InventHelp Review: Horrible Finance Scam To Avoid!

InventHelp is a very dangerous scam! Do not fall for their tricks. Many customers have reported their experiences on Gripeo read here.
3.1/10 (Expert Score)
Product is rated as #133 in category Consumer Reviews

InventHelp is a company that claims to help people market their patents to different companies. It assists clients by pitching their ideas to various retailers and tries to get them a licensing deal.

InventHelp also refers its clients to a lawyer for conducting a patentability search to get an opinion on whether the patent is even patentable. It even assists with creating 3D prototype models and videos of 3D renderings with professional illustration and sketching. 

There are all types of scam companies these days. This is why you must be careful and ensure you do not fall into a trap and lose your hard-earned cash. With the advancement of technology and the emergence of the modern world, you must research companies as much as possible to ensure you do not get scammed. 

One of the biggest scam companies you need to know about is Invent Help. It is an invention promotion firm that wants your money. It does not care about whether your product will succeed or not. The company’s only objective is to take your money and scam you. If you have heard of Invent Help or want to know more about its deceptive practices, we have got you covered. 

Logo, company name

Description automatically generated

The invention promotion firm claims to provide a free product evaluation. However, it is only a deceptive tactic that the company uses to tell you what you would want to hear so that you get your hopes up and spend your hard-earned cash. The thing about invention promotion companies like Invent Help is that their only objective is to extract money without explaining the entire picture and the work that goes into creating a product. 

InventHelp was founded in 1984 and is headquartered in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. It employs writers, researchers, customer service representatives, and animators and claims to maintain the country’s most extensive network of sales offices.

InventHelp claims to assist people who want to submit their new product ideas or inventions to the industry. The company has stated that it does not promise whether the efforts will bear fruit. Invent Help also has an independent licensed patent attorney to whom it refers clients who want to receive an opinion or conduct a patent search. The attorney for the patent idea then submits a US patent application to the US Patent and Trademark Office. 

Invent Help is a patent marketing firm that has been operating for over thirty years. It claims to help its clients secure over 10,000 patents. People looking to market their ideas tend to contact the company to find a patent attorney or have a 3D prototype of their concept made. Invent Help does not display its fees as it claims that each product idea is different. 


InventHelp’s services include 3D prototyping, marketing, and confidentiality agreements. The company claims to assist its customers in different ways. It helps package and market the idea to different companies and also refers clients to a patent attorney.

InventHelp claims that it can help you throughout the invention process, whether you have an idea or not. It also assists customers with marketing and helps them find a graphic designer, creates press releases for publication, and attends trade shows to make contracts. 

How They Scammed Their Customers?

When you first browse Invent Help’s website, you might think the company cares about its customers. However, it could not be further from the truth. All it does is make false promises and deceive its clients in several ways. This is why it is important that you steer clear of Invent Help. Otherwise, you will become a victim of their scam. Here are some of the scams that the company has engaged in. 

Steals Ideas

One of the worst scams that Invent Help pulls off is that it steals and sells ideas. Customers who had entered into a contract with the company with hopes of getting their ideas marketed noticed that the company stole their product ideas and marketed them under different names.

At first, the company communicates regularly with clients until they have paid thousands of dollars. Then, once the payments are completed, the company claims the idea did not gain traction, and the contract expires. However, shortly after the termination of the contract, the ideas obtained from customers are advertised under different names.  

Countless customers have fallen prey to their bogus tactics. The empty promises that Invent Help makes are only a way to get money and ideas out of clients. After it has taken all the money from clients without providing any results, it uses those same ideas and sells them to companies at a hefty price. It has been doing this since its inception. At the very least, not many customers have found its service helpful. Instead, Invent Help took money from its clients and did not provide them with any service. 

Claims to Be the Original Inventors

Another scam that Invent Help pulls off is that it claims to be the original inventor of different products and that it has made a huge sum of money through its inventions and wants to help others out. However, it could not be further from the truth. Customers end up wasting money and only realize towards the expiration of their contract that the company is nothing but a scam.

This is why avoiding providing them with any information or marketing ideas is crucial. They would use those ideas as their own as they have the financial backing and have been doing this for a long time. It is one of the ways that it earns money.

If you want to say goodbye to your ideas, Invent Help is the biggest scammer. It has fooled countless customers and continues to swindle money from them. The thing about patent marketing firms is that it is important that you are careful since many of them are not worth your time and money.

When you contact Invent Help, the company will lure you in by making false promises that they are here for you even though they only want your money and ideas. Then, they will use your idea and profit from it. 

Fails to Provide Refunds 

In addition to the above, Invent Help does not provide refunds to its clients. Many customers have reported that they paid the company. Still, when they demanded their money back after realizing they had fallen prey to the scam, they never received a single penny.

InventHelp makes false promises, and when customers want their money back, the company does not make any payment whatsoever. It cares to show what a colossal fraud it is. No matter how many times customers try to reach out to the company with hopes of getting their money back, they receive no response. Thus, customers receive nothing in return when they pay Invent Help.

Hard to Contact

Initially, customers can speak with Invent Help and contact the company. However, after making all their payments, the company disappears and does not respond to their calls. It does not follow up with its customers either or provide them with any response after building up their hopes.

This is why it is important you steer clear of the company. It knows how to lure its customers by making false promises. Once the company realizes its promises, it fails to do so and does not provide any valid reason to customers. 

InventHelp has scammed countless customers, and they have all not gotten ahold of the company and have realized that the company was nothing more than a scam. It took away their hard-earned cash and did not pay them back any money after failing to help them. When someone first contacts Invent Help, the company makes them feel it truly cares about them. However, after receiving all the client payments, it stops responding. 

