Sunpor Group Limited: Avoid the Scammers

Your investments and deposits and Sunpor Group Limited are not safe and there are many reasons to believe that the company will vanish.
3.1/10 (Expert Score)
Product is rated as #156 in category Consumer Reviews

Sunpor Group Limited is an illegal company that offers investment services to traders. The investment firm poses serious risks to the funds’ safety as investors aren’t always confident about the duration of the venture and how it will perform in the market. Like most offshore platforms, Sunpor Group is likely to end within a year, indicating its shady practices. Review

Sunpor Group Limited is apparently a Ponzi scheme that claims to operate in Australia. It uses the data of a legitimate group in Australia but there is no connection between the two companies. So, it’s understandable that Sunpor might flee away after accumulating funds from several inexperienced and amateur investors.

Sunpor runs anonymously so it’s pretty much impossible for the investors to track it. So, it’s always a better option to look for more reliable and legitimate services when it comes to investing your funds. More importantly, there is no evidence about the quality of services from Sunpor which is another obvious indicator of how the company performs for its clients.

Sunpor Group Limited

The main targets for this company are novice investors who don’t know the dynamics of investing yet. You can easily deduce that from numerous intriguing sales pitches, fake promises and unrealistic time frames for success.

However, if you ask the company about past records, there is hardly anything they can present to you. This is a solid reason to blacklist a company such as Sunpor Group. In fact, many of the top regulatory bodies have blacklisted it already.

It goes without saying that working with Sunpor Group Limited is a high-risk proposition. If you’re investing after reading about their professional team, be prepared to lose all your hard-earned money; otherwise, look for a safer option.

Trading Conditions for Sunpor Limited Group

At Sunpor Group Limited, you will find MT5 trading interfaces offering leverage of 1:300. This is an above-average spread if you consider the market. Also the spread of 1:16 is a below average standard, which means you have a very little chance of earning profits, especially when the broker continues its illegal status.

Did You know?

MT5 Trading Interface is the graphical user interface of MetaTrader 5 platform. The interface helps in online trading in forex, stocks etc.

The trends suggest that the Sunpor Group Limited is quite a selfish scheme as the team members are more focused on earning for themselves. The main reason for mentioning this is its offered leverages are way beyond the regulated limits offered by the Australian government. In Australia, a legit company can provide a 1:30 leverage.

Sunpor Group Limited Deposits and Withdrawals

At Sunpor group, you can’t find out the minimum deposit amount. Generally, most investment firms disclose the minimum deposit amount to the customers. But when firms don’t disclose the deposit amount, they can hike the prices anytime during their operations, creating a problem for their clients midway through their investment periods.

As far as payment options are concerned, Sunpor Group offers plenty of them. However, it’s hard to validate these methods because investors are compelled to submit personal data that cannot be shared on public platforms.

Also, there is no evidence if the firm pays its investors at all. There is lack of details for trading practices, which indicates shady practices and possible scams in the past. Moreover, it’s highly likely that the firm withholds the investors’ funds, and they end up jeopardized by the company.

Sunpor Group Limited Contact Details and Customer Support

Sunpor Group was allegedly started in Hong Kong, and it targets investors from all parts of the world. However, countries where the investment regulations are strict, often keep their investors safe from these potentially scam investment firms.

More importantly, Sunpor Group Limited doesn’t even display their email address on the official website, so you cannot possibly contact them. Moreover, they may cut off communication once they get their hands on your funds.

Investors can also find it hard to get a hold of their office address. It’s virtually non-existent, so you cannot estimate where the company operates from. On the other hand, legit companies provide more transparency in contact information. From the outset, Sunpor Group Limited is quite secretive, and it seemingly hides a lot of information from its new and old clients.

Is Sunpor Group Limited a Regulated Body?

A regulated company is far from being illegal. However, Sunpor Group Limited is on the blacklist of the Asian regulatory bodies. Similarly, Australian regulator, ASIC, is yet to issue warnings to the investors against Sunpor Limited Group for its questionable practices. However, since the company uses the clone information from a legit company, it prompted a warning from the Hong Kong financial regulators to the investors asking them to stay safe from this company.

Because of lack of regulation, Sunpor Group Limited is not a secure place for investment. On top of that, there is no compensation scheme because of its unregulated nature. This simply means when your funds go into the wrong hands, authorities cannot do much to save and reimburse your money.

This is where a licensed company is safe, giving you peace of mind that you can always track your investment. A legit company gives you access to all the information regarding its financial activities, but that’s not the case with Sunpor Group.

Funds Safety at Sunpor Group Limited

There isn’t much discussion left when it comes to the safety of the funds with Sunpor Group Limited. Like most offshore ventures, Sunpor Group is likely to leave the market without any prior notice. So, investors are better off avoiding this company if they want their funds secured and profitable.

Moreover, Sunpor Limited does not talk about fund segregation, so the reputation of this platform is by no means a trustable one.

On top of that, since there is no information of those running the setup, you cannot hold anyone accountable in case of bankruptcy. In short, you don’t know who’s handling your money.

Domain Insights for Sunpor Group Limited

The company registered in April 2021, so it’s relatively new. However, it’s difficult to comment on its longevity since the domain is expiring in 2023. The alleged company behind its registration is Dynadot Limited, which is also hard to find due to the lack of contact details.

For the website, there is very little traffic suggesting that there are no serious investors for the company so far. Statistically speaking, Sunpor Group Limited is not a trustable entity and it’s best to be avoided at all costs.

3.1Expert Score

Your investments and deposits and Sunpor Group Limited are not safe and there are many reasons to believe that the company will leave without prior notice. Even though it offers an MT5 interface, it’s not enough to create a trustable face for the company. So, you know what to do: Avoid Sunpor Group Limited and secure your funds for the future.

Customer Service Score
Trust Score
Honesty Score
Reputation Score
  • User interface
  • Questionable Marketing Tactics
  • Unreliable
  • Horrible Market Reputation
Sunpor Group Limited: Avoid the Scammers
Sunpor Group Limited: Avoid the Scammers

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