Don’t Donate To The Southwest Wildlife Conservation Center
Southwest Wildlife Conservation Center spreads propaganda about its facilities and use of its funds to defraud people into making massive donations.
I’ve curated this report especially for donors & supports of the Southwest Wildlife Conservation Center who have been misled into pledging their hard-earned money for a fraudulent operation. SWCC is a crooked zoo that only brings riches to its many directors & the owner Linda Searles.
Animals are getting brutally abused in a systematic manner and the supporters of SWCC are enabling this abuse through financial & social means. Whether intentionally or not, the result is the same, more animals getting cooped up in tight cages under the Arizona sun without shade, getting bred for money, and being treated horribly.
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SWCC pushes a lot of funds on marketing its donation page through different sources. They use pictures of innocent animals and cropped-up images of their facilities, to ask for hundreds if not thousands of dollars. Supporters & donors at SWCC care for animals, but they don’t realize they are enabling abuse & torture of the very animals they care for.
I am not afraid to speak the truth and I understand that I’ll be going against some powerful people when I expose the Southwest Wildlife Conservation Center. But as an animal rights activist, it is my moral responsibility to do so.
There will be attacks on my post here because I’m exposing a systematic animal abuse infrastructure that generates hundreds of thousands of dollars. But people need to know the brutal truth about this fraudulent enterprise.
The marketing team of Southwest Wildlife Conservation Center wants you to believe they “need” donations from you in order to “keep the animals alive and well”. However the reality cannot be further from truth.
Thosuands of visitors regularly visit the SWCC and they are charged money in forms of tickets & passes. This money goes to the care of animals and of course, into the pockets of the directors & Linda Searles.
Trusts & Charities SWCC Has Duped Hundreds Of Thousands Of Dollars From
The Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust gave a check for $100,000 to this animal abuse center and even went as far as to call them a “renowned accredited sanctuary”.
As we will see in the next section, SWCC is not a sanctuarry at all, it’s a zoo.
My Sister’s Closet also was manipulated into giving a huge sum of $100,000 to Linda Searles’ zoo.
Imagine if this money was given to an actual sanctuary, how much good it would’ve done for the animals. But instead, these charities were lied to, and manipulated into supporting this animal cruelty operation.
SWCC Isn’t A Conservation Center But A Zoo
Southwest Wildlife Conservation Center claims to be a conservation center and markets itself as one everywhere. Most of its donors are patrons who think Linda Searles is managing and running a conservation center, while in reality, SWCC is a zoo.
That’s not a statement, but a fact as proven by the official license expert from SWCC’s Zoo application:
Readers who have knowledge about animal conservation and rights, know the major difference between a conservation center and a zoo. But apparently, the owner of the zoo doesn’t, as shown in a video clip of her interview which I’ve attached below:
The lives of the SWCC animals are in the dangerous, uneducated, and selfish hands of Linda Searles.
SWCC is not “one of the biggest sanctuaries” in the US
As shocking as it might sound Southwest Wildlife Conservation Center is not among the big consevation centers in the southwest. Actually it would be an inslut to call it “big”.
The Keepers Of The Wild has a 1,800-acre center which is near Kingman Arizona. Poplar Spring is another amazing conservation center that is spread along 400-acres. There used to be a good sanctuary called Wildlife Waystation but unfortunately, after 43 years, they closed their doors in 2019.
Suffice to say, Southwest Wildlife Conservation Center’s size and facilites don’t even come close to the best in the area. So when they are claiming they are “one of the biggest sanctuaries”, they are lying to people’s faces.
Just for the money, donations, sympathy, and power. Linda Searles enjoys all of these while standing on the graves of animals at the Southwest Wildlife Conservation Center.
There are many conservation centers that are doing really good for the animals, unlike SWCC which is only in the industry to make money.
Systematically Breeding Animals For Entertainment & Money
On their marketing campaigns everywhere, SWCC claims they don’t breed or buy/sell animals. This can be seen in the screenshot below taken from their official website:
However, this is yet another lie from the Southwest Wildlife Conservation Center. If we look further into the website, we will see that SWCC actually has a whole breeding program. They are systematically breeding gray wolves and keeping them in small cages under captivity.
The audacity of SWCC claiming they don’t breed animals while operating a whole breeding program shows how selfish and devious this organization is.
Linda Searles and her zoo has no intentions of releasing healthy animals back to the wilderness.
Don’t believe me?
Take a loot at their website’s excerpt yourself.
They breed wild animals in their facility only to keep them locked up till their last breath.
