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Dr. Raj Barr-Kumar: Is He a Fraudster? The Truth Exposed (Update 2024)

Dr. Raj Barr-Kumar, who served as the American Institute of Architects 1997 National President, has continued to work in the area of architecture for a very long time. Despite his many remarkable successes, some detractors might have a less positive perspective on them.
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Dr. Raj Barr-Kumar, who served as the American Institute of Architects 1997 National President, has continued to work in the area of architecture for a very long time. Despite his many remarkable successes, some detractors might have a less positive perspective on them.

I want to talk about Dr. Raj Barr-Kumar today because he is the creator of Altos Escondidos and the president of Barr Group International, which is where I got the idea for the show. Come on in, then, and let’s explore this further to learn more about those involved in this fraud.

Who is Dr. Raj Barr-Kumar & what he claimed to be?

Dr. Raj Barr-Kumar, who served as the American Institute of Architects 1997 National President, has continued to work in the area of architecture for a very long time. Despite his many remarkable successes, some detractors might have a less positive perspective on them.

His (Dr. Raj Barr-Kumar) lengthy list of endeavors and associations can be seen as raising questions regarding his capacity to pay close attention to detail and quality. It’s natural to wonder if he’s stretching himself too thin by working on so many different projects that span several different nations and sacrificing the quality of his work for output.

Furthermore, some might view his emphasis on environmental awareness and sustainability as merely profiting from current events rather than a sincere commitment. 

Critics argue that rather than having a significant and long-lasting impact on the architecture industry, he is utilizing his status as a sustainability pioneer to boost his image and draw in more clients.

Although Raj’s connection with numerous groups and institutions can be viewed as impressive, detractors may argue that this wide-ranging network may be a sign of a more opportunistic approach than a sincere commitment to a single goal or philosophy. 

They could wonder if his involvement is motivated more by a need for professional validation and development than by a genuine love for improving architecture and society.

6/12/2023 Update
As of now, Dr. Raj Barr-Kumar has not responded, nor has he apologized for his misdeeds. He has ignored our efforts to highlight the problems faced by his victims. Furthermore, he has only focused on propagating his fake PR.

In addition, questions concerning Dr. Raj Barr-Kumar’s flexibility and eagerness to accept new viewpoints and ideas may arise given his 40-year tenure as CEO. Some may claim that having held a leadership position for such a long time could lead to stability and reluctance to change, hindering innovation and professional development.

As a result, even though Raj’s career and accomplishments appear to be remarkable on the surface, a more unfavorable interpretation might highlight issues with the breadth and caliber of his work, exploitative reasons, and a possible absence of adaptability.

Dr. Raj Barr-Kumar: How did he get involved in the fraud?

Since 2007, Dr. Raj Barr-Kumar and his brother have served as the organization’s promoters. When he was in Panama, he set up the paperwork for the Ranger Panama Fund Series, S.A. with Jes Black (also known as Jason Black). Their goal was to lure prospective victims into investing in a phony Panama resort development project so they would hand over their money to them. 

This fraud was unethical and comprised bogus documents and promises of large returns on investment.

Fraud is the “theft” of someone’s data or identity, such as when someone discovers another person’s social security number and uses it as identification. Internet fraud and computer crime are both forms of fraud that can be performed using a variety of channels, including mail, cable, phone, and the Internet.

I have learned the following information about the tremendous fraud perpetrated by Dr. Raj Barr-Kumar thanks to my research:

Dr. Rebecca Castaneda: A disgraced dentist promoted the Altos Escondidos scam 

A San Francisco-based dentist named Rebecca Castaneda began defrauding her clients in August 2007. Rebecca allegedly used her dental office as a front to advertise and draw in risky or fraudulent activities, according to a victim of the Altos Escondidos resort scam. It is believed that Dr. Castaneda was compensated handsomely for his efforts in the form of referral fees.
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When I dug deeper into Castaneda’s past, things changed even though it would have appeared to be straightforward unethical behavior. She had reportedly received a fine from the authorities in the past and served community service as punishment. 

Rebecca allegedly made a fake claim that she had borrowed $75,000 to invest in Altos Escondidos, according to one of Castaneda’s victims. After learning this, the victim felt certain because they had been given (false) social proof that Altos Escondido was a “good opportunity”. And they made the bold decision to put up their own $50,000.

When the victim approached Dr. Castaneda for evidence of her assertion that she had invested in Altos as well after wiring the $50,000, she refused to provide any because she had lied throughout the entire transaction. We can easily infer that Dr. Rebecca Castaneda knew full well that Altos Escondidos was a scam yet she continued to promote it. 

When the victims reached the destination, they were informed that they couldn’t fly because of the bad weather, despite being told they would be transported to Panama by plane.

