UltimateLine Global: Is Second InfiniteLine Global Reboot a Ponzi Scheme? !

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UltimateLine Global has received allegations of being a MLM scam. Find out if those allegations are true or not in this review.
UltimateLine Global

On its website, UltimateLine Global omits to list corporate or management details.

The domain name “ultimatelineglobal.com” for UltimateLine Global’s webpage was first purchased in January 2023. On March 17th, the personal membership was most recently modified.

Before we get started with this review
Such posts are made possible by the collective efforts of our contributors. If you can provide any kind of insight into UltimateLine Global or a similar company/individual, then share your information with us using our secured form.

You can help us put a stop to online scams before they grow too big and end-up ruining thousands of lives. A scam is a scam, doesn’t matter if it’s big or small. Now that this is out of the way, let’s get started with the review.

An AI avatar robodub is used in the sole UltimateLine Global marketing clip displayed on the web page:

RxZpCiMW t5b7KuNCLdu Q2dqWsc7zp5ptlTyX7krMp5ix04J BOup3GeI9Vz5RCrQbtbrpPyY Q6J6iA Q6GAQHiRokOm3zUu78oUZqicMFGGVGhPVyS09sUPQituXejGFOhMTGyaMfIcNaRqm6CII

This is characteristic among administrators who do not speak English as their first language.

Despite stating on its website that it is a “UK-based, experienced forex & cryptocurrency trading firm,” UltimateLine Global lists its business address as being in Switzerland.

It is assumed that UltimateLine Global maintains no connection with either Switzerland or the UK.

Therefore consider joining or giving any cash to an MLM firm very carefully if it fails to be transparent about what is managing or owning it.

Products of UltimateLine Global 

UltimateLine Global does not offer any items or services that can be directly sold to consumers.

Our Methodology

We look at 34 different data points when analyzing and rating online money-earning opportunities. Once the research on these data points is submitted, expert contributors reach out to the company’s customers and associates to get more insight into their operation. Finally, all the collected information is presented in the form of this expert review.

All the data is extracted from publicly available information and the sources are given in the transparency section at the bottom of every report.

These reports are made possible by the collective efforts of contributors like you. If you would like to become a contributor then contact us here.

Associates possess the exclusive capability to promote solely their affiliate membership to UltimateLine Global.

Compensation Plan of UltimateLine Global 

UltimateLine Global affiliates engage in cryptocurrency investment based on the assurance of promised profits.

AffiliatesInvest Receive 
First Line $99 to $49994% a week
Second Line $5000 to $14,9998% a week
Third Line $15,000 to $39,99912% a week
Forth Line $40,000 or more16% a week
Ultimate Gold $30,000 or more70% after 3 days

UltimateLine Global offers commissions for referrals on deposited monies through a system of unilevel payments.

In a uni-level pay system, an affiliate is positioned at the highest level of a uni-level team, resulting in every associate they individually acquire being put right behind them.


In the event that level 1 affiliates successfully enlist new affiliates, said recruits will be positioned on level 2 inside the unilevel team of the originating affiliate.

In the event that level 2 associates successfully enlist fresh affiliates, the latter are then positioned on level 3, and this hierarchical pattern continues indefinitely across an abstract multitude of levels.

UltimateLine Global has implemented a policy wherein the maximum number of payable levels for unilevel teams is limited to four.

Referral commissions are disbursed in the form of percentage terms, based on the amount of cryptocurrency that has been put into it, over four distinct tiers, as delineated below:

  • Level 1- 2%
  • Level 2- 4%
  • Level 3- 8%
  • Level 4- 16%

UltimateLine Global’s Joining 

The UltimateLine Global affiliate program is provided at no cost.

In order to fully engage in the included potential for earnings, it is necessary to make an initial deposit of $99.

Conclusion of UltimateLine Global

The referral commission structure of UltimateLine Global exhibits an unconventional pattern, as the rates increase rather than decrease.

MLM firms commonly prioritize the promotion of recruiting by offering elevated rates of commission for individual acquisition. The acquisition of downline members is commonly associated with the receipt of retention bonuses.

The rationale behind the aforementioned phenomenon, as well as the inclusion of predetermined recruitment prerequisites, can be attributed to the fact that UltimateLine Global represents a revival of the defunct Edge Capital PLC Ponzi scam.

