SSK Plastic Surgery – Irresponsible and Careless
SSK Plastic Surgery is a cosmetic services clinic located in Newport Beach, California. Their address is 500 Superior Ave #340, Newport Beach, CA 92663, US, and their contact number is 949-652-2600.
They claim to offer excellent services but their clients disagree. The place has received a ton of complaints for botched procedures.
In the following review, I have shared some of the many complaints people have posted against this medspa and clinic:
Who is Sean Kelishadi, MD?
Sean Kelishadi, MD FACS is a board-certified plastic surgeon and the President of SSK Plastic Surgery. He serves the entire Orange County metro and offers various plastic and cosmetic surgery services.
However, Sean claims to specialize in mommy makeovers and claims to help women enhance their looks after pregnancy and childbirth.
At SSK Plastic Surgery, he offers many plastic surgery services including:
- Breast augmentation
- Eyelid surgery
- Chin augmentation
- Rhinoplasty
- Nonsurgical butt lift
- Breast lift
- Liposuction
- Mommy makeover
- Body contouring
- Arm lift
- Brazilian butt lift
- Tummy tuck
- Breast revision
Apart from these surgery services, this place offers several medspa services including Botox, Radiesse, Xeomin, Dysport, Restylane, Thermirase, hormone therapy, IPL, laser hair removal, and chemical peels.
On paper, Sean Kelishadi, MD, and his clinic SSK Plastic Surgery seem like an attractive option. However, their reviews tell a whole nother story. According to their clients, Sean and his clinic are the worst cosmetic service providers in the region.
Who is a Plastic Surgeon?
A plastic surgeon is a physician who performs cosmetic or reconstructive surgery on individuals with birth defects, traumas, burns, or infections to enhance or alter their appearance.
In the next section of this review, I have shared some of those SSK Plastic Surgery reviews:
Botched Breast Lift and Tummy Tuck Left Scars and Dog Ears on the Client, Blamed the Client’s Body for the Poor Results
Tessa shares that she avoids writing negative reviews but her terrible experience with this place compelled her to post one. She had two separate surgeries here. The first one was a breast augmentation where she had agreed on getting a lift with implants.
However, she received a breast reduction and the implants left her skin loose. Hence, she had to get another breast lift. The procedure didn’t give her the desired size and when she shared her concerns with Dr. Kelishadi, he told her that the process takes time.
Also, he told her that she was overthinking. Tessa had paid for a tummy tuck already by this time so she had no option but to go ahead with the procedure. She thought that maybe the tummy tuck with BBL would generate the desired results but she was mistaken.
Tessa highlights that her tummy tuck was a nightmare as well. She now has 3 square patches on her back because of the tape Dr. Kelishadi used. Tessa shares that she never had a tape allergy before and she is almost 40.
Furthermore, she has two dog ears at the ends of her scar which he says are the result of her stretch marks. Tessa points out that he is wrong because her belly button which was always in the middle of her stomach is now on the right side. To fix this issue, she will have to undergo a full tummy tuck.
Tess shares that she has spent almost $30,000 here and the results are nowhere near her expectations. When she told Dr. Kelishadi about how dissatisfied with the results he blamed her weight and her anatomy. She highlights that if you don’t like the results, he stops being the nice doctor and becomes sarcastic and rude.
After her terrible experience with SSK Plastic Surgery, Tessa saw 5 different doctors and they all recommended she get a full breast revision.
Moreover, she will have to pay for the whole revision out of her pocket which she wouldn’t have needed to do if Dr. Sean Kelishadi had done his job well.
Because of her terrible experience with this place, Tessa doesn’t recommend this clinic to anyone.
“SSK Plastic Surgery Has Terrible Customer Service”
Zaira had an offer for 20 units of Botox at the end of 2020. However, she was breastfeeding at the time so they refused to give her Botox at the time. She had visited the clinic and the nurse asked her if she was breastfeeding her baby. When Zaira told her that she was, the nurse guaranteed her that the offer would not expire and she can come back whenever.
Zaira was a little concerned at first. So, she asked the nurse multiple times if this was possible. However, the nurse assured her that she doesn’t have to worry.
Now, Zaira called the place in March 2022 to set up an appointment. However, the staff has changed and so, her 20 units of Botox have gone to waste. They told her that they don’t have any notes mentioning her offer so it is no longer viable.
Zaira asked the nurse to discuss this issue with the doctor. She told Zaira that she would. But when Zaira asked her later if she had talked to the doctor, she didn’t acknowledge the question. Instead, she told Zaira that there was nothing they can do about it. Zaira says that this place has terrible customer service.
Below are the screenshots of her conversation with the clinic:
SSK Plastic Surgery Didn’t Take Any Responsibility for Botching This Client’s Procedure
Tayii had a horrible experience with SSK Plastic Surgery. However, the terrible attitude of Sean Kelishadi, MD, and the way he affected her mental health prompted her to share her experience with others.
Tayii highlights that she came here for a breast lift and augmentation but her results aren’t what she wanted.
She came to him on her 3-month appointment and shared that she wasn’t happy as she didn’t have cleavage. He asked her what she wanted him to do and she told him that she only wanted him to fix the issue.
Tayii points out that Sean got mad at her and started arguing with her. Moreover, he told her that it would cost her but Tayii had already spent $14,000 on the procedure.
He blamed her for the poor results and said that her breasts are saggy because she chose small implants. Tayii says that if she chose the wrong size, he should have told her about it.
She says that she can’t complain about the staff but the way he talked to her was very unprofessional. Dr. Sean offered to fix the breasts but quoted $8,000 for the procedure.