After being repeatedly threatened and robbed by the Altos Escondidos fraudsters, the victim decided to report them to, a group that assists scam victims. Over $1.5 million in early finance was obtained by Ranger Panama Principal Partners in just two weeks (from April 15 to April 27, 2007). The “69 hectares parcel” was for sale for $1.38 million, and the money was used to buy it.

The contributors to NameandShame discovered during their study that Altos Escondidos had won the undeveloped land located in Panama City’s Capira religious district. In addition, the true cost of the asset was $345,000 rather than the $1.38 million that the brother of Dr. Raj Barr-Kumar, Raj Mahadevan stated he paid for it.

The brother of Dr. Raj Barr-Kumar, Raj Mahadevan additionally learned on February 15th, 2013, that the present mortgage debt was $250,000. This loan is still shown as being active on the lien. Other independent investigating organizations claimed that the property might be used to avoid paying taxes and cheat the government.

Later it was discovered that the business Altos Escondidos alleged to have run out of had been shut down and replaced by a gynecologist’s clinic. To sign the paperwork, the informant went to the same office. 

Over the years, victims of this swindle have tried in vain to obtain justice. With no repercussions, Dr. Raj Barr-Kumar and his colleagues in Altos Escondidos have been living large. 

Physical examination of the “resort” site at Altos Escondidos showed that no work had been completed for it; locals said that no construction or work had been done in the region. 

Additionally, it was revealed that Groupo Howard, the company responsible for building the road, planned to sue Dr. Raj Barr-Kumar and Altos Escondidos for failing to pay them $50,000.

Altos Escondidos Scam: Involvement of Dr. Raj Barr-Kumar & Barr Group International

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Founded in 1981, the architectural firm Barr Group International LLC has its headquarters in Washington. As well as being Athisayaraj Mahadevan’s brother, Dr. Raj Barr Kumar serves as president of Barr Group International.

The brothers Raj Mahadevan and Dr. Raj Barr-Kumar worked together to commit this heinous fraud. To give the fraudulent plan more credibility, they took advantage of Dr. Raj Barr-Kumar’s previous role as president of the AIA.


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Dr. Raj Barr-Kumar Scams Exposed via Reviews

In the review already mentioned, Dr. Raj Barr-Kumar is accused of having taken part in investment fraud. It highlights the necessity to take such allegations of fraud seriously and with prudence. It’s crucial to make sure that information is collected from dependable and trustworthy sources while dealing with such circumstances.

It is essential to alert the appropriate authorities if you have any proof or information about any fraudulent actions. The IC3 (Internet Crime Complaint Center) and the FBI, as well as local law enforcement organizations, can conduct in-depth investigations into such cases because they deal with financial fraud and cybercrimes.

It’s essential to base your decisions and assertions in circumstances involving legal issues and potential misbehavior on confirmed and substantiated sources of information. Justice will be administered equitably if the legal process is given time to run its course and a thorough inquiry is carried out.

It is advised that Dr. Raj Barr-Kumar seek advice from attorneys and law enforcement if he believes that fraudulent investment schemes may have affected him. 

They can help you manage the situation and take the necessary actions by offering guidance, support, and assistance. 

To achieve a reasonable and equitable outcome, keep in mind that any accusations of misconduct should be treated with caution, research, and obedience to the law.


In conclusion, Dr. Raj Barr-Kumar and Raj Mahadevan collaborated on a disturbing scam that featured Barr Group International LLC, a Washington-based architectural firm created in 1981. 

A key player in the fraudulent scam was Dr. Raj Barr-Kumar, who is currently the president of Barr Group International and proclaims the distinction of having previously served as president of AIA.

It was a very disturbing situation where the brothers used Dr. Barr’s reputation and prior position to give their dishonest actions a sense of legitimacy. They sought to fool gullible people and entities by taking advantage of their affiliations and connections.

To know more about Dr. Raj Barr-Kumar and his brother’s actions you may follow the mentioned link below:

Dr. Raj Barr-Kumar: Is He a Fraudster? The Truth Exposed (Update 2024)
Dr. Raj Barr-Kumar: Is He a Fraudster? The Truth Exposed (Update 2024)

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  1. People like Dr. Rebecca Castenda simply swindle others without ever being engaged in their profession. By informing them of the resort Ponzi schemes and encouraging them to invest in claims that it would be safe to do so, she deceived a large number of victims. But ultimately, no one will gain anything.

  2. Many victims are duped by Dr. Raj Barr and his brother by enrolling in their bogus resort construction project. They manipulate people’s emotions in order to make their businesses prosperous. Many investors who had faith in them were unable to recover their funds.

  3. Altos Escondidos is a group of scammers who scammed many naive victims and stole people’s hard-earned money, it is better to stay away from these fake schemes. And do investing after going through proper research.

  4. His schemes caused investors to lose money, which completely explains the type of character Dr.Raj Barr is. He was also constantly making fake promises to investors and never returning their money.

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