Julian Mitton MD: Why Was He Sued?

Julian Mitton MD
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Medicine is the key to modern humanity but what if the practitioners ditch the arena. According to the Massachusetts Board of Registration in medicine, Julian Mitton MD has been involved in tricky matters. Let’s figure out what the board decides…

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Julian Mitton MD

The most tragic thing in the world is a sick doctor

George Bernard Shaw

For a moment close your eyes, and see a 16 year old girl visiting Julian Mitton MD. If this doesn’t skip a beat of heart then Jesus knows what will? No, the author is not exaggerating, it’s Julian Mitton MD who initiated to be aggrandized, and the article reasons the statement made.

The Case: Julian Mitton MD Involved In Sexual Exploitation Of Patients?

Julian Mitton MD is exposed by the Massachusetts Board as he was alleged of texting a patient to convince the same that they could have non-professional intimate relationships. Julian Mitton asked the patients for explicit photographs. The board also asserted that Julian Mitton MD was subsumed in suggestive texting and sharing explicit snaps of himself with the patient. 

It must be noted that his actions enraged the legal authorities, where the medical license of Julian Mitton MD was revoked by the legitimate. Also, it dated June 2, 2016 since Julian Mitton MD has been practicing medicine in the commonwealth.  

The Shady Tale: Julian Mitton MD

Julian Mitton MD has last practiced his medical skills on October 24, 2019. On the same date the MD doctor left his arena, by voluntary cancellation of the agreement. And the question is why?

Well! The reason behind his voluntary exit from the medical field could be his weariness by the allegations or fatigue in proving himself right. Moreover, it can be claimed that a professional will never get lethargic in proving his side if he knows that he could be able to break the pointing fingers. But, the way Julian Mitton MD left, it seems as if he was aware of his dubious deeds. 

September 8, 2022: Enduring For Julian Mitton MD & Others…

September 8, 2022 the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine concluded that Julian Mitton MD, Robert M. Shiner MD and George J Cuchural MD shall not be holding medical licenses. However, each of them had a different tale but the central dogma of their legal penalty can be acknowledged as ignorance and disrespect for the medical profession.

Let’s hear out what the medical board had to summarize about the other two professionals, but before that we must be aware of the key player of the cases, and that’s, Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine.

Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine’

40000+ physicians, osteopaths and acupuncturists have been licensed by the Board since its establishment. Since 1894 the Board has looked after the professional qualification and competence of doctors practicing in the Commonwealth. 

The basic functionality of the board is to maintain a healthy medical fraternity for the commoners. Where the Board is also responsible for investigation of complaints and determining sanctions. Therefore, it could be understood why the board had a scanner on Julian Mitton MD and the other two. However, to have an unobstructed view, a sneak-peek on the other cases scanned by the board are necessary. 

Robert M Shiner & George J Cuchural 

The two other doctors that had similar fate. The next section explains the reason behind it. The reason that makes a professional, quite unprofessional.

Robert M Shiner MD Medical Incomprehension

Do you know along with Julian Mitton MD, Robert M Shiner was penalized, because of his illegal medical practices. According to the board of registration in medicine, Robert prescribed codeine with cough syrup to an individual, without the mandatory in-house physical examination and medical test.

This was an example of ignorance in the medical arena and led to the charges on Robert M Shiner, however Robert is currently working as a medicine practitioner in Manet Community Health Care (Quincy). 

George J Chchural Resignation

According to claims, George J Chchural gave resignation to the board for his medical license and the reason behind it is said to be the fatigue of George in contradicting the allegations.

Anyways, all of them had their own reasons and the board had reasons to charge them but the most controversial and heinous charges were imposed on Julian Mitton MD and hence the further proceedings must be shared in the public domain.

However the sad part is no one bothers to reach the truth veiled with dust of ignorance and lethargy. Therefore the next section tries to bring forth the shady. 

Revealing The Veiled: Julian Mitton MD

Here are certain facts about the Julian Mitton Case, let us go through each one and try to reach a conclusion. 

  • Dr Julian Mitton MD is alleged of sexually provocative conduct, that not merely disdained his name but shattered the medical integrity and people’s confidence at large. 
  • According to legit sources, the doctor is also accused by a female worker, for his non-consensual explicit sexual conduct.
  • Julian Mitton MD claims of being involved in ‘work from home’, after his license revokement. Where, he is residing in San Francisco. 
  • His LinkedIn profile asserts that he is working as a Healthcare Leader in Clinical Innovation, San Francisco. (https://www.linkedin.com/in/julian-mitton-md-mph)

Now, as we can see, the medical professional has been accused of serious sexual misconduct, but this doesn’t stop him from working as a medical professional. Even the Board revokement seems loosening its grip. 

If that’s true, a further check on the activities of Julian Mitton MD is needed, or else all the efforts of the Board and the sufferings of the harassed patients will go in vain. 

What’s True About Julian Mitton MD?

A general internist and addiction medicine specialist, Julian Mitton MD has been problematic for the women in general. According to sources, he has been reported misbehaving with colleagues, workers and patients. 

But that’s not all about Julian. The California doctor has gained immense acknowledgement as researcher and author. He calls himself a public health champion dedicated towards his work. Julian Mitton MD has not solely been the villain but also made people live a content life. And that is even more disheartening. Do You Know Why?

Julian Mitton MD, also holds a MPH degree. He completed his education with excellence and later helped individuals fed-up with addiction. But then, Julian could not be a man of honor and lost it all. 

What does that signify? A tremendous medical help turned into an offender of modesty. Certainly, it specifies that it’s hard to be in the witts when people start treating you as their Messiah. However, it’s still a question, does the same happen with Julian Mitton MD? Did he too get trapped in the chains of his pride, where he starts believing that a Messiah has no boundaries?

The Foul Play By Julian Mitton MD

Julian Mitton MD has been accused of sexual misconduct towards patients and that is unacceptable. But do you know what is even worse? 

Whitewashing The Alleged: Julian Mitton MD


The above link directs you to one of the numerous pages and websites that try to glorify the nobel works of the doctor, over his evil deeds. Each individual has an evil prospect but the evil side starts getting strength from the veils of lies. 

Committing a crime is bad but not accepting the faults is heinous. Even after such severe charges, all the medical professional has to say in public domain is that he is a ‘public health champion’. 

Moreover, the fallacious PR team has painted the image of Julian Mitton MD ‘pink’, instead of knowing that this very individual has marked various lives as ‘red’. 

Summary: Julian Mitton MD

Massachusetts Board of Registration in medicine revoked the license of 3 doctors. Out of which Julian was accused of sexual misconduct. The harassed lady confesses that Julian Mitton MD asked her for obscene photographs and shared a few of him with her. The lady says that he used to text her explicitly without her will.

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However, because of the case the Board could not trust the doctor to practice in the Commonwealth, but that doesn’t stop Julian from being a public figure. After being restricted in Commonwealth, Julian Mitton MD turned himself in as a public health leader, San Francisco. And this move of the public health champion is worth concern. 

If an individual is unfit for medical practice, he is unfit for the same in the entire almighty world and hence, practicing the same elsewhere is merely a mockery at the face of the board. Hence, all the article tries to convey is that Julian Mitton MD shall be made answerable for his deeds and in any case, if he is capable to prove his innocence, the proceedings shall be there in the public domain, for the well-being of the patients and the well-being of the Julian. 

#Doctorsaregod? #Fightforright #Answersareneeded

Julian Mitton MD: Why Was He Sued?
Julian Mitton MD: Why Was He Sued?

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