Dr. Scott Kamelle: Is He Reliable?

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Dr. Scott Kamelle has received allegations of being incompetent. Find out if those allegations are true or not in this review.

They say Medicine can cure disease, but only a doctor can cure patients? Ask a person who is recently discharged from the medical arena of Dr. Scott Kamelle after undergoing a tumor resection, or being cured of a chronic illness. He will reiterate the age-old notion that Doctors are manifestations of Gods on earth. Well, not Dr. Scott Kamelle. 

Before we get started with this review
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Dr. Scott Kamelle

The Aurora St. Luke’s Gynaec Oncologist, not only jeopardized the lives of his patients by using routine implanting of unnecessary meshes and biologic powder, not meant for internal use, but also actually caused death of patients due to his medical negligence. 

Rita Adamson’s Death: The Evils Of Dr. Scott Kamelle?

Rita Adamson, a Cervical cancer survivor, who was actively mobile and could do her daily chores without assistance, died one day owing to excessive bleeding due to unavailability of her On Call doctor that day. The doctor was Dr. Scott Kamelle. 

Promises Of Dr. Scott Kamelle…

The Doctor’s office promised that they would call. But they didn’t. Such acts of medical negligence are not new to Dr. Scott Kamelle. He has been regularly involved in such irresponsible scenarios(much on that later). 

Rita’s husband filed a complaint against Dr. Scott Kamelle alleged in a letter to Aurora’s chief medical officer, that he took three hours to respond to a phone call and lied in hospital records that he had seen and examined Rita when he had not. 

Bill & Rita

Rita even refused to be his patient. But usually she was not left with much choice, as Dr. Scott Kamelle was the On Call doctor for most of the time, ultimately leading to that unfateful day causing her death. 

Dr. Scott Kamelle: Unreasonable Obsession With Ureteric Stents?

Dr. Scott Kamelle has gained notoriety for routinely placing Ureteral stents, even in minor surgeries where damage to the Renal system is not foreseen. A DSPS complaint and a federal lawsuit was filed by a whistleblower, stating the same. 

This whistle-blower, a physician himself, has alleged that Dr. Scott Kamelle routinely implanted powder and mesh devices, placed ureteral stents and involved additional surgeons in all except minor OPD surgeries without medical necessity, leading to not only increased charges but also potential complications to the patients. 

Dr. Scott Kamelle’s unreasonable need of putting Ureteric stents to almost each and every of his patients lead to kidney infection and even temporarily dialysis to some of the patients. Not to mention the increase in overall surgery cost, and time required. Multiple research papers over time has necessitated the decrease in use of such stents and is indicated in only 2-3% of total obstetric cases. 

What Is The Alliance Of Dr. Scott Kamelle With Pharma Biotech Giant ACell ?

Dr. Scott Kamelle has his legs deep in the ACell and frequently used the products of ACell and advocated the firm. ACell develops, manufactures and markets products for medical and veterinary applications. But the company has a reputation of misleading and manufacturing contaminated products. 

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MicroMatrix is advertised on the ACell website as a wound management product appropriate for “acute wounds and chronic wounds.” The company advertised it as a product good enough for both internal as well as external use, while FDA had only approved it for external use. 

Later, ACell discovered MicroMatrix had dangerously high levels of toxins called endotoxins in its products, which could lead to fever, sepsis, and even death to a patient. It silently recalled the product without properly telling to other doctors. Many physicians have confirmed under anonymity that Dr. Kamelle, often and invariably used ACell meshes and products due to his close ties with the firm. So much so that an ACell representative served as the best man in Kamelle’s wedding. 

His colleague recalled that ACell representatives were present in hospital premises all the time. Dr. Kamelles has also received large sums of money from ACell under “non-accredited training and food and beverages “. Such rewards and ties with Acell, only underlines Dr. Scott’s mindset which was more of appeasement of ACell than on health of his patients.

Why did Dr. Scott Kamelle needs additional surgeons for his surgeries? 