If you have sensitive information or have had a personal experience with UltimateLine Global but want to stay anonymous, then submit it using our secured form. You can connect with our expert contributors and help in finding the truth. We never share your information with 3rd parties.

Edge Capital PLC presented a possible return of as much as twenty percent every week. The crash occurred during the month before it or during the month prior to that.

It is noteworthy that upon inputting UltimateLine Global’s Swiss address into the search bar of Google, the search results displayed InfiniteLine Global.

Based just on the nomenclature, it becomes evident that the perpetrators responsible for both fraudulent investments including Edge Capital PLC are identical.

In March, InfiniteLine Global was subjected to an examination by BehindMLM. According to the web designer responsible for the creation of InfiniteLine Global’s website, it is asserted that the individual underlying its development is a Nigerian citizen known as “Sunday, Sunny Days” Paul.

According to SimilarWeb, the amount of traffic recorded for InfiniteLine Global in the month of July 2023 is insignificant. 

In light of the aforementioned circumstances, it is evident that InfiniteLine Global, the Edge Capital PLC reboot, & presently the firm is experiencing significant collapses.

UltimateLine Global engages in a Ponzi scheme that encompasses investments in cryptocurrency, commercial property, & foreign exchange.

Assest management of UltimateLine Global

It is important to acknowledge that the assertion of having “in excess of 15+ years of knowledge about property administration” made by this firm is unsubstantiated, as the company is relatively new and has not been in operation for a period of time exceeding a few months.

Naturally, this firm has not presented any substantiated evidence of their generation of outside income via any avenue.

Similar to InfiniteLine Global & Edge Capital PLC, UltimateLine Global operates by recycling the cash contributed by participants in order to fulfill requests for withdrawals. This characteristic renders it akin to a Ponzi scam.

Similar to other multi-level marketing Ponzi scams, the influx of new investments will cease once the recruitment of affiliates diminishes.

The lack of return on investment will lead to a deprivation of resources for the organization, ultimately resulting in an imminent failure.

The mathematical principles underlying Ponzi schemes ensure that, upon their eventual fall apart a significant percentage of investors experience financial losses.

About UltimateLine Global

Ultimateline Global is a United Kingdom-based expert organization specializing in forex & digital currency trading. The company’s primary objective is to offer its clients secure and advantageous potential for investments.

While the company aims to provide secure and advantageous investment prospects, it is imperative for individuals to approach such opportunities with caution. 

Therefore, it conducts thorough research and seeks expert financial advice to make informed decisions regarding your investments. 

Staying informed and aware of potential risks will help you safeguard your financial interests in an industry known for its volatility. If you want to know more about this firm involved in the Ponzi Scheme, you may learn from the link: UltimateLine Global

Youtube Channel of UltimateLine Global

The YouTube channel of UltimateLine Global has only 5.01k subscribers and they have posted only 1 video. On that video, only 51 views are there. 

6TeYz5Jlrm1Io8yMo7sgftPV7yro 3HEPXc7jPoqrRzg03yjDzNreGjXsUXv0szA4IsjpV8FDOjL JgO xAh51x 54aADdAzSWPmLqloEJg36I75zqhrdJUV927Nfw0Jgs6LFKW9DnX bRJ R wtmSo

What is a Ponzi Scheme? 

OkASkcHhAC LxWX2GMvEp4JMIGCCePdUY0C5a6GRrw7TvQWVjoxc97 Kfu NgMS UdEfROUJBykp87Qn92nZSRnY9 cFs0MAJAr5Sf3azjuGh4CssPaDx 52O4UVOUhb7fTdXh IaoyzSdUoZXfLwN8

A Ponzi scheme is an illicit investment plan that deceitfully guarantees shareholders large rates of return while minimizing the associated risks. A Ponzi scheme is a deceptive investment fraud that operates by utilizing funds obtained from subsequent participants to provide returns to previous investors. 

This bears resemblance to a pyramid scheme as both involve the utilization of fresh investors’ capital to compensate previous participants.

UltimateLine Global: Is Second InfiniteLine Global Reboot a Ponzi Scheme? !
UltimateLine Global: Is Second InfiniteLine Global Reboot a Ponzi Scheme? !

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