Roger Langille

Roger Langille Of DS Domination Fame Used In Scam

After leaving DS Domination some time ago, Roger Langille has been maintaining a low profile.  That has recently changed.  Roger Langille claims his name has been used in a recent $60,000 FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) scam.  The victim of this scam was Barbara Hewitt.  Here is an example of how the scam was run (Mister X is Roger Langille):

Go Fund Me page was setup for Barbara and it provided the following explanation of the scam:

Most people that see this post will be from the arena of many that just want to build a better life through entrepreneurialism. The victim, in this case, was one of us. She was and still is dedicated to a better life. It is individuals like Barbara Hewitt that we all love to work with and grow our business’. She put in the hours, she invested the time and more importantly she took action.

Similar post: Havertys

Around November 2015, she was contacted by Scott Sofa who indicated he was working directly with Roger Langille who was about to offer very limited coaching. He represented that Roger was in China sourcing product just for her. The cost was $15,000 to work directly with him. Barbara not only knew Roger but knew Scott was a friend of Rogers and lept at the opportunity. Unfortunately, Scott without Roger knowing was running a con on her and leveraging his good name.

From there, while she patiently waited , Scott began to con her out of more money for Forex trades. At one point Scott had her buying generators on her credit card and shipping them out to eBay customers so she could raise even more capital for this pending big Forex trade win. This was all matriculated through empty promises that Roger was swooping in soon to pay the credit cards, make the big trades and bring big winners from China.

All in total she spent and lost around $60,000.

Recently, Roger offered private coaching, and Barbara thought this was the coaching she had already paid Scott for. When Roger called Barbara, the con quickly came to light.

Now, Barbara through trust and a desire to have a better life (an attribure we all have) is facing losing her home and to be completely honest is wrongfully embarrassed that something like this could happen to her.

Her only hope at this point is YOU, and the community of people that share the bond of believing there is a better life for them out there somewhere. Hopefully you can offer a little financial support for her and get her back on track. It is people like her that make this world of being an entrepreneur a better place.

Please find it in your heart to give a little to her today. If you can afford to do nothing then that is nderstandable. But, please dont pass by feeling the next person will take care of this. Sometimes in life the rescue doesnt come from the fire fighter, the super hero, the police officer. It comes from a group of people like us just doing a little bit at a time.

Thank You

Roger Langille

My name is Roger Langille, I live in North Carolina, and I set this page up for Barbara Hewitt. The funds will be used to pay down massive credit card debt.

Here are the last few minutes of a video that Scott Sofa released to explain his side of the story:

For the pass 3 days my life has been browbeat, endangered and threaten. You have messaged me on every social media platform for everyone that made a comment towards me my wife, daughter and father and left messages on my home phone cell phone and also came to my house this message is for you. I have no malice or hatred towards anyone. I pray that you listen to this message to the end.

Here is Roger Langille’s response to Scott Sofa’s video:

Scott Sofa has released a video explaining away everything. In the video there is a lot of side talking. He starts out by saying that the $60,000 wasnt for FBA, but neglects to mention that the initial 15k was generated by leveraging my name for fake FBA training. Later he attempts to make it appear that this was a joint risk adventure they were pursuing but he simply lost in options where there is inherent risk. Its seems as though Scott Sofa is now trying to wiggle through this. I have decided to release this message sent to Barbara by Scott.

Read also: Green Financial Resources

I want to release this with some CAUTION* If you dont know me and what I have done for others and took “Mr X” at face value, you would think Barbara would fall for anything. This was a message where it was clear to Barbara that Scott was referring to me and we have messages for the FBI showing where Mr X becomes me.I guess what I am saying is dont read this and say “how could she fall for a message about some guy named Mr X?”

Scott Sofa all your video says to me is your looking for ways to justify this, you stole money and you know it. Tuesday FBI—>Jail.

It looks like Roger will be leaving Facebook for a little R&R:

Thank you to all of the amazing people that supported Barbara Hewitt. In case you missed it here are the undeniable facts:
(1) Scott told her she would be working with me for 15k, this was a lie and has been refunded
(2) Barbara was then told to front money to buy generators sold on eBay, AND THAT I WOULD PAY OFF HER CREDIT CARD. (This is what some of the grade 2 educated people are calling her fault as she invested in a business)
(3) The generator money was suppose to go into Scotts trades and she was to be paid 7500 a month, she received nothing.
(4) 2 other people have been scammed for lower amounts, one was refunded in full.
So far on the hate Roger threads are the following:
(1) Innuendos that the GoFund me page is really my money (disproved with screen shot below)
(2) Shouldnt have told on Scott publicly(The only way to get any money out of Scott was to threaten this, then to implement it. This resulted in 15k being returned.)
(3) I bashed Scott (see original post where all of it was facts, supported by documents)
Someone posted in a thread how this seems to be really bothering me. THAT WOULD BE CORRECT. I have a massive habit of defending others much more than myself.
Now, its not that people are bullying me off Facebook, its more like an ice cream headache I get when surrounded by moronic stupidity. While 99% of the people on here are absolutely amazing , it’s just the knowledge that the 1% exists out there. It tells me there is a 1/100 chance someone may teach my kids that the world is flat.
I do feel bad if Scotts family is being threatened, but here is the problem. If you can lie to the tune of 60,000 then what are the odds you can lie about other things?
Time for me to go back to Happyville now. Quiet time.


Do not participate in any deals that use Roger Langille’s name and ask you to not contact him about the deal.  In my opinion,  you may want to avoid deals with Roger’s “friends” as well.

2.5 Total Score

Do not participate in any deals that use Roger Langille’s name and ask you to not contact him about the deal. He is a seasoned fraud and con artist!

  • Con Artist
  • Fraud
  • Immoral
  • Criminal
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