Tony Robbins: Overpromise and Underdeliver

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Disappointed or deceived businessman tears up a contract.
This review is painful for me to write since I’ve been a Tony Robbins fan and advocate for the last decade participating in numerous events, hiring coaches for myself and key employees in my companies along with purchasing ALL content ever produced by Tony Robbins!
Unfortunately, I’m sad to broadcast that my recent experience has turned me into a BRAND DETRACTOR for Tony Robbins.
You see, Recently, I figured it was time for me to reignite my coaching to support the achievement of my personal and professional goals.

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I responded to an offer for an annual coaching package they sent and after some negotiation, we landed at $5,250/annual which was to include swag (e.g planners, content, hat, tickets for UPW etc) and most importantly I stressed to the sales rep (a manager!) that
I wanted to be appointed an experienced coach in MY category/domain.
Yes, yes yes… PAY US over the phone with your credit card NOW and all your wishes will be realized, Gary.
Well.. after paying it took WEEKS for me to hear from the coach. I had to contact them with debate emails and calls.
The explanation: We had your wrong number on file??! Wtf.
This is after I finally got a hold of the sales back office (of which NEVER replies unless 20 emails OR you wanna pay them).
Then I was assigned a coach, and I gave the guy a chance. It started OK but after 3 sessions I got tired of the lack of preparation from him, the zero personalization of the coaching (e.g he couldn’t remember my goals etc without checking his docs on each call) and lastly,
the advice was generic the shelf recommendations of which I am much better off with just reading or listening to Tony’s audiobooks/followings programs, instead of a coach with limited bandwidth and practically zero engagement.
Finally, this was enough, and I submitted a cancellation request for breach of contract/dissatisfaction with the solution according to the agreement (verbal and email) with the coach manager.
The sad reality is that I’ve now sent 8 emails with follow-ups on the cancellation and refund request and getting ZERO replies!
I am therefore now making it my little personal side mission to start publishing content and reviews everywhere by leveraging the full depth of my marketing companies so that
Tony HIMSELF PERSONALLY becomes aware of how this treatment of otherwise loyal long-standing customers is slowly going to deteriorate and destroy his brand/coaching empire is not adjusted to respect customers!
I seriously doubt that Tony would support this treatment and/or hesitate for a second to process my refund personally if he knew the details of the case and treatment.
104307652 20170227 0822 2328
Tony Robbins Overpromise
1.9 Total Score
Tony Robbins Coaching - Don't waste Your Money on Generic Advice and Second Tier Coaching

Inaccurate, misleading and overpromising on steroids! The brand is not what it represented longer! I have wasted +$5K on a coaching package only to not receive what was promised (by a mile) and now they extend complete radio silence with no intention to process the refund and cancel an otherwise +10 years loyal client.

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