Buyer Beware

Slow Growth Academy – Overpriced & Useless Courses By Matt D’avella

After watching the announcement video from Matt D’Avella on YouTube. I literally ran to my laptop and went to the (which is the website for the Slow Growth Academy) to buy whatever course he was selling.

I’ve been a big fan of Matt D’Avella for YEARS now. He has helped me turn my life around, but unfortunately the Slow Growth Academy product that he is selling on the website is not really good. Please hear me out before you start bashing me for criticizing Matt.

Who is Matt D’Avella (In case you don’t know)

Matt D'Avella, the creator of Slow Growth Academy
Matt D’Avella, creator of the Slow Growth Academy

I only included this heading for the 1% of you who don’t know who Matt D’Avella is. For the rest of 99%, you guys can simply skip this section.

Basically, Matt is a self-help Youtuber who makes videos based on a variety of topics. His YT channel is full of helpful content. He is also a filmmaker & podcaster.

Similar Report: Daily Fitness Academy

According to his Twitter handle, he wants to get Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson on his podcast, but honestly, that’s not happening.

His career took off when he released a documentary on minimalism called “Minimalism: A Documentary About The Important Things”. He has more than 2.84 MILLION subscribers on YouTube, so it would be an understatement to say that he is a very influential person.

He also has a patreon where 1,271 people are sponsoring him. Doing some basic calculations, we can easily say he earns more than $8,000 every month just from his patreon. Not only that but his channel’s total views are more than 176 million. So he is definitely making big bucks, and you know, more power to him I guess. But I had high expectations from him with this course and it turned out to be very underwhelming.

Why Slow Growth Academy is NOT worth the money

Slow Growth Academy Website Homepage
Slow Growth Academy Website Homepage

I binged the whole Simple Habits course, took notes and analyzed them before writing this. The most fascinating thing I found out was the lack of any new content in the whole course. Everything that Matt teaches in the Simple Habits course, has already been covered properly on either his on YouTube channel or by other YouTubers in the same niche (like Captain Sinbad & Nathaniel Drew). By the way, both of them are excellent YouTubers, you should check them out if you like what Matt D’avella does at his channel.

The course is put together very well, Matt has surely spent a lot of money and time in making sure the course “looks” good. But the actual content, which is supposed to help you change your life, is done and dusted.

Learn more about: Bill Grous

Another point which I would like to mention is the over-hype Matt did for this project. I wouldn’t have probably sat down to write a Slow Growth Academy review like this, if Matt hadn’t gotten me and all of his OG fans so hyped for this one. I was really looking forward to it. After I saw his Instagram post last week, I was literally just waiting for an update. My friends and I had bets on what would be the announcement. And after hyping the announcement like this, I did NOT expect him to deliver such a bad product.

if you are expecting even an ounce of quality knowledge from the course website, then please don’t waste your money. YOU CAN DEFINITELY BUY it SOLELY FOR SUPPORTING MATT, BUT

Now, I don’t know much about the physical products which he is selling on the website because I haven’t simply bought them. Actually even if I had bought them, they would have taken weeks to come at my place. I really like the poster which he has for sale, so I’m probably going to buy it by the way.

The Alternatives to (Slow Growth Academy)

An obvious and better alternative is just to watch the videos from Matt D’avella, Captain Sinbad, Better Ideas & Nathaniel Drew. I’ll leave a link at the end of the post so you guys can check them out. You obviously know who Matt is, but some of the other guys are very underrated and they have amazing content to say the least.

If you want a more focused and knuckle-dragger way to improve your life, then Can’t Hurt Me by David Goggins is probably the best book ever for this.

Slow Growth Academy Review Conclusion

Overall, avoid this course. We all love Matt, but he is just ripping people off with this $145 product.

I would advise against spending money on this course. All the information presented has already been well documented by Matt himself on his YT channel. And for a more organized way, there are much better and cheaper alternatives like David Goggins’ Can’t Hurt Me.

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I would love to know what everyone else thinks of the course. So drop down a comment down below and let everyone know your thoughts.

Do you think Matt did a good job with the Slow Growth Academy? Is it just a way for Matt to make money off his fans in a more explicit way?

3.3 Total Score
It is not worth it. Avoid!

The Slow Growth Academy is a big disappointment from Matt D'Avella. I hate to say this, but it's not worth the price. He is mainly trying to monetize his fans with this venture.

