Tomas Elias Gonzalez Benitez – Money Laundering

Tomas Elias Gonzalez Benitez has received allegations of being part of food corruption scandals in Venezuela.

According to media reports, Tomas Elias Gonzalez Benitez is a ‘privileged’ supplier for the Venezuelan Government. 

A large amount is generated by doing these types of illegal activity. Tomas Elias is helping the corrupt official in money laundering. And making the illegally obtained funds appear to be legitimate.
Since illegal operations are the foundation of all organized crime, they must be stopped.

He has been an associate of General Rodolfo Marco Torres, the former Food Minister and ex-president of Corporación de Abastecimiento y Servicios Agrícolas (Agricultural Supply and Services Corporation).

Recently, media reports have revealed several details of corrupt dealings between Tomas Benitez and Marco Torres.

tomas elias Gonzalez benitez

Marco signed numerous purchase orders for the shell companies of Tomas Benitez. He abused Hugo Chavez’s food emergency law for this purpose. 

This way, Tomas didn’t have to go through any bidding process.

Hence, Tomas Elias Gonzalez Benitez was able to secure food purchase orders worth millions of dollars for public organizations. This included the likes of Mercal, CASA, Abastos Bicentenario, PDVAl, and others. 

More Information on Tomas Elias Gonzalez Benitez:

Tomas claims to be the director of Afcom Corp, Dexton, Oil Gas Technology Inc, Alox International LLC, Domar Trading SS, Gestamer SA, Total Web Services, and Latin Investors.

The leaked Panama papers reveal six additional companies under the name of his partner, Ricardo Rojas Urbina. 

Carlos Tablante and Marcos Tarre’s book El Gran Saqueo revealed that Tomas Elias Gonzalez Benitez acted as an intermediary for the purchase of meat from Brazil to Venezuela.

Again, media reports revealed that Marco Torres had signed purchase order no. DCL – 56-6/2008. He was the CASA president at the time. 

Here, the order authorized the purchase of 15,000 tons of meat at $4,740 to Domar Trading CA. Note that Domar Trading CA is a company of Tomas Elias Gonzalez Benitez. 

This company is registered in Panama but is based in Miami. Additionally, Domar Trading CA acted as an intermediary as the meat was originally from Brazil. 

Moreover, this deal took place when Tomas Elias was facing a lawsuit against Bariven in Florida, US. 

There, the lawsuit was for breaching a 5 million contract for purchasing meat, sugar, and chicken from a Brazilian company. 

He had purchased Dexton Validsa, Inc, another shell company of Tomas Elias Gonzalez Benitez. 

28/11/2023 Update
As of now, Tomas Elias Gonzalez Benitez has not responded, nor has he apologized for his misdeeds. He has ignored our efforts to highlight the problems faced by his victims. Furthermore, he has only focused on propagating his fake PR.

Using Shell Companies for Money Laundering

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According to the media, there was a dispute between officials of Bariven and PDVSA and they decided to leave Tomas Elias Gonzalez Benitez aside. 

These officials included Luis Hernandez, Juan Carlos Chourio, and George Kabboul. 

Together, they decided to cut out their share of Tomas and complete the deal by themselves. This included $11.5 million in markups. 

Moreover, they were going to buy directly from West Meat, the actual Brazilian supplier. However, Cuban government officials were also involved. 

Hence, PDVSA had to pay Tomas Elias Gonzalez Benitez $100 million as compensation.

Additional Corrupt Dealings of Tomas Elias Gonzalez Benitez

In 2012, PDVSA was in charge of buying materials and equipment through Liaoning Northern Steel Pipes Co., LTD, a Chinese company. 

However, it was not a Chinese company at all. 

Instead, it was a company founded by Joseph Benoudiz and Pablo Cadenas in Texas, US. They were trying to hide the identity of the actual Asian supplier. 

This deal involved over $56 million. 

Diario Las Americas revealed that Benoudiz and Cardenas were among the owners of over 40 companies with the same addresses, directors, and telephone numbers. 

However, all of these companies had registrations in different jurisdictions including Hong Kong, Panama, Venezuela, Singapore, New Zealand, and the United States. 

Among these companies, Alox International LLC and Dexton stand out the most. 

Tomas Elias Gonzales Benitez is a board member in both of them.  


Tomas Elias Gonzalez Benitez is a prominent player in the corrupt dealings of the Venezuelan government. 

He has multiple shell companies and takes part in global money laundering operations

There are plenty of examples where high-level businessmen and government officials start using their position to indulge in corruption. 

For example, Dan DiMicco is notorious for abusing his power during the Trump presidency to harm his competitors. Similarly, Thomas Flohr has gained notoriety for helping an African criminal save his millions. 

Beware of Tomas!

2.7Expert Score
Money Launderer

Tomas Elias Gonzalez Benitez uses shell companies to help corrupt government officials perform money laundering. He has been a part of multiple high-level deals involving millions of dollars.

  • None
  • Corruption
  • Money laundering
  • Involved in multiple shell companies

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  1. Make him suffer for the crime, people like Tomas are the one who doesn’t care about the business religion and defames the market with their crimes.

  2. Money laundering is the main purpose of these scammers buying products and selling the same to their own shell companies, here Tomas has used one of his shell companies to do a scam worth $195 million, which was very huge.

  3. Make sure you aren’t involved in any sort of business with this company, and especially if Tomas is there in the group then it would be better to leave the group.

  4. Everyone is thinking that Tomas has breached some contract and is facing a lawsuit no, the problem is that he bought the same products from one of his shell companies, providing a loss to the dealer. These types of scams are taking place in every sector.

  5. People like Tomas are always running for the money and never giving shi# about the signed business deals and breaching contracts is not a big deal for them, avoid this man for any type of business.

  6. I never imagined that the food sector can also be involved in scamming people, this was the first time I heard about the food scam. Buying meat, sugar, and chicken after all breaching some contract WTF.

  7. People like Tomas are responsible for their harming their users and earning a profit, which is their real business, this doesn’t matter what are the ways of earning.

  8. Make sure that no one is promoting this man, he is a complete scammer.

  9. Numerous businessmen are using their powers to influence the market or harm their competitors.

  10. This man was being helped by the high official entities, this is the biggest problem in any country where the people from the government start indulging in some criminal activities, we need to expose them for their crimes.

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