There is a reason most animals are not suited for being kept in captivity their whole. Animals can suffer from zoochosis which is a highly self-destructive condition common among the animals kept at the SWCC (as reported by visitors).
Some symptoms of zoochosis are bar biting, circling, pacing, vomiting, rocking & swaying, frequent licking, excessive grooming, head swaying, and self-mutilation.
Torturing Endangered Wolves With Inadequate Enclosures
Southwest Wildlife Conservation Center has somehow managed to get several Mexican wolves into their facility. It is another example of SWCC using their marketing, corruption, and manipulation to convince officials.
These wolves are highly endangered, and this species needs special care and attention.
The Southwest Wildlife Conservation Center has done nothing significant in helping the recovery of the Mexican wolves. On the official Wikipedia page of Mexican wolves, there are several conservation centers accredited for their efforts, but there is not even a mention of Linda’s SWCC.
But this incompetence doesn’t stop this zoo from using their Mexican wolves as marketing ploys and fool people into donating money.
That’s not all.
This facility also keeps their animals in tight, small, open animal cages. SWCC might as well be called the smallest zoo in America. Below is an image of one of many cooped-up cages at SWCC. Take a look at it yourself, and judge whether that small enclosure is enough for any wild animal being kept at SWCC.
You won’t see the images of these small cages on the donation page of Southwest Wildlife. They don’t want you to see the truth, otherwise, you won’t give them your charity & sympathy.
Coyotes & grey wolves walk 8 to 12 miles every day and need daily exercise to stay healthy and avoid major issues. Following a healthy lifestyle is impossible for these animals when they are being kept in such small cages.
Southwest Wildlife Conservation Center Murders Animals If They Don’t Earn Them Money
The executives & directors at the Southwest Wildlife Conservation Center has no love for the animals they keep in their facilites.
It is a controversial opinion, but there is strong evidence to back it up.
If the higher-ups at this facility even had a fraction of the love and care they claim to have, then they wouldn’t blackmail their donors and threaten to kill the animals if they didn’t get enough money.
Even if the facility closes, what’s stopping them from finding new and better homes for the animals, what’s stopping them from releasing some animals back to wilderness. Short answer: Nothing.
They are threatened to euthanize their animals on multiple occasions and it wouldn’t be shocking if they said this to the charitable trusts as well.
Linda Searles has said if she is asked to move, she will “have to euthanize the animals”. This is the definition of blackmail and severe emotional manipulation for greed.
On multiple instances Linda has menetioned murdering the animals housed at SWCC. Below are some screenshots:
Would anyone who actually loves animals say something even nearly as horrendus as this?
I think we all know the answer.
Illegal Animal Fighting At Southwest Wildlife Conservation Center
In the image above you can see an SWCC employee throwing carrots in the animal cage for the visitors to see the two starving creatures battle eachother for food.
If for some reason you were still convinced that SWCC is the all-holy animal sanctuary they market themselves to be, this should take off your rose colored glasses.
This kind of animal cruelty lands people in jail, but Linda Searles and all her fellow frauds are enjoying a king sized life while the animals pay for their greeds.
Caging Arctic Wolves & Arctic Foxes In Arizona Heat!
Arizona is not famous for it’s cool or chill environment, it’s actully infamous for its scrotching heat.
And the genius greedy executives at the Southwest Wildlife Conservation Center decided to keep arctic wolves and arctic foxes in their facility.
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Keep in mind, these Arctic wolves & foxes are 24/7 outdoors in the hot Arizona sun, where the temperatures can rise up to 110 Fahrenheit.
One doesn’t have to Einstein to figure out what’s wrong in keeping Arctic animals in a hot desert environment.
It is outright animal abuse & animal cruelty.
Southwest Wildlife Conservation Center is keeping long haired, mountain lions, coyotes, wolves, and bears without even proper shade. Please see the pictures down below:
Southwest Wildlife Conservation Center Review 2021: Verdict
The Southwest Wildlife Conservation Center executives and directors should be punished for their years of systematic animal cruelty. They have been abusing animals for their personal pleasure and money, yet no action has been taken against them yet.
The authorities and NGOs need to officially investigate Linda Searles and SWCC members and take serious action against them.
As citizens, we the people, have more power than we think. Share this report, because doing so is the only way we can get heard and put a stop to SWCC’s crimes once and for all.
Use your voice, don’t let these bigoted frauds get away with their crimes.
We took the tour today and found significant shade provided for all of the cages and some of the animals had LARGE air conditioning units, out in the open air, blowing cool air into the enclosures. The animals that have their forever homes here are those who would do poorly or not survive in the wild due to medical issues or human contact. The animals all had good looking coats and were obviously well fed! There was nothing, the least bit inhumane, apparent to us.
