Boyd Parker claims to be an entrepreneurship mentor who specializes in developing outsourced sales consultants. What does it mean? It means he trains people to become door-to-door salesmen.
While there’s nothing wrong with becoming a salesman, Boyd Parker doesn’t share the fact outright. He adds jargon and makes people believe he will help them develop extraordinary entrepreneurship skills.
Boyd had received a lot of criticism from his former employees and students. However, he uses legal threats and unethical methods to make sure no one finds out about it.
In the following review, I’ll explain how Boyd Parker markets himself and why you should be wary of him:
Boyd Parker Reddit: Exposed As A Scammer
There are many people who have exposed Boyd Parker online. Here’s a Reddit post I found which explains the nature of his scam in detail:
Glow 360, one of the many companies Boyd Parker runs, contacted a person in 2017. The Reddit user has an interview for a Human Resources Administration post. There were 6 other people applying for the job.
However, the person got the job instantly. Later, he found out that the job was not for Human Resource Administration but for door-to-door sales.
In 2021, Piranha Direct Sales contacted this person for a leadership role. The Reddit user shares that their website looked fake as it had a terrible design. Yet, he continued with the interview because he was bored.
The Reddit user shares that the LinkedIn accounts of the people who interviewed him didn’t even mention Piranha Direct Sales. Later, he discovered that it was one of the many companies associated with Boyd Parker.
Glow 360, Piranha Direct Sales, Kyanite, Hero Corp, and all of Boyd’s companies change their names every year. This way, you wouldn’t find any information about the company and think it’s a new startup.
There’s a detailed database of such companies.
Door-to-door scams use this tactic to ensure no dirt sticks to their name. Boyd Parker uses the same method for his companies.
Other people shared the same sentiment.
Additional Reddit Comments on Boyd Parker:
One user highlights that he got an interview at Kyanite and was very excited about the opportunity. Then, he found out that the job was for door-to-door sales.
The company tried to sell it as a management role in an advertising firm. However, he left halfway after lunch saying he was not interested.
Here’s another Reddit user sharing her experience with one of Boyd’s companies. She highlights that the company approved her and she had 2 Zoom interviews with them. The first flag she noticed was how the interviewers avoided talking about what the actual role was and only discussed the pay and hours.
She noticed the same issue in the next interview. The interviewers talked for 45 minutes about the company and casually mentioned that the hours were 10:30 AM to 8:00 PM for 6 days a week.
Also, the interviewers mentioned that you only earn commission on what you sell which meant there was no sick pay or holiday pay.
Afterward, the interviewers didn’t discuss the job at all. The user shares that even after the second interview, she had no idea what the job was.
So, she googled the company name and found several employee complaints against them. This was enough information for the redditor and she withdrew her application.
This is another comment where a user shares how Piranha Direct Sales Group had been contacting him. He highlights that he has been ignoring the company’s emails and texts because when he looked them up, he realized they were fake.
The address they share is the same one which the Redditor saw for other companies. He shares that the company’s previous names were Apex Acquisitions, Legends Incorporated, Lions Direct, and Hero Corp.
The Redditor wishes that the authorities looked into these bogus companies and did something about it. Luckily, he didn’t fall for their tricks but understands that many young graduates and jobseekers do.
What is a Ponzi Scheme?
A Ponzi scheme is a criminal deception investing fraud pledging increased rates of interest with less chance of loss to investors. On the other hand, a Ponzi scam is a deceitful investing fraud that induces retrievals for earlier investors with money carried from later investors.
BoydParker.Blog: How Boyd is Trying to Hide the Truth
Boyd Parker has started a website with goes by the domain Boy Parker. blog. Here he writes specific posts to bury the multiple news articles and threads that are critical of him.
He also operates the website, but according to SEMRush, the website doesn’t seem to have any substantial success. It’s safe to assume that Boyd still relies on his MLM scams to keep his wallet full.
Additional Victims Expose Boyd’s Scams
On a database site where people discuss door-to-door scams, several people have highlighted the name, Boyd Parker.
