Jamie Horowitz Update: Is He a Criminal?

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Where is Jamie Horowitz after his recent controversy? What was the controversy about? Learn more about Jamie Horowitz on Gripeo.

Jamie Horowitz has been titled as the mastermind of TV sports since 2015, but recently he has been on a roller-coaster, concerning his professional life. Netizens claim this unsteady pathway is the result of ‘post-Endeavor acquisition layoffs’.

Before we get started with this review
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Although, there can be various other reasons for the same, the most prominent of all subsumes, sexual harassment and misconduct. According to sources, Jamie Horowitz had to deal with internal investigation for the same.

But, wait a moment. None claims the same to be certain, despite evidential claims. And this secrecy is shady. So, let’s figure out the reason behind the secretive attitude, and disperse all the shades that accumulated to make it, ‘Gray’,

Jamie Horowitz'

Jamie Horowitz, Former Fox Sports Exec Fired Due To Sexual Harassment Accusitions?

‘Currently working as a Vice President Executive in DANZ, Jamie Horowitz is banned from the WWE’, the statement was enough to ablaze the internet. It was PWInsider’s Mike Johnson, to report this first and set the internet on fire. 

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The reason behind the exit involves allegations of misconduct, sexual harassment and mass layoff, however the exact reason needs to be worked out. Let’s start to deal with each scenario. 

Turning The Pages Backwards: Jamie Horowitz & Past

It was 2021, when Jamie Horowitz was forced to stay out of Fox Sports. According to sources, this forced exit was a result of harassment allegations against Jamie. However, it’s never the end of the road for anyone. After the harassment allegations Jamie Horowitz landed on the next profession, at DANZ. 

In the time span of 2 years Jamie was again able to gain all his respect. And the efforts of the plaintiff went in vain. Anyways, here are a few important facts that must be noted to have a crystal view. 

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The Zest: Jamie Horowitz

  • Jamie Horowitz was represented by Patty Glaser, who claimed that Jamie Horowitz was fired due to sexual misconduct. 
  • Not merely, Jamie, Fox Sports layed-off numerous employees lately, probably to rescue the financial and social condition of their firm. 
  • Also, Jamie Horowitz is not the first one to face sexual harassment allegations, before him two major departures had took place for the same reason. 
  • Before Jamie, Roger Ailes, the former and long time CEO of the firm resigned last July. Whereas, Bill O’Reilly left in April. These two have left the firm for negative reasons as well.
  • Jamie Horowitz has not merely been an ungrateful employee, he made efforts to outshine Fox sports, too. According to claims it was Jamie who brought Skip Bayles, Colin Cowherd and Jason Witlock, the former hosts of ESPN to Fox Sports. 

The following pointers describe the zest of the Jamie Case but this is not it. There are certain aspects and view-points worthy to be heard. One of the worth pondering view points is of the CEO and President of Fox Sports. 


Jamie Horowitz: ‘Should Act With Respect’, Says The CEO & President

‘Everyone at Fox Sports, no matter what role we play or what business, function or show we contribute to- should act with respect and adhere to professional conduct at all times- these values are non-negotiable’ are the words of CEO and President of Fox Sports, Eric Shanks. 

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Although, whatever he says is of utmost priority yet the take of Jamie Horowitz on the same could not be heard. Also, if he ever had been given a chance, he must have denied the allegations, on all grounds. There are certain interviews where the representatives do the same. 

However amidst the claims and counter-claims the most disappointed one must be Nick Khan, who appointed Jamie Horowitz. Many resources claim that it’s a notable instance, where Jamie Horowitz has to leave when Nick is still a part of the programme. 

But what made the entire instance notable for the author was the fact that the entire media is portraying the exit of Jamie Horowitz as an emotional event, instead of ripping off the truth. So, here are the second thoughts on the exit of Jamie Horowitz. 

Second Thoughts: What’s So Secretive? 

In the world of internet and transparency, none of the sources claim exactly what’s the actual reason behind the exit of Jamie Horowitz. 