Prevents Customers from Hiring a Personal Attorney to Review the Contract

In addition to the above, Invent Help does not let its customers bring a personal attorney to review the contract it requires them to sign. It is a big red flag that customers must understand, as they have every right to get the contract reviewed by an expert before signing it.

Similarly, the company does not provide a soft copy of the contract which customers can review at their own convenience. Instead, Invent Help requires customers to come to their office to review and sign the contract. This deceptive tactic allows them to get customers to sign contracts that they should not.

Provides False Documents

On top of the above scams, Invent Help also provides false documents to its customers. Many customers paid for the service but did not receive anything. When they complained about their experience with the Better Business Bureau (BBB), the company shared false documents stating that they had done their job. The company is fraudulent and does not assist its clients in any way. All it does is that it scams customers under pretenses. 

What Happened To The Company?

InventHelp is facing a class action lawsuit for its invention promotion scams. Aspiring inventors are suing the company for scamming them out of thousands of dollars. The company failed to provide any invention promotion service but only charged its customers. More and more people are signing up for the class action lawsuit, and it seems that action against Invent Help is close at hand. It is only a matter of time before action is taken against the company. 

The class action lawsuit alleges that Invent Help made misleading and false promises that it failed to meet. It enticed its customers into signing up for false invention promotions. Invent Help failed to provide any service to them and looted them.

Although it claims to have a database with information about 9,000 companies, it does not help its clients. Its data bank is believed to have data from non-operational and defunct companies. Thus, it does not intend to provide an invention match service whatsoever. The lawsuit alleges that the company ensures no invention ideas are sent to interested companies. 

Invent Help exploits its customers and convinces them to sign expensive agreements that allow the company to charge unwary inventors around $8,900 to $16,900 for expert invention submission, which it fails to provide. Invent Help sends false letters to its clients of companies that are not even in business. 

Whenever someone new signs up with Invent Help, the company only provides low-budget service and makes false promises. It hooks customers and makes them spend thousands of dollars without providing any service. There have been many other lawsuits against the company in the past.

However, the class action lawsuit will help ensure that the company can no longer continue harming innocent customers. Invent Help is a complete scam, as it has stolen thousands of dollars. If the lawsuit is successful, Invent Help would have to pay back its customers. 

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User’s Score & Editor’s Rating

2.2 Total Score

I was impressed by Inventhelp advertisements so I ended up signing a contract with the company in late 2017. They gave me deceitful hopes. They trap you by their tips and tricks and then take your money.

3.1Expert Score
Value For Money
Honesty & Transparency
Reported Customer Experience
1.2User's score
Value For Money
Honesty & Transparency
Reported Customer Experience
  • None
  • Fake Reviews
  • Scam
  • Questionable Marketing Tactics
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InventHelp Review: Horrible Finance Scam To Avoid!
InventHelp Review: Horrible Finance Scam To Avoid!

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  1. Fatal flaw with InventHelp’s compliance model

    Clients record sales agents more than sales agents record customer base.
    This causes client base to have asymmetric advantages on content creation with corporate entity under FTC consent degree.
    Compliance model was build on inherence to President of InventHelp needs as opposed to FTC guidelines. Impossible to oversight without mutual recordings to defend and adapt sales procedures to fluid regulatory conditions.
    Compliance director salaries are linked to revenue streams of independent contractors without industry standards or insurances in place.
    Culture of non compliance with long standing independent contractors and c-suite executives spanning decades.
    Inability to adapt to the capabilities of cellular telephonic communications where obfuscation narratives no longer “hold water” with regulatory agencies.
    Decreasing brand valuations causing considerations to new DBA called “Evolve” as a means to reduce advertising methods overhead while client acquisition costs were increasing. This forced President of InventHelp to breech Regional Sales Director advertising contracts causing motivation for long standing regional directors to self report to regulatory agencies.
    Regional Sales Director entity being Lineage to Billionaire class private equity firm with intimate knowledge of schemes, market participants, in highly regulated California state jurisdictions created unforeseen risk factors outside the purview of President of InventHelp and Vice President of Technosystems Consolidated Corporation.
    Conflicts of interests between President of InventHelp President and long standing regional sales directors in Dallas, Los Angeles, Phoenix, Columbia, Tampa, Miami, Baltimore and Cincinnati as techniques between sales directors in extra state disclosures jurisdictions with no extra state disclosures are above the pay grade of newly trained compliance officer(s).
    The number one fatal flaw of InventHelp compliance system is making the formula of affirmative disclosure statement [ADS] a corporate “trade secret” to regional sales directors with hundreds of years of data capture on disconnected and discombobulated message to retail investors on ADS calculations over decades since FTC “consent degree” agreement. This directly affects Inventors Act of 1999.

    ———- Forwarded message ———
    Date: Wed, May 15, 2024 at 9:53 AM
    Subject: Re: Industry Gem

    Are the state controllers in California fed up with Technosystems Consolidated Incorporation DBA Western InventHelp and WISC due to rising of consumer complaints on corporate entities? California state disclosures shows these companies to be one of the largest extraction of value in state history. InventHelp Federal Affirmative Disclosure Statements shows 0.5% clients make more than they spend according to nationwide reporting. However state reporting shows that ZERO clients signed up in California made more money than they spend with over 50,000 use cases. California state controllers suspecting that financial successful metrics displayed on InventHelp national disclosures were manipulated by deals outside the recommended system to 97%+ of market participants. By boxing out the manipulated data; could California state regulators proof the profit scheme of Technosystems has racketeering narratives to capture retail investor revenue in mass?