One user says that they want the government to outlaw such practices, especially those of businesses like Boyd Parker. He couldn’t believe that such schemes are legal simply because there was a lack of mass awareness.
“Just an MLM Scheme”
Another user highlights that Boyd poses in front of Ferraris and yachts to seem like a rich entrepreneur. However, he is a scammer.
The user points out that he is a salesman who sells you hopes and dreams. Boyd promises to free you from the 9-5 race and give you the required experience to launch a company of your own.
The user shares that he makes you sell and recruit people looking for jobs by using misguided job advertisements. Furthermore, Boyd markets these roles as an 18k to 20k negotiable on an online platform.
You would find potential candidates who want to launch a business of their own and trap them in this mess.
The user highlights how Boyd Parker’s business model is an MLM scheme. When you join his company, you first have to recruit 4 people. Then, you become a leader and reach stage 1.
Now, you will encourage your team of 4 to do the same and climb the pyramid. Once your 4 victims have achieved their goals, you will reach stage 2 and become an owner.
Also, you work 100 hours a day to sell a product without getting a basic salary. The only thing that’s supposed to get you by is your ‘positive attitude’.
No Money, Just an MLM Scheme:
A third user highlights that Hero Corp’s previous name used to be Pantheon. He worked there for a year and realized that it was a scam about brainwashing people.
The user points out that you work exhaustive hours and don’t have much money because you have to pay for your travel all around London and parts of Surrey. Furthermore, you must pay for your own food even during ‘team nights’.
Team nights are week trips where they cram 7 of you into a hotel room and make you sell from that location such as Leeds, Southampton, etc. They will tell you motivational stories again and again which always have a theme around attitude, pace, or pitch. Also, the company has huge turnovers because they fail to keep people around for a long.
They try to isolate you from your friends and family by claiming that you shouldn’t hang out with people who work 9-5. Some of the user’s friends joined Pantheon and ended up living with their leader. At one time, it was 10 people living in a 2-bedroom place sharing rent.
All the managers would show off but in reality, their firms are offshoots of bigger corporations which they owe money. He shares that most people there don’t register properly as self-employed with HMRC and by the time they become assistant managers, they owe a lot of funds to the same.
You can learn more here.
How Boyd Parker Hides The Skeletons In His Closet
So far, you have seen how Boyd has received a ton of criticism for his outrageous claims and his MLM scam.
Many people have suffered because of him and they speak up on different platforms including Reddit and Glassdoor. However, Boyd doesn’t care.
His priority is to gain more victims and get richer. So, he pays websites to write praises for him. This way, he can make himself appear more reliable and credible than he truly is.
Here’s a press release he has released on Many people wouldn’t know that it’s a paid write-up and might assume that such a credible platform is promoting him.
It’s a common tactic among modern scammers to pay websites to praise them. Butterfly is a shady enterprise that uses this exact tactic to gain more victims.
Apart from paid articles, Boyd has posted several ‘reviews’ on his website to counter the numerous complaints he has received online.
You will only find these reviews on his website. They aren’t anywhere else on the internet. Furthermore, there’s no way to verify if they are actually from his customers.
There’s a good chance that Boyd wrote these reviews himself. Many of his ex-employees have accused him of doing so. Still, it’s a terrible and unethical marketing tactic whose aim is to deceive unsuspecting victims.
A big reason why Boyd uses so many unethical marketing tactics is that he wants to bury the numerous “Boyd Parker scam” reviews on Glassdoor. Many of his victims have come out and shared their experiences on the employee review platform.
Here are some of the Boyd Parker reviews I found on Glassdoor:
“Boyd Parker is a Scam”
Here, the reviewer highlights that Boyd Parker is a scam. 99% of the things they tell you are lies. In your interview, they will tell you about the progression but never mention the high turnover.
If you quit, you are practically dead to them. Boyd will make stories about why you left the company. For example, Boyd has had over 5 managers at least from when the reviewer wasn’t in the company.
