Crazy Cash Club
One of my friends had me take a look into the Crazy Cash Club. The name alone should be a warning that this is not a good business opportunity. I want to share with you what I found.
Crazy Cash Club and Their Lies
$120,000 Your First Year!
$1,200,000 Your Second Year!
$16,000 Or More Your FIRST DAY!
All Of This Even If You Are A FREE Member
And NEVER Pay A Dime Out Of Pocket!
This is YOUR once in a lifetime opportunity to literally change your whole life over night.
Crazy Cash Club Review: The Truth
It is located in Grass Valley California.
The website for this business opportunity was created in 2014.
The launch date for the Crazy Cash Club is January 26, 2015.
Source Crazy Cash Club Google+ Community
When this scam is launched the money in the business opportunity will be made by pyramiding payments from people that join the club. This is not an affiliate program. This is multilevel marketing.
Our club gets in first on top of up to 1 million members. Those that follow you in CrazyCashClub into the paid program will make you a 100% matching bonus in the paid program.
They try to make you think that the Crazy Cash Club is totally free to make “Crazy Cash”. You have to be a paid member to make the “Crazy Cash”. If you join as a free member and stay as a free member, they limit the amount of money you can make. As a free member you can make up to $2,300 before having to pay. – Source Crazy Cash Club FAQ
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From research on other scams I have looked into, the way free signups work is that they will place money you have earned in your account and not release it until you become a paid member. We will see if that is the case with this scam when it goes live.
Bronze $19.97 approximately
Silver $unknown
Gold $unknown
Platinum $unknown
Some how without knowing how much each level will cost, they are able to make income claims.
- Monster Cash Mini Webinar System – If you want people fighting each other to join you in the CrazyCashClub then this Mini Webinar is your ticket to a richer life.
- CrazySplash Click Thru Pages
- 20,000 Laser Targeted Visitors
- 5,000 Laser Targeted Visitors
The products that they offer provide the cover for this pyramid scheme. These products are used by members to promote the scam.
Compensation Plan
6×3 Forced Matrix
Here is a webinar that gives detailed information about this business opportunity. You will notice they talk about being first, recruiting, and many income claims. These income claims are illegal.
If sellers make any claims about how much money you might make, they have to give you a separate paper with more specifics. Like, the number and percentage of people who got those results or better.
– Source FTC Bogus Business Opportunities
Bronze level member: If all 258 positions of your matrix are filled your pay out will be about $2,300 per month.
Platinum level member: If all 258 positions of your matrix are filled your pay out will be about $17,200 per month.
In order to receive Matching Bonuses, you must have one or more personal referrals who ACTIVATE their Accounts in the new business.
In addition to whatever amount of money you make in your own matrix, you will also earn 100% of whatever each of your Personal Referrals make in their own matrices. – Source Crazy Cash Club VIP Website
Refund Policy
Refunds unless otherwise stated all sales are final. There are no refunds.
Crazy Cash Club Review: Verdict
In my opinion, the Crazy Cash Club is a clear pyramid scheme. Each person who profits in the Crazy Cash Club does so primarily from the payments of others who are themselves making payments in order to obtain their own profit. Avoid this scam.