3.3Expert Score
Customer Support
3.3User's score
Customer Support
  • Cinematography
  • Overpriced
  • Overhyped
  • Disappointment
  • Made for monetizing Matt's fans
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  1. 5
    Customer Support

    If you ran a business model and only made revenue once from a customer but had to support that customer over and over again… yeah that is a bad deal… FOR THE ENTREPRENEUR

    Matt has to pay hosting costs, internet, people to manage his community, etc… and then customers would whine some more after a period saying its dated content, etc etc etc…

    Understand how business works, and appreciate the value you get when you have bought a product and can access it continually…

    Helpful(2) Unhelpful(13)You have already voted this
  2. He’s just trying to make money off his fans.
    The fact that he has made so many youtube videos, surely the answers to “building habits”, “pushing through procrastination”, “staying motivated” etc. are already there. And if not, then what’s the point of his youtube content.

  3. 3.25
    Customer Support

    I’m going to say this, and say this once…

    There is nothing new under the sun ????

    Matt is selling a course and bundling what he has learnt from others. This is no different from a number of other gurus or self help experts.

    Now… if any of you have an ounce of intelligence, you’ll know that Matt has created an audience and sold a product that he has put his hard effort into. This is similar to a blogger who turns their blogs into a book.

    If you want to trawl through all his videos one by one do it… but if you want to buy a system that he has put together… then get the course.

    What you get, is what you put into the system. If you’re expecting a silver bullet… you’ve missed the whole point…

    Habits and behavioural change requires effort, consistency and hard work. People who complain that there’s nothing new and expect a revolutionary way to change their behaviour are just making excuses…

    Helpful(9) Unhelpful(1)You have already voted this
  4. 0.75
    Customer Support

    Watch Matt’s videos on YouTube. He has only repackaged that content into a paid course, that’s it. I learned nothing new from Slow Growth and I don’t think if you’re an avid follower of Matt, you’d learn something unique too.

    - CONS: If you've been following Matt for some time, the course wouldn't teach you anything of value.
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  5. Not worth it! Save your money!

  6. 5
    Customer Support

    Weirdly hyperbolic reviews here. I’m not sure why someone would spend money on a habit building course if they already felt like they knew everything. I too had concerns that the content of this course would be derivative before I purchased, so I emailed the support at SG. I got an email the very next day from Matt’s brother that was personal and concise. I have since purchased the course and have not regretted it. The value of information is not always that it is novel, but often it is the presentation. That’s why the self-help section of the bookstore is so stocked with repetitive knowledge. It’s why food at a restaurant often tastes better than your attempt to cook the same thing at home.

    Distilling information is hard to do. Adding the right amount of sugar to the recipe is hard to do. Being engaging, crystal clear, deeply informative and truly helpful is really hard to do. Matt does all of this with his course. Add to that the slack support community, the printable resources, the sheer volume of the workbook and the integration with the videos, the daily texts and the fact that you get a month to ask for a refund and man—you tell me what he could have done better.

    I think it’s fair to say I’m a fan of Matt’s. I feel like it’s been earned. I’m sorry there is so much petulance in the reviews so far, but here we are.

    I came to this site early on to help me decide on this course. It worked. The litany of complaints seemed one dimensional and Matt’s (and his brother’s) response helped me understand the bigger picture. I don’t regret paying for this course at all and I felt like my experience should be represented here, too.

    + PROS: Engaging Concise Personal Funny Clear Action Oriented Robust
    Helpful(17) Unhelpful(9)You have already voted this
    • “I’m not sure why someone would spend money on a habit building course if they already felt like they knew everything” – perhaps because while they may have known a bunch of info on habits, despite all that they’re still not able to implement habits into their life (simply because the sufficient desire to do so isn’t there for whatever reason) and they believed buying this course would help them implement good habits into their life.

      Your anecdotal claims about how you contacted support and enjoyed his course – that’s all nice but doesn’t objectively add anything of substance here.

      “The value of information is not always that it is novel, but often it is the presentation.” – right so you’re more concerned with the presentation, you’re more concerned with it being aesthetically pleasing and packaged all nice and cosmetic reasons. That doesn’t mean everyone else sees value in that same way, some people see it for the raw direct new teachings without fluff.

      “That’s why the self-help section of the bookstore is so stocked with repetitive knowledge. It’s why food at a restaurant often tastes better than your attempt to cook the same thing at home.” – these analogies don’t support any point in Matt’s favor. Ok so the self-help section is full of repetitive knowledge, all that means is most of self-help books is useless and unnecessary. And the only reason food at a restaurant usually tastes better than most people’s attempt to cook the same thing is because the chefs at the restaurant have been making that food for such a long time and it’s their craft.

      “you tell me what he could have done better” – Well here’s the thing dude, most of us here aren’t making these courses. I mean I can give you a vague answer as to what he could’ve done better like simply only included the vital new information that hasn’t already been said in his youtube videos. But really the answer is he simply didn’t need to make any course at all. He wanted some extra money (nothing wrong with that) and sold a course regurgitating self-help stuff like pretty much all the self-help grifter gurus do.