The job requires you to work for 14 hours a day and sometimes 6 days a week. Boyd lives a flashy lifestyle but makes you work long hours. You won’t even get time for lunch or dinner.
Also, you wouldn’t have any social life outside the company. They tell you to always be positive and lie about the pay.
You shouldn’t expect to earn over 10k a year. Sometimes, they will tell you that a customer you acquired canceled and kept the money for themselves.
When you get to leadership, they will teach you how to deceive applicants into working for them. Furthermore, Boyd will only pay attention to you if you do well. There is rampant favoritism in the company and if you’re doing badly, he will never motivate you. Instead, he will shout at you.
The reviewer points out that Boyd’s professional history is questionable. His stories have a lot of contradictions and he never gives proof of his claims.
Lastly, most of the positive reviews on his company are written by him or his staff.
The reviewer recommends the company start paying a base salary to their staff.
“It is a Complete Scam”
This reviewer also highlights that Boyd Parker is a scam. He points out that they brainwash you, lecture you and scold you instead of helping or guiding you.
Also, the company underpays you and there is no way to track how much they underpay you. They don’t explain in their job advertisements what the job is about. It costs more to work for the company than you get paid. For example, you bear the costs of traveling to different cities, food, and accommodation.
There are ‘optional’ crew nights and breakfasts where if you don’t go because of a lack of funds, they will belittle you and make you feel guilty for not having the money.
Furthermore, the managers here don’t respect your privacy and will get too involved in your personal life. They never give you a day off and would even call you on Sundays.
Another Employee Review Saying Boyd Parker is a Scam:
The above reviewer highlights that the company scams you into thinking you’re on a development program. However, they don’t tell you that you will be a door-to-door salesman.
He points out that all the positive reviews you see on Boyd Parker are fake. Someone sat down and wrote all of them in a day. Your pay is commission based and they expect you to work for 11 hours a day, 6 days a week. Sometimes, you might not earn anything.
Like the other reviewers, this one also highlights that the company tries to brainwash you.
“Terrible working environment not even an office”
The pay isn’t worth it
100% MLM Scam
Absolutely disgraceful, will see the exit soon
Don’t bother
“No one wants to sign up for something they don’t want and you only get paid if you can force them to sign up. long hours every day of the week”
Rubbish, full of lies
sneakily worded job titles and job descriptions, they fail to mention its door-to-door. but room for growth
Full of lies
Waste of time – Company name always changes
SCAM -stay away
Marketing Assistant
It’s 100% commission door-to-door sales
After reading the various Boyd Parker reviews and complaints, it’s obvious that the guy is running a scam. He manipulates people and lies to them. Boyd is running an MLM scheme and falsely advertises his jobs.
It’s sad to see how a scammer like Boyd Parker is allowed to operate like this. Hopefully, the relevant authorities will look into this matter and take the necessary action.
Until then, beware and if you get a job offer from a company associated with him, ignore it.
new Boyd Parker scam operating as Midas Innovation from in**@mi*************.uk
01622 933071
The Loft StudioRear of 59 High Street, Maidstone, Kent, ME141SR
Can change companies all he wants but going to have to leave the UK and change his name at this point to escape his scam rep. Worked my ass off only to be underpaid and crapped on in his stupid company WhatsApp groups. How long do his minions read these for and keep falling for whatever bs he tells them. Realize that you are messing with people badly enough and they feel strongly enough to take time out their lives to report how horrible working with Boyd Parker is. And it’s all these hundreds of peoples fault? I don’t think so. If it looks like a scam and smells like a scam it’s probably a scam
He is promoting nefarious schemes and filling his pockets after making his workers acknowledge the facts of his blurry personality and the way he is launching several nefarious firms consecutively should be restricted.
The company is making several tactics for making everyone gets trapped in the scheme and get teens scammed for some amount of money.
I had worked for them but had to resign from the job due to the irrelevancy of the work they tried to make us an agent where we were trained to add new members and doing sales was the priority.
