meals on Wheels’, ‘Comesum-The Food Junction’ has also been a window to aid the scammers. It is claimed that Comesum is a brainchild of the RK Associates. It has been established for the sake of lucid vision in the context of food-chain scam.
After, CBI asked for, scanning Comesum, the corruption under the sheets started being visible. Many legit sources claimed a disguised image of the firm and marked it as a red alert regarding corruption. It was also, published by various legit reports that the Comesum, is also a corruption channel and has aided in the ‘Rail Neer scam’, but after years of search and probes, the culprits are sorrowfully, enjoying their freedom. The wisdom and diligence of the team behind the unmasking of ‘Rail Neer scam’, have been brought to shame.
Rajeev Mittal RK Associates | Influential enough to let the ‘laws-and-order’ await?
8 long years and still counting!
The damage done by Rajeev Mittal and group is intense. Financially tormenting the railways, which is already on the verge of getting privatized is not mere corruption.
Looting the national resources, that are already broken, comes under quisling. However, the hard-hitting question is not about, ‘a businessman being a traitor’, but, the incapability of authorities to punish the mole.
After the truth was revealed, the nation was hopeful of getting justice. But, yet again, the culprit is free, getting offers to back-up political parties.
On the contrary, no further proceedings have been done. The authentic surfing websites have zero information regarding the further proceedings of the case.
The last update available on the case was in, 2017. 2017!
Rajeev Mittal RK Associates | Deliberate deliverance
Even after being resourceful in evidence, the court has been lethargic, leading to minimalistic penalties. However, it has been mentioned in public domains that the chief officers of railways have been punished but no one has a hold on Rajeev Mittal. Slowly and gradually, people are forgetting about the scams, rather, people are made to forget the faces behind the scam.
Factually, there have been no further proceedings in the ‘Rail Neer scam’ case. Even if done, keeping the media discorded, entitles the issue with an exclamation. Non-main-stream news channels covered the issue after 2015. Neither, the righteous media influential people called out the corruption.
Moreover, a premeditated plot has been intentionally structured to cover the ‘breaking news of Neer scam’ with thick sheets of dust.
The news feeds stop talking about Rajeev Mittal, the news channels stop digging about RK Associates and print media stops writing about the scam.
Eventually, the court gets engrossed in another, ‘Breaking news!’.
However, it is worth mentioning that soon after revelations were made, 28 crores were dug out of the railway caterers and officials, which led to arrest and expulsion. Along with the chief executives of the railway, Rahul Agrawal and Abhishek Agrawal (cousins of Rajeev Mittal) were also under custody for certain days. But, as the case lost its grip in the mainstream media, the culprits got a chance to escape.
Rajeev Mittal got a clean chit based on his connections, which extended to his cousins afterward.
The ‘Rail Neer scam’ vanished from the memories, over time.
Rajeev Mittal RK Associates | All you need to know
Rajeev Mittal is a well-known Indian businessman. Based in New Delhi, Rajeev Mittal is the director of the firm RK Associates. He has been working in the area of hospitality. His most known projects are ‘Meals on Wheels’ and ‘Comesum’, where he was responsible for serving altruistic Indian cuisines to railway passengers. However, apparently, he was disowned from the railway tender and ‘Meals on wheels’ project, after being proven as a master-mind behind the ‘Rail Neer scam’.
Rajeev Mittal RK Associates has been under scanner for decades, yet he has managed to gain power and possession. Other than railways, he has a spectacular power in the universe of hospitality and tourism, too. RK Associates has ownership of top brands business, as mentioned below. This gives him a highly influential designation in the corporate sector of the Indian economy.
However, this influence and power could be titled as the main shield behind the delay of justice.
Why Rajeev Mittal RK Associates Might Go to Jail
As Rajeev Mittal is a highly dominant personality in the corporate sector, his penalty awaiting is an aftermath for the native blood. Common man paying hefty tickets-fair and being cheated for mere food & water, is shameful for the governance of the nation of Ganges.
Supplanting the ‘Rail Neer’ with cheaper bottles could be a microscopic change for the scammer, but the person, who has paid for ‘Rail Neer’, deserves purity to be served. Moreover, India ranks 120th amongst 122 countries in the water quality index, with nearly 70 percent of water being contaminated. And hence, water quality cannot be compromised for mere, monetary gains.
The ‘Rail Neer scam’ is a slap on the face of governance, the displaced water bottles, right in front of authorities depict the loop-holes in the system, questioning the financial security at national and international level. Also, it cannot be over-viewed that the scam has brought financial loss to the Indian economy, along with railways.
The case also indicates that the huge losses of the railway over the years cannot be certainly structured as a systemic glitch. A diligent approach could lead to several scams like the ‘Rail Neer Scam’.
People like Rajeev Mittal think that if they get the government tender and legally authorized by the government. So, they can do anything that they want to achieve. And started doing the scams. He was found to be guilty in the Railway Neer case this is insane.
In the court proceedings, RK Associates was found to be guilty of doing the scam of 19.5 cores. In the further report, it was mentioned that Rajeev Mittal is only accountable for I.5 cores. And claim to be the financial loss.
Now it will happen all the time This shows how incompetent the UPA Government is that they are unable to reveal these scams in the country. From the year 2004-2010, the UPA government was unable to find that RK Associates was setting their fake schemes just to earn higher profits. In the shake of money, Rajeev Mittal supplies low-class food and a water bottle on the train. This kind of activity is not tolerated at all.
The deeper political connections provide the capacity to carry out these types of scams; without political help, they are unable to carry them out. But it was the innocent who suffered the most. These types of criminals must now face punishment from higher authorities.
The article mentions the content and facts, and I completely agree with them. The media has to cover this type of information and news. It may make people aware of the types of scammers who deceive many people.
This man doesn’t think anything and scamming the railways. And don’t think about the people giving the food which may cause some various health diseases. These scammers need to be punished by the railway and the Food Cooperation of India for doing these kinds of crimes. So these types of scams never happen in the future.