My sense is that this article is way over the top, expressing an extremist opinion.
horible people
As you relax in your air-conditioned homes, remember the temperature in in Arizona will regularly exceed 110° in the past weeks and many weeks to come. Keep in mind the pain and suffering that these animals are undergoing being forced into small cages and kept outdoors 24 seven.
Of course, the owner could move her zoo less than 100 miles away to northern AZ where the temperatures are significantly cooler but then she wouldn’t have stupid Scottsdale tourists to dupe for money.
Don’t be an IDIOT. Do not give this scamming zoo a SINGLE DOLLAR!!
Not ‘humane’ to keep them in cages
It takes a special kind of monster to imprison and mistreat helpless animals.
Making caged animals fight over food is SICK SICK SICK SICK!!!!!!
This abomination of a an animal hell is sponsored by MY SISTER’S CLOSET.
Well… that’s good to know.
“Almost all of the species ay Southwest Wildlife are native, although some of them have come from surrounding areas (such as California and New Mexico)”
That’s a f*****g lie. They import animals from as far away as New York and have pictures of ARCTIC wolves and ARCTIC foxes in cages on display, in their facility on their website. F**K YOU!!!
Out of EVERYWHERE ON THE PLANET they could have gone, the fact that they chose to cage these animals in the HOTTEST PART of the United States tells you everything you need to know about how much the southwest wildlife conservation center “care for” and “love animals” as they claim to on their website.
mentally ill a***holes imprisoning wild animals, in small cages, in a place only cooler than Death Valley.
There. I summarized your visit to this sh**hole so now you don’t have to go there.
Hi. do you also offer the cockfighting here?
i will pay.
That picture above that showed that zoo employee throwing ONE PIECE of food into a cage and watching the animals fight over it pretty much tells you all you need to know about this place. What a stupid old witch that woman!!
Lock the zoo’s owners and staff in the cages and put a fur coat on them in the Arizona summers and see how “wonderful experience” and a “must see” and a “great opportunity” they think the facility is then.
Dont worry; the the zoo will turn on the misters for you…. that should make allll the difference with regards to your comfort.
Friend and I toured just yesterday. It’s not my intention to challenge the charges listed in the preceding comments. I just want to share the following observations.
Several animals have had injuries which why they needed vet care, improvements in their diet, etc. Many of these animals were illegally maintained as pets until they were no longer CUTE and easily managed. Still others had been deemed “a nuisance” because of human contact, feedings.
Friend and I observed diverse animals ALL with luxuriant coats, varied habitat enclosures with room to run, lounge, play.
Yes – it would be fantastic if 100% could be free out in the world. But I work in skilled nursing center and recognize that many of my patients will be with us for duration of their lives. We’re proud to provide them with great nurses,comfort, quality food and personal grooming. I ask you; don’t the animals in dire circumstances deserve similarly humane treatment?
Don’t be a fucking idiot. If these sickos really cared about wild animals, they wouldn’t have placed this facility in the hottest part of the state. Summers reach 110 degrees every day and these animals have a PERMANANT fur coat on them.
You know why its in scottsdale: so they can attract all of the idiotic winter visitors from other states and Canada to pay their admission fees and donate to enrich the zoo’s owners.
If they really cared, they would be in Northern Arizona or in a state with a cooler climate. You know it I know it everyone knows it.
Okay… you definitely have my attention. I heard positive things about this place on the Next-door Ap and was planning on visiting until I saw your posts. Here is my question for you. If the Center is how you say it is, what efforts have you made other than on internet to reach the proper authorities who would investigate and take appropriate action. Being internet warriors is a small part of what must happen to really make a difference.
I’m sure Linda searles and the rest of the staff at the Southwest Wildlife Conservation Center have lots in common with Anthony Fauci. Both are ruthless coldhearted liars who ONLY care about is money and getting their way by imprisoning animals for their own sick gratification and profit.
money-hungry liars profiting off of animals suffering.
It must be so hot for these creatures when summer comes around… it is in ARIZONA after all. That picture of the zoo employee throwing ONE piece of food into the cage and watching the javelinas FIGHT over it while brain-dead idiots took pictures is upsetting to my very core. So wrong. Sad!
What an appalling fk’n hell for these poor animals…all in the name of MONEY for Linda Searles and Sam Coppersmith. May they burn in heII.