  7. 2.35
    Customer Support

    Yeah. I regret spending my money on this. Everything in the course I’ve already read from hundreds of reddit posts and youtube videos for free. I guess the only benefit is that you’re supporting Matt and have a support system with other members. But let’s be real, Matt is doing fine. He doesn’t buy anything haha. Love you Matt, but I really regret paying for this course.

    - CONS: Too much money Overstated advice
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  8. Sadly i agree with what others have said, this course is way overpriced for what it is, it should be priced between $30-50 max. I feel as Matt gets bigger the more repetitive his content becomes, similar to what happened to the Minimalists. I will be reaching out to support for a refund as I feel like it is a waste of money.

    Its interesting if that comment is above from Matt he claims only 5 people have requested refunds, however looking at the reviews many more have. His fans are super toxic and its sad that they need to attack people, I will continue to support him through his YouTube channel and Patreon but as others have said you should avoid this course.

  9. 1.6
    Customer Support

    I’ve been subscribed to Matt for a long time and I’ve seen the guy grow into the behemoth brand he is today. His content resonates with me because him and I have seen similar problems in life, like student loans, finding a girlfriend etc. So when I saw that he is selling his own course, I immediately bought it. I don’t think this guy needs to steal refunds, if you haven’t received yours, then please check with your bank or credit card company, I’ve had that issue with digital payments before.
    In my opinion, this course is overpriced for it’s content. It has good editing and filmography but the tips and tricks that Matt shows are common sense and if you have read more than 2 self-help books in your life, then you probably already know 90% of these tricks. The price is jacked up because he is marketing this brand like crazy and he has to make money from somewhere. I honestly would’ve liked the course better if it had less fancy editing and more helpful content.
    Another thing that I noticed is that Matt and his team literally have their own page of Slow Growth Academy reviews as well, and they haven’t posted a single critical review! This move is very selfish in my opinion, he should be more open to criticism.

    + PROS: Fancy Editing
    - CONS: Course is just this: Common sense tips wrapped in sarcasm and silly jokes
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  10. Reply
    Matt is ripping off his fans
    September 22, 2020 at 7:43 am
    Customer Support

    These guys are not refunding my money! Please give my money back. I bought the simple habits course recently after watching Matt’s video. But now I want my money back and these guys aren’t giving it back. Don’t buy their courses they are scammers

    - CONS: No refunds
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  11. 0.5
    Customer Support

    I just bought it, regretfully without looking at the reviews have any of you guys gotten a refund?

    + PROS: It’s pretty
    - CONS: Slow customer service Overpriced
    Helpful(6) Unhelpful(4)You have already voted this
  12. 0.5
    Customer Support

    Slow Growth Academy is just a sh#itter version of Skill Share. I can’t believe Matt did this. He is just getting greedy and wants to make all the money he can.

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  13. 1.25
    Customer Support

    These guys have really slow customer service, I have been waiting for days to get a response. It’s very confusing too.

    + PROS: Good guy
    - CONS: Slow service
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  14. 1.25
    Customer Support

    The dirty manipulation going on in the Matt D’avella’s fan base is something unreal. It’s similar to what Dan Lok does with his followers. Matt knows no one is going to ask for a refund, because it feels like betraying an important person in your life. Who benefits from this? Of course, Matt & his team. He could’ve released a book, or released a more affordable program, but he got greedy. It’s a shame to see an honest youtuber turn into a dishonest one.

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  15. 1
    Customer Support

    If you are a Matt D’avella fan boy, then please read it till the end. It is an important message that I want to share with you. This guy has a cult following online, where if you say anything remotely bad about him, the whole internet will be after you. I have watched a couple of his videos and they are nice. Not great, but not the worst also. He basically steals content from self-help books, and uses his cinematography skills to make a pretty video, which he posts online. There’s no magic behind it. And honestly, there doesn’t need to be any magic. But it’s plain idiotic to expect a plagiarsim guy to do something good original.

    My sister is a big fan of Matt, she asked me to buy her this “Simple Habits” course. And being the enabling brother I am, I bought her the $149.00 membership. Now, I also decided to take a glance through the course because the website looked pretty cool. And here is my full review on Slow Growth Academy by Matt D’avella:

    It is a wasteful piece of crap. I’m not a fan of this guy, so I’m not sugar coating my criticism. It is shit. If you have read more than two books on self-improvement, then you know almost 99% of what this course has to offer. I’ve read teh kind of comments his videos get. His audience is full of self-improvement junkies, hell, my own sister is one. So I highly doubt any of you have not read a couple of self-help books.

