The Future Trade V4 – Another Ponzi Scam?

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In the latter half of 2022, TFT Metaweb, the third reboot of The Future Trade Ponzi scheme, was introduced.

Although I don’t know a precise date, TFT Metaweb also failed in the first part of 2023. The previously available website for TFT Metaweb has been removed as of the time of posting.

Rebooting for the fourth time somewhere in March 2023, enter The Future Trade once more.

The fourth reboot of The Future Trade is run from “,” a domain that was privately registered on October 9, 2022.

The Future Trade’s first three incarnations were Russian Ponzi schemes led by Boris CEO.

It’s interesting to note that The Future Trade’s currently active, freshly created Facebook page is run from Nigeria.

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This makes it unclear whether The Future Trade v4 is a genuine reboot or a con artist’s opportunistic spinoff.

23/11/2023 Update
As of now, The Future Trade has not responded nor has it apologized for its misdeeds. They have ignored our efforts to highlight the problems faced by their victims. Furthermore, they have only focused on propagating their fake PR.

The Future Trade offers incorporation certificates for The Future Trade in Australia and The Future Trade INT LTD in Seychelles to appear respectable.

The Australian certificate is fraudulent, according to an examination of ASIC’s files. Nevertheless, simple incorporation in any jurisdiction is useless for MLM due diligence.

This is a result of how simple it is for con artists to register shell businesses with false information.

Always consider joining and/or giving any money to an MLM firm very carefully if it is not transparent about who owns or runs it.

The Future Trade v4 review: Products

There are no retailable goods or services offered by The Future Trade.

Only The Future Trade affiliate membership itself may be promoted by affiliates.

The Future Trade v4 review: Compensation Plan

The Future Trade affiliates invest Bitcoin in USD counterparts. On the promise of advertised returns, this is done:

PlanInvest ReceiveDuration
Standard$100 to $29995.5%a day
Gold$3000 to $499910%a day
Platinum$5000 to $99915%a day
Diamond$10,000 to $19,99920%a day
VIP Plan$20,000 or more25%a day

Down two tiers of recruitment, The Future Trade pays a 5% referral commission (unilevel).

Keep in mind that $3000 in personally recruited affiliate investment is required to activate referral commissions on level 2.

What is a Ponzi Scheme?

A Ponzi scheme is a criminal deception investing fraud pledging increased rates of interest with less chance of loss to investors. On the other hand, a Ponzi scam is a deceitful investing fraud that induces retrievals for earlier investors with money carried from later investors.

The Future Trade v4 review: Joining

Membership in the Future Trade affiliate program is free.

The associated income opportunity requires a minimum commitment of $100 to participate fully.

Investment in a range of cryptocurrencies is sought after by The Future Trade.

What Exactly Is a Ponzi Scheme?

BV Acharya 19

A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment scheme that entices investors with high rates of return and little risk. A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation in which money is collected from later participants to pay returns to earlier investors. This is comparable to a pyramid scam in that both rely on new investors’ money being used to reimburse the previous funders.

When the influx of new investors stops and there isn’t enough money to go around, both Ponzi schemes and pyramid schemes finally hit their bottom. The plans then start to fall apart.

Recognizing Ponzi schemes

Clients are promised a substantial payoff at little to no risk in a Ponzi scheme, an investment fraud. Companies that operate Ponzi schemes put all of their efforts towards luring new investors.

The returns to the initial investors are paid using this new revenue, which is designated as a profit from a legal transaction. Ponzi schemes depend on a steady stream of new investments to keep giving older investors profits. The plan fails when this flow is exhausted.

What Sets a Ponzi Scheme Apart from a Pyramid Scheme?

A Ponzi scheme uses the promise of future profits to entice investors. A Ponzi scheme can only be continued by the operator as long as additional investors are attracted.

A pyramid scheme, on the other hand, recruits additional participants and rewards them for enlisting more investors. In a pyramid scheme, participants only receive a percentage of their earnings and are “used” by participants farther up the pyramid to make money.

Why is it referred to as a Ponzi scheme?

Charles Ponzi, a businessman in the 1920s who successfully persuaded tens of thousands of people to deposit their money with him, is credited as the inventor of the Ponzi scheme. Ponzi’s plan involved buying and selling discounted postal reply coupons to guarantee a certain profit after a certain period. Instead, he was using newly invested funds to settle debt from the past.

How Can You Spot a Ponzi Scheme?

The SEC has noted a few characteristics that frequently indicate a shady financial plan. It’s critical to realize that almost all investing strategies involve some level of risk, and many of them don’t guarantee results. if there is a business opportunity 

The SEC encourages investors to proceed with caution when investing since these are red flags of fraud: 

(1) guarantees a specific return; 

(2) guarantees that return by a specified date; and 

(3) is not registered with the SEC.

The Future Trade v4 review: Conclusion

The Future Trade is a fairly typical, lazily rehashed Ponzi scheme. The “NFT metaverse” bullshit from TFT Metaweb is gone, and the currency trading from the first two incarnations is also gone.

Boris CEO of The Future Trade’s YouTube marketing films has also vanished. They have been reused this time as a website background video for the scam.

Lazy once more. The new actors–where are they?

It’s noteworthy to note that the Future Trade V4 Facebook page is run out of Nigeria. Not enough to prove various scammers are responsible for the fourth reboot.

The original Russian con artists could have easily and cheaply outsourced social media management to Nigeria. They could have possibly relocated to Nigeria, but that would have been a bit extreme.

Crypto mining is, in any case, The Future Trade’s latest Ponzi scheme.

ThefutureTrade uses Proof of Stake (PoS) technology, which was created by a Group of Experts in the Fields of IT and Cryptocurrencies, to provide cloud server mining.

This is a scam, just like the others before it. The Future Trade, which promises a daily ROI of 25% and says it has access to $4.1 trillion, maybe the best example of this.

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25% of $4.1 trillion equals $1.025 trillion, which is what The Future Net is allegedly capable of producing every day.

However, they are kindly giving you access here without charge.

The advantage of Ponzi reboots is that their earlier incarnations can be used to confirm the impending collapse:

The Future Trade V1 was introduced in late 2020 and failed in late 2021.

Launched in early 2021, The Future Trade V2 fell apart in mid- to late-2022.

Launched in late 2022, TFT Metaweb (The Future Trade V3) fell apart in early 2023.

As with all MLM Ponzi scams, the fresh investment will cease as soon as affiliate recruiting does.

As a result, The Future Trade will eventually fail from a lack of ROI income.

Ponzi scheme math ensures that the majority of participants lose money.

The Future Trade’s reboots are becoming less frequent, and they are undoubtedly slowed down by former victims seeking to make up for their losses.

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