Reliant One Insurance Center

Reliant One Insurance Center out of Carlsbad, CA is intentionally harming consumers through various unethical business practices. Not only will this fraudulent entity spam your phone will phone calls, texts, and emails, regardless if you’re a client or potential customer or not, they will flat out lie to you and take your hard-earned money. They operate under Reliant One Insurance Center, in addition to Nationwide Financial Services. When an unknowing customer asks their “Nationwide” business if they do insurance, they reply with “yes,” eluding to the idea that they are one of the largest insurance providers when in reality, they are a small, bucket shop operation relying on other companies to handle their accounts and sales. Unless you are in the mood of becoming yet another unsatisfied customer, stay clear of Reliant One Insurance Center and NFS altogether. The real Nationwide has been contacted on this matter, in addition to the State Attorney General of California, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), and the Better Business Bureau (BBB).

Did You Know?

BBB (Better Business Bureau) is a private ownership firm, founded in 1912. The founder of the firm is Merle Sidener and claims to establish a trustworthy market with self-regulatory obligations.

  • Formal complaints with the Attorney Generals will also be opened in every state they are licensed in and claiming to be licensed to do business in as of May 2020.
  • A website will be announced following the status of the impending Class Action Lawsuit against both companies where all consumers wronged by either entity or their owners may take part in proceeding the government regulating authority investigations.

I’ve stated directly to Reliant One Insurance Center that I only want replies to my email because I want a paper trail of all contacts that way there’s no miscommunication (especially when I’ve signed up for and provided the logins only for my rep to say he “didn’t have it.”

  • If you’re thinking about using this company, stay away.
  • If they try contacting you, run in the opposite direction. If your friend referred you to them, reconsider your friendship – but DO NOT under any circumstance trust these people.

If you Google Search “Reliant One Insurance Center Lawsuit” you will find various resources that will help you in possibly getting your money back, or at the very least, expediting this fraudulent company in getting what they legally deserve.

4 Total Score
Reliant One Insurance Center Is Lying & Stealing From Customers

Reliant One Insurance Center is a company that is lying, cheating, and stealing money from it's customers. They operate under many different names. They advertise illegally so that people think they are dealing with "Nationwide Financial Services".

  • Miscommunication
  • Harassment
  • Theft
  • Fraud
  • Identity Theft
  • Bait and Switch
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