    Matters are further complicated that money transmitter violations are suspected from the FRO-674 and SOG-739 locations after the years 2016. Those locations represented the vast majority of business in central and northern California under the Technosystems umbrella. No states require more state disclosures than California for consumer protection protocols. Is the duration and number of racketeering claims of Technosystems too loud to ignore? Is the suspected money transmitter violation taking place thru public traded banking entity Bank of America, Inc mean violations could “spill over” to Federal jurisdictions? Could Berger Montague legal study link together numerous state violations to Federal regulators proven claims asserted in FTC issued “consent degree” to expedite further investigations?

    The state jurisdiction of Florida has shut down a similar business model called World Patent Market by working hand and hand with the Federal Trade Commission.

    The state jurisdiction of Georgia has a unique set of circumstances due to 3 InventHelp offices located in the Atlanta metro area simultaneously operating at the same time during certain inflection points. Could this allow consumer protection agencies in Georgia to proof, behind a shadow of doubt, that lack of oversight of sales representatives messaging caused conflicted messaging to the public? Did these conflicted messaging cause financial harm to thousands of customers in the state of Georgia?

    The state jurisdiction of Texas like California requires extra layers for these type of legal referral services. Texas is referred to as a “wait state” which means clients cannot accept referral to an attorney from a non attorney without paralegal status within 7 days of being issued Texas state disclosures. The longest standing InventHelp office was in the Dallas area. Richard Fellbush routinely roomed with InventHelp company President Robert Susa on business trips with hundreds of Hotel hospitality workers witnessing verifications of these claims. Richard Fellbush stated numerous times in public spaces that he and Bob were best friends. Is it remotely possible for Rob to be unaware of Richard’s state secrets? Given the amount of commingling of the two persons it would be interesting what answers surveys would result in state and federal judicial jurisdictions. Could surveys bleed into court jury environments?

    Could the state of Colorado come to the conclusion of Technosystems of over hunting for revenue in its jurisdiction? Could multiple former Technosystems independent contractors whistleblowing on InventHelp business practices in the state of Colorodo trigger state consumer protection investigations?

  2. Reply
    Former Regional Sales Director
    January 21, 2024 at 8:35 pm
    Value For Money
    Honesty & Transparency
    Reported Customer Experience

    I worked as a Regional Sales Director for the company for over the a decade directly under Gary Jones and Robert Susa. The commission were amazing and clients were eager to sign up for the services. When I first started working with the firm just assisted a product called “Half Time Drill Driver” and seemed to give the company credibility since they were being advertised on television frequently. The company was sued in a class action lawsuit in 2019 and rumor mill was becoming too large to ignore over the next two years. I had contracted with over 700 new clients and upon investigation not one of the clients made more they spent. Also I started asking for direct conversations with the president and vice president of InventHelp to inquire if the validity of the law suit was true. At this point the higher ups become incredibly “dodgy and shady”. I wanted to get more information on the services I was recommending to clients and was met with a cold shoulder. I do not know about you but if you are selling and recommending a service you have a right to do what the service is. They become more interested in promoting the numerous sales reps I trained to replace with impressible sales reps that would not ask questions. In fact Mr. Susa once told me over the phone he would might “sue me” despite the fact I had purchased “hundreds of thousands” of dollars of advertising with the company. I also collected over 5 million dollars of fees from clients which resulted in not one client meeting money or getting product on the stores shelves with InventHelp’s services. I started recommending clients to go on their own without InventHelp’s services which results in two clients getting product on stores shelves. The company president “bait and switched” my future disbursements payments (commissions not yet paid on payment contracts) once they realized the lawsuit had exposed them as frauds to a former ally and soon the marketplace. Also the majority of positive reviews online are paid for advertisements and pay online reputation companies thousands of dollars each month to cover up the legitimate negative reviews. The company designs contracts that meet the bare minimum of legal so they can take your money get no results and stand up against litigation. Also the majority of “success” stories they have are not from clients who sign up as new leads and meet with regional sales directors. They typically assist products near or already on the market who they do a partnership agreement with. This causes the illusion of success to ground floor innovators. However if you purchase the BIP and Submission agreement you are designed to be “exit liquidity” strung along for zero returns. I worked for the company for over decade and am willing to verify these claims to FTC, CFTC, and “under oath” for any legal jurisdiction judicial branch in the United States.

    + PROS: Capped expenses on services to prevent massive losses to individual client
    - CONS: Patent Referral on bare min work Positive Reviews are often pay for Zero Return Value Bait and Switch Marketing Tactics
    Helpful(0) Unhelpful(0)You have already voted this
  3. Don’t be scammed by invent help they will take all your money and leave you broke.

  4. I went to Invent help for the same reason everybody does. For help with a patent. But when they adamantly refused to allow me to bring my own attorney in, I withdrew my claim. STEER CLEAR OF THIS BOGUS “company” they are just a bunch of con artists!

  5. I was also scammed by the lie, in San Diego there is an office, I went there and paid over $1,000. got nothing. After first signing up and paying they called repeatedly for a bigger service and payment. My design was not a cute money maker, it was and still is a life saver. My design is not used anywhere, so continued loss of life and property result.
    Lies cost everyone, scams and such are a cancer to society.
    Greg Chick.

  6. Yes, you are all 100% correct. Inventhelp will mislead you. They will make promises they do not intend to keep. George Foreman will promote this horrible company. The ironic thing is George Foreman is not the creator of the George Foreman grill. I do not believe he has invented anything. Michael W. Boehm is the real creator of the Geoge Foreman Grill. Also Inventhelp will send prototypes that look like they were made in a third grade science class. They will also use a company named Universal Payments to destroy your credit if you do not pay them. They are quite arrogant.

  7. I have an invention called Sure sight I presented the plan to Ivent Help. They showed me a good prresentation on HD and brochure telling me that was revolutionary. they told the return can be massive and this for life to to come [perhaps for ever.. my invention can prevent accident caused by sunlight self adjustable with a click of a botton, I was duped and signed for financing over 14000 its been 3 years no progress; they send fake company that I never heard of false promises. I need to know how can I recover my money back.