Piranha Direct sales group this firm’s basic rule is to send several emails and messages to irritate you but here you have to ignore them at any cost, to not get into any scam.
They are training you for being a better door-to-door salesman and promoting the company for their products, FU#K you Boyd, I wasted my money and time with this firm.
The reason I don’t take these jobs advertisement seriously is because of the scams described in the article the speed with which these MLM scams are proceeding is alarming the government needs to put some restrictions.
Once my aunt posted a job advertisement on his Facebook account which was about some internship in a pharmacy company but after talking to their consultant we found it is an MLM scam where you will have to promote the products of the company.
The concerned authorities should take this matter seriously and let him taste the fruits of his scams.
How can he run these scams not be bought into the limelight and scamming thousand so his user in the name of providing jobs to people?
Nowadays every single person who got the skill of speaking tries to become an entrepreneur but they don’t carry any skill just bragging.
Worked for Boyd back in 2013 with one of his many companies,
We where expected to start at 8am and work through to 10-11pm.
Weekends we were expected to work, for not hitting targets.
Soical life was something you just didn’t have. I remember working with someone who nearly lost his marriage because of this low life Boyd Parker by forcing us to work longer but what seemed to be happening sales weren’t getting paid.
Some weeks you would hit say 7 sales at £90 a sale.
The Following weeks your pay was missing sales and the lies rolled in. Client cancelled, haven’t received their goods etc etc.
When I left I joined the free boiler scheme in Birmingham and remember meeting Boyd on the street and he began to belittle myself and my new boss.
The funniest thing was everyone who worked doing the boiler scheme had worked with Boyd and left.
People where happier paid the correct amount and where able to have a life.
Don’t reply to Any of their adverts or emails.
Avoid working with his guy. There is no benefit to you and your life.
His bully attitude hasn’t done anything but lose good people you work with, make you depressed and regret ever taking the job.
I did this for three days and left cos it was clearly a scam
Boyd is a scum bag just watched the BBC doc any contact my MP about this as should not getting getting away with this
Lost over £5000 because of this man. Never made a penny when I worked for him.
Boyd does not pay you salary. You only get a percentage of the sales. Even if you make some money, you would end up spending most of it on travel and your bosses.
It was a total waste of my money and time.
I interviewed at Hero Corp once. Their behaviour really bugged me. The interviewer didn’t tell me about the compensation and pay structure until the very last minute.
Had no clue it was one of those “Boyd Parker” companies.
The guy sounds like a serious scammer. I hope the govt will take notice and do something about this criminal.
Boyd is now operating under hornet global communications stay safe everyone
He has not paid me for the month I worked for the company
Boyd Parker is a crook. Why he is allowed to launch new scams every year is beyond me. It’s baffling indeed.
I have heard about Hero corp and I nearly joined that scam. Thank God I didn’t ????
Boyd Parker is a cultist.
He targets young graduates and those who want to get into entrepreneurship and sells them hopes and dreams.
Then, he makes them join his weird and sketchy companies (there are so many you won’t know until the very end). Don’t forget the interviews, oh the interviews.
They will make you believe that you’re gonna earn $20k then $50k and can potentially become a millionaire with the skills and experience you gain.
Unless you’re delusional, you wouldn’t do his jobs for more than a few months. That’s becuase Boyd Parker and his buddies will make you spend money for everything. From fuel to travel, you bear your own financial burden.
Did I mention the lack of a basic pay? You only earn in commissions. Commissions which you get when you make a sale.
On top of that there’s a good chance that you will not get the pay from every sale cuz those twats in the upper management will not tell you. They keep the money for themselves.
Boyd is a criminal. Period.
I agree man. There is just so much wrong with this guy yet he gets away with everything. So many people have lost their hard-earned money and precious time because of this lunatic. He is getting rich off of other people’s suffering. Boyd Parker belongs behind bars.
New scam in maidstone that could be associated with Boyd : Black Hawk