Wilson Luna – Fraudulent Business Expert

Who is Wilson Luna?

Wilson Luna, now calling himself Wilson Robert Luna to avoid all the condemning reports about him and The Luna Group Pty Ltd and Your Family Your Money P/L. He has lied about his wealth, experience, qualifications and so much more.

Does it get any worse? YES!!! He has intimidated his staff, now all young and vulnerable and manipulated his clients. He uses powerful NLP tactics to control clients, distort reality and keep people dependant on his ‘advice’. Marriages have broken down, people have lost businesses, people have spent 10 of thousands of dollars to be advised by a fraud. Some people have benefited, yet they had sound business skills already and many had external one on one real business mentors and coaches. His teachings have been stolen from others, without any credit given.

Clinton Swaine a business trainer, has confirmed Wilson stole his material and his clients 5 years ago to start his own “bootcamps. Wilson has plagiarised, bastardised and stolen material from everyone and anyone who would further his cause to be rich. Tony Robbins, Brendan Burchard, Wayne Dwyer, to name just a few who have been quoted and never acknowledged.

Wilson Luna ran his business on a shoe string budget, with his wife and former gatekeeper and a league of well meaning, yet deluded volunteer crew members. Crew members gave freely of their time, just to be in his presence and with the hope of getting personal business guidance. This rarely came and if it did, it would often be confusing or manipulative.

Background and History

Wilson Robert Luna was a financial planner, insurance and super fund sales man with big dreams of becoming rich by creating a global brand without the credentials and with little expertise apart from a the self belief that he could create his own reality. And that he did.

His lack of actual exposure and expertise to the top ASIA PAC CEO he claimed he advised did not deter him from creating the elaborate stories to give himself credibility. His lies extended even to his wealth. He claimed to have 3 multimillion dollars business by the age of 35 and then amended it to 40.

He never wavered in his own self importance and his belief he could implement a program that advised small business people, often the most financially vulnerable people to create his wealth. He learnt that after the GFC, small business people were struggling and desperate for answers and guidance. He told everyone who would listen, this business was a legacy project, he was already wealthy enough to never work a day in his life. He believed he would be able to do what he promised, create a 100 millionaires in a year and 10 million millionaires in 10 years. Yes, he actually believed this and probably still would if hundreds of people didn’t recently leave his little small business ‘cult’ of deceit.

You may say he must have some business acumen? He did finally build that multimillion dollar company, but it was his financially literate, cunning and money focused wife that administered the business and created the empire they built. His 2IC, was a formable gatekeeper to his secret and ran the events like one woman, well oiled machine. But it was success on the back of small business people, some who could barely afford the training. He kept them coming back for more with the relentless NLP and Hypnosis. Like addicts clients returned, paid more money, for motivation, disguised as business ‘advice’.

Modus Operandi

The conditioning to place money as a no 1 core priority above all ease, even family caused major stress for people. This collided with many people’s core beliefs and as a result some people really struggled, they felt inadequate because their natural human instinct to have love and compassion as a core belief was being manipulated without their consent. Our humanity was being reconditioned to be replaced by money.

His marketing over the years changed according to the clients that joined. His initial “Multimillion Dollar Bootcamps” were designed for small business people who wanted success and wanted to changed the world with their products, services or vision. He latter adopted the titles “The Spirit of Wealth” seminars, influence by his longtime lover and example of success the “spiritual guru” Sidra Jafri who he believed he ‘created. It was Clinton Swaine who taught Sidra Jafri the same techniques he taught Wilson Luna.

Everything about Wilson Robert Luna is fake. His name, his qualifications, his experience, his ‘penthouse’ apartment, his London ‘home’ in Mayfair, his multimillion dollars businesses, his lifestyle, his travelling, his wealthy ‘friends’, his holidays, his marriage break up, it’s timing, his ‘affairs’, (which he uses NLP to seduce his clients/victims).

Can it get any worse?