    • Henry I just sent my first payment and ALL OF MY IFEAS DRAWINGS AND CONCEPTS … Please help is there anything I can or is my six year dream stolen and resold .. I’m livid and heartbroken at the same time .. Christina cook was my agent any info on her

  8. Reply
    InventHelp is nothing but a scam
    February 5, 2022 at 3:20 pm
    Value For Money
    Honesty & Transparency
    Reported Customer Experience

    The scam starts with an advertisement by Inventhelp. I saw that their advertisement was offering a stage for making your innovation known to the entire world. Inventhelp’s website and reviews claim that it would assist you in promoting your plan and gain you large returns. Their advertisements impressed me and I signed a contract with them. I sent my contract agreement to the company for a free review. After a few days their consultant informed me that the thought was an artful culmination and after examining the capability of the thought, they would be glad to work with me. I paid $600 for the research report. They even propose that they would discount the cash in case the research report is negative. Their arrangements are misleading. Once the report is fruitful; they request that you make the most astounding installment for enlisting for the most noteworthy benefit for the creation. It begins at $2000 and can go up to $12, 000. By paying $12, 000, you get a 90% offer and it diminishes as the sun goes down.

    They allure many of the investors to pay the most astounding sum feeling that they would gain millions later. They do not tell their investors about the risks and challenges related to the invention. The lies continue and therefore the salesperson is well trained to create sound money-making. Many people, including me, have lost thousands of dollars because of Inventhelp. I hope my experiences and other people’s reviews will help you realize the truth behind Inventhelp advertisements.

    I was impressed by Inventhelp advertisements so I ended up signing a contract with the company in late 2017. They gave me deceitful hopes. They trap you with their tips and tricks and then take your money. Inventhelp is a popular name in the industry and that is why it’s vital for you to check all the facts before you make any decisions in this regard. I did not research a large number of lawsuits against Inventhelp that have been filed over the years. I did not even pay attention to scam alert pages and news reports on the internet. One fine day I called their client representative office and requested them to cancel my account. I tried hard but they refused to cancel my account as it is against their company’s rules and regulations. I completely understand that the client sales representative cannot help you in this regard so I stopped calling them. Inventhelp traps you by their tips and tricks and drags you along with a lot of free ‘copy and paste’ submission papers. They even called me and their paid attorneys kept on giving me deceitful hopes until my agreement reached its end. They do little research to let you know whether your creation is really producible, not to mention beneficial.

    Who is making a profit? The answer is simple it’s only Invent help. Do your research on the internet and do not believe the charming offers and hopefulness they show you. They are a fraud and they just want to sign a contract with you. People can find online that their benefit value is less than 1%. I wish I knew this before signing the agreement. So I suggest if you have a real idea, save your money and execute it with the help of real manufactures.

    After my incident, I went through the internet and found out many new people who have faced the torture of InventHelp. InventHelp has removed most of the complaints from the internet but some people were too brave for them to scare and those complaints are available to read.

    Try not to call this company they stole my idea and will take yours as well. They do not care about their clients’ profits and losses. Inventhelp is a sham. Please do not trust Inventhelp. complain about InventHelp

    On 11/20/2015 I signed a contract with Inventhelp and paid an aggregate of $15,995.71 for acceptance of my invention. They claim that my submission will be gone into a Databank for organizations to survey and according to the agreement I assumed to get quarterly updates, starting today 1/16/2019. I actually have received three generic items of paper language that no corporations were inquisitive about my invention; there was no reasoning or follow up and that I solely received when I filed a complaint against them. Inventhelp is a fraud. I will surely take legal action. complain on InventHelp

    My involvement with this fraud team is awful! They are creating hundreds or thousands of people and they don’t get caught. Inventhelp has been cheating people for a number of years. I have lost thousands of dollars because of this company and the unfortunate fact is, I am not the only one. I am deeply disappointed because I lost my hard-earned money. I am planning to take legal action. on InventHelp

    Fraud and plagiarism

    • My young brother and I came up with a concept known as inhalant dose counter. We saw an advertisement about Inventhelp on television and how they would enable you to get your invention out. My brother drew the graph and we sent it to Inventhelp. We were then informed that they would help, yet we would need to send them some cash to get a working model. This was in 1995 or 1996. I was not earning at that point in time and I was unable to send the cash. I am now beginning to see inhalers in both dry powder and in fog structures. Inventhelp is a scam. They stole our idea of fog inhalants. My brother and I demand compensation.

    • I got a call from Inventhelp and they invited me to Atlanta. They wanted to talk about my invention and wanted me to sign a document. I discussed it at my workplace and luckily one of my friends told me about their scams. My friend saved me.

    • After taking your hard-earned money they rarely respond to your Emails and calls.

    Taking lots of money/no results

    • After signing the contract I met loads of people from the company. They liked my invention and told me that it had a good impact on heating, cooling, and storage. They helped me in getting a loan after paying cash. They took money out for three long years with a lot of interest. After taking my money they did not respond to my calls and Emails. Inventhelp is a scam. I lost thousands of dollars.

    • The same thing happened to me. I kept paying them for two years. And after taking my money they did not answer my calls.

    InventHelp /misleading

    I talked to a representative from Inventhelp about the idea of the stack -flashing. They liked my idea and I paid thousands of dollars for the submission of my invention. After almost a year I found out that they stole my idea. Do not trust Inventhelp.


    I went to Inventhelp with an idea. I paid for five years with a lot of interest. In the end, nothing worked out in my favor. I lost my money. Please do not pay attention to their advertisements.