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Not merely being secretive, there are many websites that have modified the entire scenario as an emotional stunt. 

The headlines claim, a mastermind of sports had to move out. Seriously!! Are we this phase of reporting where an influential person won’t be questioned back? If not, then there are certain questions, which the author wants to put forward, let’s begin with the first one. 

Is laying-off An Alleged Executive Enough? 

The answer is no. In the case of Jamie Horowitz, he has been accused of sexual misconduct, but none of the mainstream media Or social sites describe the legal proceedings of his case. Instead, he is having a great time on ESPN. 

ESPN took the layoff as an opportunity for itself and hence, handed over, a lot of responsibilities to Jamie. According to source, Skipper revealed that Jamie Horowitz is responsible for the airing of all North-America content on ESPN. Nevertheless, if that’s true, the answer to my question has been delivered. The other thing which must be answered is… 

What Is The Hidden Story? 

Well! The actual story of misconduct which is intentionally being veiled by the mainstream media includes a forced kiss. 

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According to legitimate sources, Jamie Horowitz was fired in July 2017,when a woman working in the production department of Fox Sports claimed that Jamie Horowitz involved her in a forced kiss, in an offsite location (2016). 

Soon after the allegations, investigations were initiated and in less than an year Horowitz was made to exit. However, the exit was for the sake of misconduct or the esteem of Fox Sports is yet to be decided. 

Why The Hell The Exit Of Jamie Horowitz, Seems As A Veil To The Misconduct? 

There will be many who would celebrate the exit of Jamie as a victory of the weak, but is it true? It may be a point of victory or it may not be. The reason to doubt the intentions is the unknown investigational claims. None of the public domain channels explicit the actual findings of the proceedings, and hence, no one can ever be certain about the misconduct. 

Although, being celebrated as a victory, all this seems to be a strategy to keep the image of Jamie Intact. Lastly, the actions of Patty Glaser and the former president of ESPN, Skipper. 

The Shady Behind Patty Glaser & Skipper

Did you know? After the revelations made about the mastermind, Jamie Horowitz, Skipper too had to resign his post. 

The abrupt resignation took place in December, 2017. It was claimed that he was caught in an extortion plot by cocaine dealers. However, in an interview, Skipper told James Andrew Miller that he knew the revelations he made would put him and his family at stake. 

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Also, Patty Glaser never confirmed the exact reason behind the exit of Jamie Horowitz, instead she asserted that Jamie was treated in an ‘appalling’ manner in his former firm. This too indicates a secretive approach towards the case and last but not the least the question is, Why?

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If you have sensitive information or have had a personal experience with Jamie Horowitz but want to stay anonymous, then submit it using our secured form. You can connect with our expert contributors and help in finding the truth. We never share your information with 3rd parties.

Conclusion: Why Does The Media Conceal The Truth? 

Jamie Horowitz has been alleged of sexual misconduct, but none claimed the certainty of the exit. It has been more than 5 years and no one knows the exact reason for the exit, neither the investigational facts are revealed. 

The people who tried to shed light on the obvious, were made guilty about their actions and at last they too, shut their mouths. But, why for Christ sake, no one wants to speak a word? Well! The reason is aura. The aura of Jamie Horowitz has probably veiled the truth. 

Even the exit of the accused seems to be a strategy to shut the mouths of contradicting voices. It’s said right, in this huge world, all that matters is ‘networking’. (https://www.imdb.com/name/nm2395267/)


Networks which can result in new tie-ups and breaking of the old. Networks that can place you in the best possible designation and take you out of the worst places. Networks are important, at least when you have been accused of sexual misconduct. 

However, till the time Jamie Horowitz enjoys the perks of his networking, we must wait for someday, when the people shattered would result in a deadly alliance too. An alliance to unveil the truth, an alliance to make the world better, an alliance to catch the culprits. 

Jamie Horowitz Update: Is He a Criminal?
Jamie Horowitz Update: Is He a Criminal?

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