Tayii points out that her breast migrates when she lies down. However, Sean told her that it was all in her head.
Tayii says that she wanted the surgery to fix her insecurity but it has enhanced the problem. Now, she has to find a different doctor who can fix her breast. She suggests other consumers do proper research before sticking with a doctor like Sean Kelishadi, MD.
Later, Tayii shared an update on her complaint. Sean alleged that she was using a fake name. Tayii points out that it’s her nickname and her actual name is Sabrina Gomez.
The President of SSK Plastic Surgery thinks he did an excellent job but Tayii says that he is mistaken.
She highlights that Sean doesn’t care about the results he delivers. When he had asked her about the size she wanted, Tayii said, “You’re the doctor, what do you think is the best, I just don’t want to be too big.”
Because of his terrible response, she had to justify why she didn’t post her naked pictures along with the review.
Below are the pictures Tayii shared along with her review:
Sean Kelishadi, MD Doesn’t Know How to Talk to Clients
Megann shares that Dr. Sean is extremely rude and doesn’t know how to talk to a client. She had gone in for a second opinion and told the nurse that she was not interested in the doctor taking pictures of her until she knew that he would be the right surgeon for her procedure.
Also, she told the nurse that she was only there for a second opinion.
Then, Sean walked in and told her that he wasn’t going to speak with her as she was wasting his time until she let him take her photos.
He scolded the reviewer and spoke to her quite rudely simply because she didn’t want him to take any pictures of her. Because of this terrible experience, she doesn’t recommend him.
SSK Plastic Surgery Took $1300 From the Client and Offered No Services
Caila had come to SSK Plastic Surgery to get a mommy makeover. She just had her third baby and wanted to get her body back. However, she adds that she had not taken this decision lightly. She had thought it over for a few months and came back with the decision to proceed.
Caila made the requested deposit and scheduled a date for the procedure. During this period, Caila and her husband got a divorce and she also discovered that she had cancer.
Hence, she decided that it was not right to undergo this procedure, both for financial and health reasons. She asked for her deposit back but even after getting this information, Dr. Kelishadi refused to issue a refund.
He told her that the deposit was non-refundable. Caila asked him to reconsider but he became quite aggressive and even left a nasty voicemail.
The reviewer decided that it wasn’t worth the extra stress to fight for the $1300 deposit so she dropped it. Also, the clinic assured her that she can use it for future services.
Caila shared that a good amount of time passed and she called the place to see if she could use her credit. However, the new office manager wasn’t aware of Caila’s case but found out about her deposit easily. She told Caila that she will ask Dr. Kelishadi and get back to her.
However, a few days went by and Caila received no response. She called again and the office manager told her that Dr. Kelishadi would not honor her credit because too much time had passed.
Caila was shocked to get this response. She had paid a decent amount of money for nothing.
She asked the office manager to have Dr. Kelishadi reconsider and to send any paperwork saying that deposits are non-refundable and expire. However, that never happened.
She highlights that Sean Kelishadi, MD is a thief who stole $1300 from her as he didn’t render any services in exchange for the sum.
Later, Caila had to add a rebuttal because Dr. Kelishadi responded to her complaint. He was quite condescending in his reply and Caila pointed it out.
She shares that she canceled the surgery a month before the scheduled date. So, where could they have spent the $1300 during this period?
Also, she asks about the credit they had promised her. She ends her update by sharing that Sean Kelishadi, MD is simply unprofessional and money hungry.
Sean Kelishadi, MD Botched a Breast Augmentation Procedure, Blamed the Patient, and Refused to Take Any Responsibility
Christina had a breast augmentation at SSK Plastic Surgery but she got symmastia (uni-boob). After the procedure, her breasts never looked good and only got worse.
She shares that she was in unbearable pain ever since she woke up from the surgery. A lot of her friends who had done this procedure told her that the pain doesn’t last more than 3 weeks.
Sean had told her that it was just the swelling but it got worse.
Moreover, he kept blaming Christina for the results and said that she didn’t follow the after-care instructions properly. Moreover, he tried to tell her that they looked close because of her tattoo.
However, Christina is certain that it’s his fault for misplacing the implants. Now, he wants her to spend another $5,000 to fix the issue.
Christina doesn’t trust him anymore because he refused to own up to his mistake.
She tried to message his assistant but she didn’t respond to her. Christina suggests ignoring the discount offers of this place because you might have to spend more than you bargained for.
Also, Christina can’t afford to fix the issue so she feels angry and betrayed. Because the mistake was Dr. Sean’s, she believes that he should own up to it and offer her some compensation to fix his error.
She has shared her experience on other platforms as well:
Botched Breast Reduction Caused Severe Infection, SSK Plastic Surgery Didn’t Care
Lori had a horrible experience with her breast reduction procedure. When she called Sean to tell him about the problems she was having after the surgery, he blew her off.
Around 2 months later, Lori had to undergo 2 more surgeries (not by Sean) because she got a severe injection. Even now, she is at home 24/7 with IVs and a caretaker.
Lori doesn’t recommend SSK Plastic Surgery because Sean doesn’t hesitate to belittle his clients in front of everyone.
All of the above reviews suggest that SSK Plastic Surgery might not be as great as it claims to be. The place doesn’t believe in taking any responsibility for its actions. Moreover, it doesn’t care about the results it delivers and cares only about the money it makes.
You shouldn’t go to a plastic surgery clinic that has no regard for what the clients want. It would be best for you to find a different cosmetic service provider and ignore this one.
I pray no one has to undergo treatment with this monster ????????????