    InventHelp/Patent idea fraud

    I reviewed all the services offered by Inventhelp. I paid loads of money for the submission of my idea. They ensured me that I have a market and that the idea has not been patented already. After a week they invited me to their office to review the results. Their results showed that my idea was patentable. I chose their premium package and paid additional cash. After taking the money they started to ignore my calls and messages. And after more than a year I received a rejection letter from Inventhelp that my product is similar to other products in the market. I looked at the internet and found out that my idea is in the market since 2004. Inventhelp is full of fraudsters.

    Inventhelp/Paintbrush and roller

    I submitted my idea to Inventhelp ten years ago. After a few days, they called me and told me that my idea was outstanding and they can easily sell it. And wanted me to sign a contract with the company after paying the submission fees. Ten years later after taking my hard-earned. They refused to talk to me. They cheated me badly. Do not trust Inventhelp.

    My Idea/Zip locks on dog food bags

    I submitted my idea of putting zip locks on dog food bags. They liked my idea and wanted me to pay them $1500 for marketing the idea. I did not have that amount of money at that point in time. So I paid half of the amount. After a few months, my friend went to the superstore and saw zip locks on dog food bags. They stole my idea. Inventhelp is a fraud.

    InventHelp/Fraudulent Business Scam

    I built up a thing and needed help starting since I did not have even a notion of how. I saw an ad on TV about an association called Inventhelp that claims they can get a creation up and going in this manner. I discovered them on the web and contacted them. I reached their regional arrangements and met the boss. He organized a get-together at a Jacksonville, Fl office. I displayed pictures, outlines and a foul anyway helpful model. I was given reassurance and exhorted that I would need to pay $746.00 for a fundamental information group. I paid him and following a month I got an extraordinary-looking book with around 75 pages of dull spill that was much-reordered information. He sorted out another social event and uncovered to me I had an alluring thing which he was told could be made for $3.50 each and sold at $19.95, anyway, he figured we could get more. It would be an extreme measure of detail here, yet he revealed to me I could make millions, anyway I expected to agree to a convenience plan and pay $10, 900 to come up with assistance, he proposed I pay $5, 000 on a credit card and they would charge my Visa $258 consistently for the rest. On the primary page of the understanding, it communicates that I agree to pay Inventhelp for the remainder of the equality.

    As a general rule Inventhelp got paid for the rest of an advance organization that made an incline toward me that I thought nothing about, I thought I was paying Inventhelp in regularly scheduled payments by enabling them to charge my Visa as the principal page on the agreement expressed. After a year I got a call from a credit organization, an all-inclusive installment company in Pittsburgh, saying I had been allowed a one-year intrigue free advance, however, the one year was up and on the off chance that I didn’t pay the equalization of $3, 111 before the month’s over they were going to charge me $346 back. In the event that I had not had the option to pay, I would have been paying them far more than the amount they told me about. They also told me that they will have to take legal action against me. It is terrible enough that Inventhelp lied by placing me in the red, yet then they gave me to an installment processor so they could get their hands in my pocket moreover. I am certain numerous clueless cheerful designers have been getting up to speed in this racket. I am going to seek a legal claim against those guys and their company.

    Marketing Idea

    There are a huge amount of things I could list however more or less they did Not Provide the Services We (my brother and I) paid them to do. Furthermore, they stole our ownership of innovation and they actually took out cash from my brother’s account enthusiastically without lawful authorization! Alright, for instance, we needed to hire a photographer only for the photograph for our pamphlet. Their photograph did not even remotely resemble our model and they said on many occasions, “that is the best we can do”! With another model, we needed to compose what went out to PRWeb on the grounds that their method for clarifying our thought resembled a fourth grader’s art! The video they turned out with is the erroneous shade of Blue and its light blue. We asked consistently, “is that the Best you can do, notwithstanding when your fringe is the imperial blue that is what the model resembles?” They stated, yes that is all the better we can do, we don’t have the shading you need! So now the video is humiliating most definitely, and gives the off-base impression by and large! Along these lines, that and their rundowns they convey to organizations. We frequently wonder, would they say they were truly sent? Furthermore, assuming this is the case, accurately? The frightful portrayal of your idea, in addition to the fact that they treat you like you’re the inconvenience creator, insolent!

    Only 2% of all licenses have benefitted. In any case, if you enroll an advancement promoter – your chances of advancement are zero. Be splendid and take risks yourself instead of taking the help of such dangerous fraudsters.

    As protection – basically demand that any development publicist exhibits to you a copy of a real prominence check from a specific creator – and after that – you will never get a warning from them again. This article has been made for individuals with new musings who reserve the privilege to know the truth of this dark business. Thus, if it’s not all that much of an inconvenience you should head in this direction. You would lean toward not to be re-scrutinizing this article in about a year and kick yourself for being so straightforward. At last, be careful with supposed “shopper issues” and “business departments” sites that are paid a charge by creation firms to show a phony 5-star audit. Likewise, most development advertisers make their own “grumbling sheets” (under genuine sounding names) and compose 5-star surveys for themselves that are only lies.

    Try not to be tricked by tricky YouTube recordings that are breathtakingly intended to make the hallucination of fruitful items and fulfilled customers. Additionally, don’t be intrigued by absurd creator expos that are only a display to cause you to accept that the organization is effectively showcasing innovations.

    Makers do not permit developments at public expos. Truth be told, the introduction of your development at an expo risks your patent rights. The main concern is: whatever a development advertiser gloats about is intended to pick up your trust, and they do that to scam you.

    I have done the part by writing this article; will you do yours by sharing it?

