Vikas Gupta of Wiley India: Did He Abuse His Staff?
The 44-year-old victim, who is also a single mother, claimed that she had recordings that could easily prove her point that Vikas Gupta harassed her. Wiley India is known for publishing and reprinting world-class books on science, technology, medical engineering, management, etc.
The company has a bad reputation as far as employees working there are concerned. The company is headquartered in New Delhi. The website used by the company for providing services to its customers is
You can help us put a stop to online scams before they grow too big and end up ruining thousands of lives. A scam is a scam, doesn’t matter if it’s big or small. Now that this is out of the way, let’s begin the review.
Location: 4435-36/7, Ansari Road, Darya Ganj, New Delhi, India.
About Vikas and Gupta Wiley India
Vikas Gupta is the managing director at Wiley India. Vikas holds a bachelor’s degree in Electronics Engineering and an executive MBA from ISB with the Kellogg School of Management, the Wharton Business School, and Fundacao Dom Cabral, Brazil.
He also holds a PG Diploma in printing and publishing from London. At present, he is the managing director at Wiley India, Co-Chair of the FICCI Committee on Publishing, the immediate Post President of the Association of Publishers in India(API), and the promoter member of the Education Promotion Society of India(EPSI)
Employee Reviews Expose Vikas Gupta Wiley India
The first review by a former employee of Wiley India shows the reality of Wiley India that although it is a global brand, the leadership is hopelessly led by Vikas Gupta who is the current managing director at Wiley India.
There is no career development at the organizational level. The company is oppressive as far as employees are concerned. The former employee further stated that if Vikas Gupta is removed from his post, then Wiley India’s future will be saved.
Another former employee states that since it is a global company, we can work with people from different countries, but again, he/she states that the organization is corrupt, the employees are treated as slaves, and the management never listens to the employees’ problems.
Further, they pressure the employee to perform well but never support or try to reach the employee.
The main culprit is the managing director, who is alleged to be involved in unethical practices. He supports and promotes those who help him engage in unethical practices. The organization gives no heed to hard work and talent, and it blatantly tells employees to leave if they don’t cooperate.
The senior management along with the Managing Director is accused of sexual harassment, still, they misbehave with the employees of the company.
The whole management stands with the Managing Director in unethical activities and supports him. The former employee while giving his review on Glassdoor says “ Employees are humans too and they must not be treated as slaves, they need compassion”. He further warned the organization that if it will not change its attitude towards its employees, it will soon shut down.
While giving his review on Glassdoor, the third former employee says that the company has nothing good to provide employees with. They make their employees fools. He exposed the company by telling the viewers that the company has decided to sell half of its business units as the company is not performing well under Vikas Gupta; they are laying off/firing the employees.
The reviewer says that he never felt supported while working for the organization; there was very little bonus. Further, the former employee stated that there is no scope of career or personal development at Wiley India, so he will not recommend anyone join this organization.
He advises the company to recruit only a specific number of employees; it is better to choose a specific number rather than lay off extra employees. The reviewer confronts the management so that the authorities concerned may start taking care of its employees. Free apps and half a day off must be available for the convenience of both. If the company fails to provide basic essentials, then the employees may leave the organization.
These negative reviews of the company by Ex-employees show that the company has a very bad image in India and one of the major reasons for the company’s downfall can be Vikas Gupta, the Managing Director who is accused of sexually assaulting a woman employee.
What is a Red Flag?
A red flag serves as a signal or sign that there may be an underlying issue or danger associated with a company’s stock, financial statements, or news reports. These indicators can come in many forms and are often identified by analysts or investors as any notable undesirable trait.
Media Reports on Vikas Gupta of Wiley India:
This headline by the Economic Times tarnished the image of the company which is also a global brand in publishing.
Delhi Police booked the Managing director of Wiley India and two executives of the Singapore and the US units for sexual harassment.
Vikas Gupta was booked for using words/gestures to outrage the modesty of a woman and stalking.
Vikas Gupta, along with Archana Singh, the US-based chief human resources officer, and Thomas Erawan, HR Vice President based in Singapore were booked under Sections 354(A),354(D), and 509 of the IPC on August 21.