Yes, he still has a small delusional group of ‘love bombed’ and controlled clients who he plans to take over their businesses. These people believe if they successful ‘pitch’ to give him a substantial portion of their business, he will take their businesses to multimillion dollars. Some even believe the Billion dollar mark, even though he has never done this for himself. He is using the Richard Branson model, “let me mentor you and I will make you rich. Wilson Luna is not the brand, status or business expert that is Richard Branson.

Read also: Adam Wilson Trading

Wilson Robert Luna has clients he seduced with the love of money, some he has physically seduced and keeps them all heavily hypnotised. Their are weak, vulnerable or morally corrupt x clients who adore him and some even love him. They believe the teachings they received were valuable. They seem to have no problem with his deceit. If his deceit was simply a qualification or exaggerated story, you could understand their position. Yet they seem to forget, they got something out of being brainwashed with out their consent at the expense of others more vulnerable. I suspect these fans of Wilson will one day wake up and be in deep shock and disbelief at how manipulative and self-serving Wilson Luna is in reality.

His is a narcissist at best and many believe, like myself, he is a charismatic psychopath in reality.

Beware go this “magician of the martial world”, Wilson Luna is evil.

I should have some archival references but it’s stored in boxes as it was 10 years ago and I was living in Europe (now Canada). I’ll happily send whatever I find your way (but I can’t say when that will be). Let me know if you’re on a time constraint. 

However, It seems that Wilson Robert Luna has managed to attract clients through the lure of money, while also engaging in physical seduction and keeping them heavily hypnotized. Despite this, some of them seem to genuinely adore and even love him.

Do Your Research Well

Do look up ‘high control group’ models. He sets this up like it’s a big ‘family’ and like a cult gig. It’s not religious but it’s all about the “The House of Luna” so to speak instead of God. You may see that his blueprint resembles this approach.

What I can ping your way now are references to his published work: At the time he published under Luna Group Pty Ltd I don’t see anything more recent online

1. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Save-30-000-Days-ebook/dp/B0084IH37I/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&qid=1601219157&refinements=p_27%3AWilson+Luna&s=books&sr=1-2&text=Wilson+Luna

Note: I noticed he rates his own books on Goodreads (hilarious). See links below. I’ve screengrabbed him reviewing himself 5 stars and put it below for your giggles.

Screen Shot 2020 09 27 at 11.10.22 AM

2. I bought his book Entrepreneurial Leadership (which is just some E5 grid on Envision, Enrol, Embody, Empower, Evaluate principles he made up + success quotes and gibberish that he says is in limited print yada yada and sells at his weekend gigs) and he put a Marianne Williamson quote on the back of his book (see pic). Essentially all he does is use quotes from famous people (I bet if you ask Marianne Williamson if she knows this is on his book, she wont). It suggests she endorses him by doing that. See back cover pic attached. ISBN: 978-0-9806284-8-7

Beware of Wilson Luna

I’m sure people are afraid to come forward. Thats his vibe. Incite fear and swear more than i’ve ever heard anyone swear in my life on stage. 

Also, look up Analaura Luna. You may find hidden stuff legally there (just guessing). https://ezinearticles.com/expert/Analaura_Luna/636280#more-information

I’m sure you’ve seen this, curiously the content seems to be old now (5+ years) has be abandoned this platform? https://www.youtube.com/user/Lunagroup he also had a very active Facebook tribal page. If anyone can give you that access, it was at the time – the beehive)

Please do what you can to get this fucker – he is satan. 

1.9 Total Score
Scammer Wilson Luna Exposed

Wilson Luna has been scamming and conning thousands as we speak yet there are only a handful of people who know how big a fraud he is. He needs to be exposed so innocent and naive people can be prevented from falling in vicious trap.