    + PROS: None
    - CONS: Fake Reviews Scam Questionable Marketing Tactics
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  9. I was scammed when i was goin through a depression. A rep from inventhelp talked me into borrowing 4000 dollars from family since he was convinced ill have royalties once my idea was sold. The y took me for a total of 4750 dollars and all i got was a ton of mail and useless paperwork. I wish i knew who he was id smash him. When the rep received my money i called him and he immediately said how now im being transferred to a new person! The embarrassment and thought of someone taking my dads money and my hard earned money is horrible. They pray on weak to separate from money. Stay away!

  10. Attorney derek eddy from the law firm of fellheimer & eichen llp is preparing to sue inventhelp on behalf of an inventhelp customer for misrepresentation, breach of contract, and unfair trade practices. If you believe that you have a claim against inventhelp and would like to join in the lawsuit as a plaintiff, please send an email to [protected]@fellheimer.Net. After mr. Eddy receives your email, you will receive a personal response and initial assessment of your potential claims against inventhelp and whether they would be worth pursuing.

  11. Has anyone else stopped paying invent help and got it put on your credit. They put a collect of thousands of dollars stating that I financed the whole process… Which I didn’t. I made installment payments never got a loan for anything.

  12. 0.1
    Value For Money
    Honesty & Transparency
    Reported Customer Experience

    InventHelp and all those working for them need time behind bars and all of us screwed over deserve our money back and then some. This is an email sent to me regarding the lawsuit against inventhelp. I paid inventhelp over $13,500 and over $2,000 to kaufhold an dix patent agency between 2014 and 2017. I invented the DJ Disc now sold world wide as the Disc Jockee. Its a blue and orange frisbee that you can Bluetooth your music too via smart device. Not only did they make it in blue and orange like I asked for, it being my high school colors but also marketed with my quote “A game of catch never sounded so good!” It won toy of the year through toys tots pets and more and through tucker toys in 2017. I never recieved a dime. The day I went and spoke with inventhelp agent Sherri Gent in 2014 I also confided in her another idea called a wipe warmer. It is now also sold world-wide and came out on the shelves at target in the baby section in 2017.

    Dear Lucas Phipps,

    It was a pleasure speaking with you. As we discussed, Oxman Law filed a putative class action against InventHelp and its related companies alleging violations of the American Inventors Protection Act, 28 U.S.C. Section 636 (the “AIPA”) in June 2018.

    Approximately one and a half years after we filed our lawsuit, in October 2019, another law firm, Berger Montague PC, filed a ‘copy-cat’ lawsuit, also suing InventHelp under the AIPA. Our case was progressing very well, and was about to move into discovery. The Judge consolidated both the cases. Oxman Law and Berger Montague then each filed motions to be appointed “interim lead counsel.”

    As explained in the links to the articles below, Oxman argued that the circumstances surrounding Berger’s lawsuit were suspicious – Berger met with InventHelp’s President before they filed their lawsuit, and then did not even name him or Universal Payment Corp. as Defendants in the case. Oxman argued that it appeared that perhaps InventHelp and Berger were trying to work out a sweetheart deal that would be good for InventHelp but Berger, and possibly not so good for the victims. As of now, no settlement has been reached.

    Despite our arguments, Magistrate Judge Dodge appointed Berger as interim lead counsel. What this means is that for the time being, Berger will call the shots in the cases. But, Oxman is still involved and the Judge was careful to point out that she could change her mind at any time if things do not seem like they are progressing properly. We have also filed an appeal to that ruling. In any event, the Judge has not yet certified the case as an official “class action” and we are moving into discovery.

    If Berger and InventHelp work out a settlement, you should get a notice in the mail if you fall within the class definition. It is possible that if they work out a settlement that appears unfair to the victims, then Oxman will file objections to try to obtain greater relief / more money for victims. At this point, it is premature to know exactly what will happen.

    Feel free to continue to call us to get updates – we will keep you posted. Your relationship with Oxman does not stop you from joining into any settlement that Berger and InventHelp reach. If, down the road, Berger and InventHelp reach a settlement on behalf of InventHelp victims and you do not feel that the settlement is fair, we can explore your options. But for now we just have to wait and see.

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  13. Scammed. Never shown proof only sends letters saying they sent out a press release. God I pray they can give me something but it is nothing. Do not listen to anything the internet tells you or TV commercial about this company being any good. Just professional scam artist who will milk you out of thousands of dollars I wish some one would report this company to FBI if the US government cared. They do not have any proof of reviews about your product or let you contact the companies they listed your idea too. It is a scam.

  14. I know for a fact that invent help deliberate and intentionally hid fees, charges and amounts of investments with malice intents. I specifically ask purposeful questions with the sole intents of being informed, protecting myself etc. In retrospect its become clearer that the vague answers were for the sole purpose of denying me benefits while maliciously gaining themselves by their. experienced-well put together foul-play SCAM.

  15. I had an idea of a flexible eyeglass frame that would adjust to any size lens…I was told that they”re research found nothing like it in the market and had a great opportunity to make lots of money . ..I dished out about 20, 000 dollars and received a terrible video of how the invention would work . ..I received a letter about every other 6 months on how they submitted my idea to companies and had to wait for the companies to respond . ..I had the feeling nothing was being done and got taken for a ride…

  16. A long time ago (1989) a young man with a silly idea sent in for the Inventhelp innovation packet and submitted his idea of the toothpick floss, and you guessed it never heard back again. A few years later there it is in major stores, coincidence i think not. someone out there has to know something about what this crooked company is doing to people, make it right and report them…. I went under the the name John Doe … know why……