Dr. Scott, despite being a gynecologic oncologist, trained for performing complex surgeries still asked for assistance from various other surgeons. The question remains why he needed it? Urologists and General or Colorectal surgeons were routine presence in his Operation theaters. 

Dr. Scott Kamelle Is Involved In Dubious Play?

Many of his colleagues and other senior physicians have noted that Dr. Scott Kamelle use of other surgeons, far exceeds the number required to complete out the said Surgery. It can also be attributed to the lack of skill and competence of Dr. Scott Kamelle. 

Even minor things, like placing a Trocar, an instrument inserted into the abdomen, to visualize the gastrointestinal contents and put a camera for surgery, required a ColoRectal surgeon for Dr. Scott Kamelle. A thing which is done routinely by Junior doctors and medical residents without any assistance. 

Such customs of Dr. Scott Kamelle only increased the final bill for the patient, and might have pleased his corporate bosses at St. Luke, but definitely not his patients.

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Why Is Dr. Scott Kamelle So Reckless To His Patients?

Dr. Scott Kamelle has a habit of dumping off his patients of critical illnesses to other doctors. His response towards serious cases that needed immediate medical intervention has only been lazy and of unavailability. He would, without prior notice, be out of town, on the day of scheduled surgery, leaving the patient stranded in the facility. 

Such laxity and negligence is unseen by any professional medical service provider. High risk deliveries that needed hysterectomy and blood transfer or laparotomy would be whisked off to other doctors and would not be taken by Dr. Scott Kamelle. It is not only astoundingly unethical but also life threatening. It is similar to his treatment to multiple calls of Rita Adamson’s husband that night, ultimately leading to her death.

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The Curious Case of Aurora St. Luke’s Management & Dr. Scott Kamelle

St. Luke where Dr. Scott Kamelle provided his facilities as a doctor and has shown a total apathy and lack of seriousness towards Dr. Scott’s unprincipled and sloppy habits. But why? The hospital leaders have remained unaffected and have turned blind eyes towards him. 


His colleagues say he is “untouchable” and that management does not issue any concern brought up against Dr. Scott Kamelle, effectively giving him a free run to do whatever he wishes to do. Multiple complaints and reviews have fallen into deaf ears and Dr. Scott Kamelle has been given clean chit in almost all of them, confirming his power in the hierarchical setting.

If you have sensitive information or have had a personal experience with Dr. Scott Kamelle but want to stay anonymous, then submit it using our secured form. You can connect with our expert contributors and help in finding the truth. We never share your information with 3rd parties.

The Summary: Dr. Scott Kamelle & His Sketchy Tale?

Dr. Scott Kamelle has been accused of various dubious and foul play. Most of his patients have concluded that he has taken his responsibilities with recklessness and due to this he could be not trusted. 

However each coin has two faces and hence, none can claim that Dr. Scott Kamelle is an outright villain. Also, if that’s true he shall represent himself in the public domain and talk about the medical necessities he had to use for people’s betterment. 

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Anyways, if the assertions of patients have even a single sign of truth then Dr. Scott Kamelle must be made answerable to his deeds. As, other than god, the other entity a human has faith in is, ‘a doctor’. A doctor who takes his responsibilities much more seriously than his profit gains. A doctor who is not blind-folded for making his golden realm. A doctor believes that ‘doctors are next to god’ and hence he is ready to be accountable for his deeds. 

As far as Dr. Scott Kamelle is taken in account, it is the hour that he answers all the questions he is accountable to. #Doctorsaregod #Powerdemandsresponsibilities #Fightforright

Dr. Scott Kamelle: Is He Reliable?
Dr. Scott Kamelle: Is He Reliable?

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  1. Rita was aged but that doesn’t mean that we would ignore the medical negligence.

  2. If a person merely wants to make money he should never be a doctor. It is a disrespect of the field.

  3. Medical world more people with beautiful heart and pure soul.

  4. My aunt died similarly, and the doctor ripped-off my family. We even had to pay to take the dead-body. This is insanely evil.

  5. He should be imprisoned. Enough is enough.

  6. This is the end of the world. Doctors illtreating patients, politicians involved in corruption and capitalists damaging the environment.

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