The 44-year-old victim, who is also a single mother, claimed that she had recordings which can easily prove her point that Vikas Gupta harassed her.
Through the recording, it can be heard how Gupta was passing lewd remarks and seeking sexual favors and an illicit relationship. She further alleged that Vikas Gupta touched her inappropriately several times even though she had objected to it and that instead of taking action against him, she was victimized and forced to resign.
Vikas Gupta, the managing director of Wiley India, through his lawyer, told The Economic Times that he is unaware of any such complaint but will fully cooperate with the police as and when needed.
He said that the organization’s internal committee for checking the claims and allegations has found that the claims made by that woman are baseless and fabricated. He said that she is using the #metoo campaign to malign my reputation and defame Wiley India’s name.
He started to harass her after her mother’s surgery in 2011 sexually. The victim alleged that the environment became terrorizing and there was no controlling authority over him, telling some instances of sexual harassment by Vikas Gupta.
She claimed that in February 2012, Gupta gave her Valentine’s card with the message “Be my valentine, my love and only love could only be you”
When she reported this matter to her boss Irwan suggested her to take transfer to Mumbai for some time until everything became all right, but then too the demand for sexual favour by Vikas Gupta continued on the phone, he used to call her, and talk for 2 hours daily.
Despite applying for a transfer to Mumbai for three years, she was called back to New Delhi in nine months. She asked her boss, Irwan, to act, but he listened deafly to her pleas.
Eventually, in July 2016, an internal committee was formed to look into the matter. But the company rejected her allegations, then she moved to an industrial tribunal.
India Private Limited VS Vikas Gupta and others on 19th July 2022
Vikas Gupta was the Managing Director of the Plaintiff company. While working there, he incorporated Futurense in his son’s name. After leaving the plaintiff’s employment, he started transmitting various reports, projects, templates, co-structures, curricula, etc., of the Plaintiff to his son and other defendants to misuse them. He held the highest position in the Plaintiff’s organization in India. Moreover, an audit report of the Plaintiff reveals various issues.
Devanshu Joshi sent emails to the other defendants on 31 July 2019, 6 September 2019, 4 September 2020, etc.
Accordingly, Mr.Wadhwa, Id. Senior Council for the Plaintiff has submitted that while continuing to be employed by the Plaintiff, the various individuals arrayed as Defendants colluded with Mr. Vikas Gupta and started promoting the business of Futurense, in which Miles was also a partner.
On behalf of the defendants, Mr Arjun Krishnan, Id. Counsel submits that Futurense was also a business partner of Plaintiff along with Miles, and the transmission of these documents was in the usual course of business.
The court has perused some of the documents filed by the Plaintiff in a sealed cover, which are relied upon in the Plaintiff’s submissions. Considering the nature of the matter and the several allegations against Defendant No.1, his son, and other individuals, this matter requires further hearing.
This is a list for hearing on 13th October 2022, on which date Mr. Vikas Gupta shall join the proceedings either virtually or physically.
The Registry is directed to reseal the documents produced in a sealed cover and place them before the Court on the next hearing date.
So, Mr.Vikas Gupta was even accused of using the confidential projects of the Plaintiff company even after leaving the work company. Further, he was accused of helping transmit various reports and templates and even deceiving the company. He profited as he was the only one at the highest post of the Company.
Why people can’t understand that it’s hard for people who were verbally abused in public and can affect the person mentally and make him sick?
There should be a healthy working environment in the office which would affect working for the staff.
There should be a balance between authority and responsibility, as the manager has great leadership and always has the approach of the skill development program so that it would affect the working conditions and can help the organization to achieve their goal, but I believe in the leadership of the Vikas Gupta is impossible.
This article has absolutely broken my heart. Working in an environment where you are harassed by your manager and cannot do anything about it is oppressive, and as a woman, I understand how depressing it is to come out of these situations. In most cases, such as verbal abuse and sexual harassment, the perpetrator flees, and the media is unable to cover these types of stories for the public.
People Like Vikas Gupta always misuse their power and always, harass and verbally abuse their subordinates which is completely horrible, and higher authority should take some strict action against it. So, people in the workplace can understand how to act in the workplace as these types of cases are not repeated at all.