A place filled with ruthless, cold hearted and insensitive monsters. One of my friends was planning to take their kids here next week, i sent her this article and she was shocked. What they are doing here is extremely insensitive and terrible. I feel horrible for the animals going through the torture. I genuinely pray and wish someone relevant does something about it.
Unbelievable! With temperatures regularly exceeding 110F / 45C in Phoenix, it just seems terribly inhumane and CRUEL to leave animals outside in cages! They have an arctic fox there in the Sonoran Desert! Can you believe how ruthless and cold hearted these monsters are?
No animal should be kept outdoor 24/7 in the Arizona heat like they are here at SWCC. I am shocked at their atrocity. It is cruel to expose long-haired (or any other kind) of animals to this scorching Arizona heat, it is probably the worst thing anyone can ever do.
WILD animals like all animals at this ZOO and in any Zoo for this matter, belong in the WILD. No animal deserves to be locked up in a bunch of small cages on a small parcel where gawking idiotic visitors can laugh and point at these poor, beautiful wild creatures who are getting scorched in the brutal heat and them go home in their air-conditioned cars back to their air-conditioned homes.
SWCC does NOT RESPECT THEIR ANIMALS or has any love or care for wildlife, in addition, they abuse their animals by making them fight over food as entertainment to their guests and charge them extra for the same.
If SWCC really loved wild animals they would release every single one of them as soon as they are healthy.. 95% of these animals could be released as early as today, but SWCC would rather keep them imprisoned in cages, in the heat, so they can collect the admission fees to fill their pockets.
TERRIBLE, TERRIBLE, TERRIBLE SELFISH people that would treat animals in this manner. DO NOT GO NO MATTER WHAT.
I along with my family had made the blunder of coming here for an outing based in the reviews here and the photos from the Centers website and social media. What was not made obvious to me was that the entrance was by appointment only. We showed up at 1:30pm on a weekday and we were told that the tour guide was too tired to take us through. I had a nice 30 minute drive to the nearest park to explain to a very disappointed 4 year old why we were leaving without seeing any animals. I would say the service was very poor, but there was no service to speak of.
We drove a long way out from Scottsdale and were terribly disappointed and annoyed. There is little to see except for a few sick native animals in cages struggling to be happy and at peace. You are not allowed to wander on your own – you must make an appointment to be listed on one of their tours which run about every 2 hours. If by any chance you do take the liberty to ponder, they will get extremely rude and touchy.
Surprised with all of the fake positive reviews i came across online. Guide was extremely long winded. We had two seniors, two adults, a toddler and 9 month old baby. All got bored very quickly because the guide spent 10 minutes in front of each cage and kept repeating the same thing over and over. Within 1 hour, we had only seen a small variety of animals and that too many of the same species. My husband and father got scolded for not paying attention and drifting toward another cage. We left after an hour due to fidgety kids and adults. Favourite animal for the group is the mountain lion and bobcat.
This is such an eye opener. I am shocked and disgusted. These monsters running the zoo need to be arrested and kept in a prison thats out in the open in the scorching heat. This misery and abuse needs to stop, i urge everyone to share this article as much as possible. Lets stand up for the voiceless and put and end to this cruelty. This zoo / cruelty prison needs to exposed and boycotted. I am absolutely speechless seeing this.
A coyote was hit by a car, struggling in pain on a community property I am working for. I called these guys who apparently are into saving and preserving the “wildlife”, they took down the location information and said someone would be out as soon as they can. It never ever happened and they coyote remained in pain. I eventually had to call a private service to rescue this poor animal in pain.
It’s sad indeed. Animals can’t express their pain and suffering to us like we do. They probably don’t even know the extent of their suffering. Only humans are capable of inflicting pain on others for the sake of hurting someone. When a lion hunts a dear, it does so out of compulsion. Hunting is the nature of an animal. But when a human hunts a deer, it is for amusement.
I wish those people would suffer a fate worse than death. And they call it a conservation center for Chris’s sake. They better get shut down in a few months otherwise we’ll have to take some serious action.
I didn’t know Southwest Conservation Center was a hellhole for those creatures! Those poor animals have done nothing wrong. They are suffering only because some people are too greedy. That’s why you can’t trust private organizations with such causes. They would value profit over care.
I feel so sorry about those animals. They didn’t do anything to deserve this. People should report this place to the authorities to stop it from operating. I don’t think they can improve and fix their issues. It’s too late for that.
Horrible. Truly horrible.
There is something seriously wrong with this conservation center. When I visited it, I was a little disturbed by seeing how they keep the animals here. How can they call themselves a conservation center?! Outrageous.
I don’t see any problem with this place. Can’t kids have some fun??? Some people will make an issue out of anything.