  17. I bought it the 1st time & then went back a 2nd time the guy got so pushy & mad because I didn”t have the funds to buy the premier package & I asked about just patenting then he told me about financing but I had to come up with 3 grand and again I couldn”t do it the man stop returning my calls… Ok so now I contact a law firm who just does the patent part I send them all my inventhelp stuff books and all he emails me links to show me where I have been lied too the thing I wanted to patent was already on the market in the same form and their lawyer had told me it was not in his written report Now I get a call from someone in corporate asking me what the issues was wanting me to take my complaint down promising to send me 400 dollars for the lawyer fees (but it was not even covering the cost of the lawyers fee) I was in agreement to remove the comment consider it addressed but then I read the form she wanted signed The form voided the original agreement and made my invention even thought not original and my 1st one under no contract of confidentially… I exempted me from any legal proceeding in future… So I wrote back saying that in it current form I could not sign she never responded

  18. I had an idea and the man I talked with told me I didn”t need a patent pending for my idea. He told me I needed 1500 dollars. I told him I didn”t have that kind of money. He told mme if I could get 7oo hundred in 3 months we could start the process. I am legal blind so there was no way I could come up with it. My idea was to put zip locks on dog food bags. A couple months later I go to buy dog food and it has zip lock on the bag.

  19. I came into the federal way office with an idea and talked to Jim Foldger. He told me all of the services they offer and made me feel comfortable with giving my idea. I have the best drawing of my idea and every single detail written in my notebook, they made copies of it and signed a contract to keep my idea a secret. They took over a month to make the book. I thought they were trying to help me sell my idea to people and investors and help me get a manufacturing company but when I read the book I got, I cried. They completely waisted my time and money. They fooled me to think they were good people but in the end just told me the real fee is 13, 600 for the rest of the work that he told me about on the first day but never mentioned that part. Only told me I had to pay 760 for the whole service, and let me tell you. It was written by a child in high school. It had nothing to do with my product or have the copy of the picture I drew. Which is the main point of even making a book. To SHOW what I want them to make and invest in. Jim Folgers also informed me he was a pastor before and I told him I was born Muslim and I feel like he thinks I”m stupid because I am not from this country. This company needs to be closed down.

  20. Had several meetings with people working for the company. Then after they had conviced us it was one of the best invention they had ever seen and so well thought out and designed and would have such a huge impact on heating and cooling and storage that they would call right then and help get a loan from a company they used and for us to go ahead and write check for three thousand and they would take money out each month for three years with quite a lot of interest they had us really fooled after they got money very seldom could talk to a human again on phone r any contact from them at all we lost around $20, 000.00 dollars and we felt like fools we usually were always so careful of what we did when investing. This time we were believers i’m a company that builds hope And dreams can be achieved after all the time and work put into an invention that could have helped so many

  21. For ten years since I submitted my invention they Inventhelp said it was a great idea and they can sell it with no problem it cost me $12, 500.00 in the beginning when I was making my payments they Inventhelp was Soo kind and worked with, ten years later they refuse to talk with me and refused to give me a call back, over the years I contacted them, after I paid them all that money, I never ever heard from them again.

  22. if you do your own research, patent, design, prototype, etc, then you can go directly to a company/investor that will invest in you and help you grow. If you’re coming with an idea in your mind, then you do have to pay someone to do all the above to even have it looked at. Keep in mind, it also comes down to cost of making vs sell price to have a margin. Just my opinion. At the end, they will/have to make money, that’s business

  23. I am still surprised that when one applies for patent with them, they say that Congrats no one else had applied for this patent. Spend money . Come back for further updates and you will know that its been done by another company.
    this is clearly a theft. this is fraud.

  24. i had submitted a proposal to them and they said that the patent will be done soon. I paid them the fees of 7048 dollars which they asked for the formalities.
    recently inventhelp admitted that my Patent was no good because there was already a pre existing patent filed. However, they could not refund me my full 7,048 dollars they gotten from me on the false pretense of investing into a good patent.
    Now they are refusing to refund the amount. Total Scammers..

  25. hello, last year I have some idea about creating some product. I research a lot and I company name Invent help pop up. I contact them and my product was specifically related only for one company one market they promise me they gonna reach to them and only Inventhelp it”s safe because they protecting your idea and other company will still it. I trust them and to this date they didn”t contact them and on top of that I found the same product what I created!!! Try to contact invent help, they ignoring me and treating me if I stop payments they distrioid my credit score. I paid almost $7000

  26. Had excellent idea for motorcycle safety. Patent search revealed nothing close to it. I spent over $15 k. Found the same product for sale in another state shortly after signing final papers. It was my idea to every detail. Patent pending status. I reported them to BBB. They said they could not help me. Just like the rest of big business. The $ talks and the working staff gets screwed.

  27. I invested $18,005.00 with InventHelp thinking that they would help launch my invention. Now waiting for a long period, i understand that i made a huge mistake and have lost the money.
    THEY OFFER NO STATISTICAL EVIDENCE OF THEIR CLIENTS’ MARKETABLE INVENTION SUCCESSES In addition, current commercials testify about how many patents Invent Help has helped their clients get…not the successes in launching their clients inventions…which is their clients ultimate goal isn’t It??? Otherwise, $18,005.00 would prove a costly patent. Monies are to be paid upfront: face to face.

  28. I am one of many many victims. 5500 $ worth scam. All of them are con artist. They humiliate you, laugh at your stupidity send you picture of some worthless crap and one man claims that they were selling his idea to companies without his knowledge I want my money back.

  29. Watch out for this hoax… I signed up with invent help in late 2017 & then roller coaster of false hopes & crappy low budget ‘referral’ services began. They know every trick in the book to hook you & then take your money. My biggest mistake I made was not researching the large amount of lawsuits against invent help that have been filed over the years, not to mention the scam alert pages & news reports found online pointing to invent helps tricks in their billion dollar industry.

  30. Someone familiar with the company said that they target poor, uneducated gullible people stealing from the poor to put money in the pocket of Davison who is rich

  31. It’s a scam. It’s a win/win situation for them. $15,000 if your invention goes nowhere and 20% of future royalties if it does. You take all the risk and they have no risk.