2.8Expert Score
1User's score
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  • Deceptive
  • Highly Manipulative
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  1. 0.5

    Thank you for the article I was one of the unfortunate people who attended some of his highly stage seminars in the UK lost some money but not much because I pulled out early. His book is so pathetic it looks like a child created it. The red flags were pilling up all the time, he would literally kick people out if they asked challenging questions, he was coping Tony Robins style but in a very aggressive manner, he claimed that he was multimillionaire which was not true , claimed that had high profile clients who paid him 10k for an hour of his consulting. The high profile clients could be mentioned as of course it was confidential. He learned acting skills to be good at deceiving people on stage. Which he addicted to (the acting part my conclusion is the device) Like any cult leader he is psychopath with narcissistic personality. He should be in jail where he belongs.

    + PROS: O
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  2. I cant believe this guy is still going, I got scammed by him and his wife 15 years ago at my most vulnerable time. I knew i got scammed the first day of the course and when asked for a refund his wife cut me off to all social media and future events. He is a fraud and cannot believe that people are actually backing this fool. You have to understand that the people in there are at their most lowest time in their life or their businesses are struggling and they feel like they need an out so this guy comes along and promises the world and delivers nothing, he takes thousands from them with no shame.

    Shame on you WILSON LUNA!!!

    • 0.5

      Thank you for the article I was one of the unfortunate people who attended some of his highly stage seminars in the UK lost some money but not much because I pulled out early. His book is so pathetic it looks like a child created it. The red flags were pilling up all the time, he would literally kick people out if they asked challenging questions, he was coping Tony Robins style but in a very aggressive manner, he claimed that he was multimillionaire which was not true , claimed that had high profile clients who paid him 10k for an hour of his consulting. The high profile clients could be mentioned as of course it was confidential. He learned acting skills to be good at deceiving people on stage. Which he addicted to (the acting part my conclusion is the device) Like any cult leader he is psychopath with narcissistic personality. He should be in jail where he belongs.

      + PROS: O
      - CONS: There is no cons everything he is taking about is available free of charge
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  3. 0.5

    Fraud! Fraud! Fraud!

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  4. I’m actually in the middle of a forgiveness exercise so that I can get over a money block that stems from being conned out of $4400 by Wilson Luna for his 12 month bootcamp bullshit.

    I almost walked out on the first day because I found him incredibly arrogant.

    I’m not sure what year it was but I went along to his weekend seminar in Brisbane, Australia. One of the ways I got suckered in was by talking to the people who had attended his previous bootcamp in Sydney and they were all RAVING about it. But it wasn’t until after I joined that I discovered I would have to fly to other cities to attend most events which meant flights, hotels, transport, just a shitload more money on my part.

    Unfortunately, I was young and desperate to leave my day job and I was just the sucker he was looking for. When I told his wife my business idea she raved about it and immediately introduced me to Wilson. At no point did they actually challenge what my ability was to execute it and make it a reality. Had they been a business coach who CARED about helping their client achieve real results, they could have pulled my idea apart in a heartbeat and help me realise I was barking up the wrong tree. But no, they joined my grandiose vision and I gullibly handed over my money.

    Then at the first bootcamp I attended, I had a more naturally aligned business idea and he shut it down big time in front of everyone because he liked my first idea better even though he still no idea that I lacked the skills to execute it.

    But it’s experiences like these that teach us to be wary. I remind myself that at least I was only conned out of $4400 and not 10x that amount. It’s an expensive lesson but one I hope I will never forget.

    A major silver lining is that this negative experience became the inspiration in pinpointing the niche that is quickly becoming my wheelhouse. It’s coaching wantrepreneurs in finding the work that lights their soul on fire, relentlessly experimenting with it to nail down what feels fun, easy, natural and achieves real results. I will be working closely with them through the early stages of discovering who they are, and how they naturally communicate and attract and sell.

    In a nutshell, for Wilson Luna or any business coach to guide your business idea to success, they need to do some deep groundwork with you to determine what is the most aligned niche and model for you. The art is in the start.

  5. 0.5

    I agree. Don’t like to name and shame people publicly but I do agree the public should be warned. I too had a horrible experience with him. Total waste of money and the business advice was BS.

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