  32. Yes it most definitely is a scam…if your invention is on paper, just burn it …you will get more satisfaction doing that than trusting inventahelp or any of their other fictitious business names they hide under.

  33. if you let your invention exposes to them and you never decided to continue it they will steal and give your idea to the investor and they will make money on it, since you are the one pay to do the copyright for $500 to $700 plus you will invest it with $6000 but you never have that kind of money and as it has no patent caused patent cost up to $4000, and you abandon it then they will continued it with out your permission, so be aware of this scam they start it with the name as invention submission corporation and changed the name to invent help check BBB or check ripoff reports there is a lot complained including me on it caused I got ripoff with them before with my idea, get your attorney first if you want to deal with them.

  34. I truly trusted InventHelp. I was pumped up about the fact that George Foreman used this same company. I was given sketches of the product once I made my $5,000 deposit. Unfortunately for me, i did not use my credit card. Had I used my credit card, I would have been able to get all my money back.
    I am so tired of people ripping off others. Although I joined a class action suit against InventHelp, I think I will investigate to see what else I can do to get my $5,000 deposit back.

  35. The latest figures from InventHelp show they have a 224 out of 225 FAILURE RATE of generating profit for inventors (more than what they pay InventHelp) who enter into an agreement with them. It might be worth reading this webpage:

  36. Inventhelp is a total scam,they use to be called invention incorporation or something like that,they got in trouble and just simply changed names I made the mistake of going to them,and then the same day googled reviews of them ,and said OMG what did I just do ,I was to pay them $1000 next day which is NEVER did and then went on line found a patent attorney and got a provision patent pending and will be getting the full patent,actually i got lucky cause what invent hep didnt tell me was by march 15th of last year the laws have changed it ,its the 1st person who files for the patent is legally entitled to it even if you came up with it 1st ,so I got my patent just before so if they tried to steal my idea i had the patent and the attorney waiting for them,hard part is legal fees are not cheap,its almost impossible to do without money ,good luck to you

  37. I’m very lucky and glad that I came on this page just in time. It opened my eyes about Davidson and Inventhelp with George Foreman. Yes, there are a lot of bad companies out there, thank you

  38. Thank you for this informative post . I’ve been called by Davison about my invention two months ago but I was skeptical after reading the contract ( Thanks to my Business Law studies )
    I just hope that they won’t steal my ideas
    I gave them the details as they asked me to do
    I feel so dumb

  39. this place is filled with scammers. Save some money. If that takes too long then find different ways to make income on top of your job that you can do from home. Then start using all of your money saved to work with a patent attorney. Make your provisional patent. The time with the attorney will be costly but it it’ll pay off. At least this way you know it’s only you and the attorney in on the shares. When you go to these companies your money is gonna go towards paying people you don’t even know. Besides the patent attorney has gone to school for all this and won’t want anyone else’s hand in the bucket other than who you need cuz they’re trying to get their money too.

  40. wish i saw it before dealing with Davison, this thief stole from me more than 1500 USD. They kept asking more money to proceed with my idea, then finally i stopped dealing with them after searching on the net and finding out that that they have scammed lots of people. how can this thief sleep at night. they should all go to jail for scamming hard working people.

  41. George Davison is the biggest “scam artist” on the internet today. He has numerous companies that offer different kinds of services that Davison NEVER intended to provide. All the companies owned by George Davison have only ONE GOAL, scam as much money from people as they can and then they disappear with your money AND your invention idea. Do a simple internet search for Davison Design and all you will see are thousands of complaints from people who ALL have been ripped off for thousands of dollars by this worthless piece of crap. Go anywhere else, stay away from ALL companies owned by George Davison.

  42. All invention submission/marketing firms are some level of scam, unfortunately there are too many DIY inventors out there that think they can take shortcuts or do things on the cheap (including write their owns patent)…if you’re not using a patent attorney/agent then you are wasting your time/money/rights.

  43. Reply
    June 25, 2020 at 12:13 pm

    I worked for Invent help for a short period of time. It didn’t take long to figure out they were scammers. Just check the breakdown of IH and Davison’s numbers and success rates…. numbers don’t lie!


  44. Thank you for your insight, I had lots of reservation I did spend the initial cost but then the push came to take me to the next step for the development, I started to feel the pressure they were placing on me. So glad I bumped into this page, it made it all so clear. Thank you again.

  45. Omg!!! Thank you for pointing this out… I have been in my inventing process since October last… As you may assume red flags went up in my mind and after i received my product summary digest for about 5 hundred dollars i almost gave up 10,000 to Invents Company.

  46. You just saved me 800 dollars. This guy name demeitre from Davidson called me about my invention. Glad I saw this post ! Told him I already had it patent. He said I wasted my time doing that? Said I still needed to go tru the extension patent search . For around 800.

  47. Yeah I’ve never trusted these invest-help services, always seemed like an absolute scam, I’m glad you warn us about this.

  48. 1
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    I currently have an invention with Inventhelp it’s going on three years, the out come from them is absolutely nothing, I began to jump in with reaching out to manufacturing companies, they were calling me back showing interests in my product, once I had them to sign a confidentiality agreement, I had to forward all their contact information to Inventhelp due to the contract I was in with them, thereafter they will speak with the company, and I had to call them (Inventhelp) to ask about the status, they response was, the were no longer interested or they have not heard from the company, so I decided to do my own research on finding manufacture companies, patent information although I paid for all the services with this company, Inventhelp just gave me the run around, they do, do what they say.. to keep you from suing them, but when really research their work, like the fake companies they claim to summit your idea too, I search each one of those companies (25) most if not all did not have anything to do with my product, so this is my experience with Inventhelp.

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