    There are only two types of people who are going to buy this course (or whatever this is):

    1) People with a shit ton of money and time on their hands
    2) People who are stans of Matt and think this course will be the “turning point” in their life

    I hate to break it to you, but 90% of you all are in the 2nd category. I’m no millionaire or a six-figure per year income person either. But I know that this one exorbitant course is not going to help anyone. The way Matt is promoting it is really misguided and inaccurate. Unlike most of us, he is a millionaire. He just wants to monetize his millions of fans who will do anything to make him happy.

    Please think about it before calling me names. The only way lives change, is by real action. You know what you have to do, and buying a course from an online celebrity is not it. These are hard times, don’t make them harder for yourself.

    - CONS: Plagiarsim Overpriced Heavily manipulating his fans Lies on top of lies
    Helpful(16) Unhelpful(5)You have already voted this
  16. 0.75
    Customer Support

    Matt has made some mistakes in his life. And launching a $hitty product online will go in that basket. I can’t support Matt if he’s ripping off people with an ok-ish product & kindness. He knows that we aren’t going to ask for a refund, because we respect the guy. Not gonna lie I’m disappointed.
    He once got sued for $7 million because he made fun of the produce section of the grocery store he worked at. There’s a whole music video online, I’ll link it down below.

    - CONS: Disappointing product I'll avoid it & you should too
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  17. 1.1
    Customer Support

    Not Matt too now. Seems like everyone just wants to cash out nowadays

    - CONS: matt sold out
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  18. 1
    Customer Support

    One thing’s for sure, I’m not wasting my money on a bad course.

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  19. Well, isn’t this disappointing. I really did not expect to read THIS when I searched for a review. My friend recommended me to check out Slow Growth Academy so we both can try out the simple habits course. I guess I saved $150!

  20. 0.5
    Customer Support

    Holyshit, didn’t expect the course to turn out like this. Never judge a book by its cover. Thanks OP, you saved me a lotta money

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  21. 0.1
    Customer Support

    @Slowgrowth has the worst customer service. I messaged them on Instagram and then they told me to email them. When I emailed them they told me to message them. I’m already tired of them! Terrible customer service

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  22. I was going to buy the course, but not after reading all this ngl. My dopamine is kinda low now, so I’ll probably grab some ice cream

  23. Thanks for this review. You saved me some big cash

  24. Hey everyone, Matt D’Avella here.

    First, I want to say that I’m truly sorry if you didn’t get everything you expected from the course. If OP or anyone in the comments purchased it, and did not love it, we’ve always said that we’ll 100% give you your money back. And we will. No question. At this point we’ve only received 5 refund requests through our website and all of them have been processed. If yours hasn’t been processed please email me directly at



    It’s obviously upsetting to hear that someone didn’t enjoy what you’ve spent months making. Stumbling across this thread truly bummed me out. But I think it’s important to pay attention to critical feedback and to listen to viewers/customers if they aren’t happy.

    I think if there’s one thing that I’ve learned from making YouTube videos over the years, it’s that you’re never going to make everyone happy. I’m sure you all can relate to that. There are always going to be down votes and negative comments. All I can do is keep making the best films and courses I possibly can.

    I stand by the course I made. I think it’s awesome and we’ve gotten tons of amazing feedback from those who have purchased and completed it. But if you’re not one of those people, no worries! Please email me and I’ll get you your money back right away.

    Hope you’re doing well,


    • I haven’t yet taken the course I was just checking the reviews but after this comment by matt it tells you about him that he has taken a lot of effort and his youtube videos are also great I am not being biased and saying that the course would be great without taking it but there can always be good and bad reviews and most probably ill take the course because I believe in matt’s content, if I don’t like it Matt understands that not everybody has the same opinion and would refund and lastly that I am from India so I am getting the lifetime access for just 45 dollars which is a great deal for me and would have a lifetime access

  25. @Mohd
    Someone asked the same question to them on Instagram, this is what they said:

    “$145 grants you lifetime access to the Simple Habits course, its workbook, slack community and accountability texts/emails. We’re not bundling courses at this time.”

    It’s a bad deal my friend. You can definitely do better than this.

  26. @MOHD
    Nope! You only get access to the “Simple Habits” course. Kind of a bad deal isn’t it? I would avoid it

  27. If I pay the $145 price would I get access to all the courses for a year?
    Thanks in advance ????

  28. Tl;dr: Course is bad, don’t buy.
    It hurts me to say this bros, but the course is bad. Worse than you can think. I bought it on a payment plan cause your boi is not rich. But it is not good. If you are expecting me to write a whole@ss review then just scroll over, I ain’t doing that. I have ADHD, so cut me some slack lol. Anyways, stay safe gang.
    My message for Productivity God:
    Not Cool Matt. You should’ve built the project more. You are providing way to less for way too much money. I know you are not forcing anyone to give you money, but still. Even I’m disappointed by this.

  29. I know we all love Matt & Natalie, but the Slow Growth Academy is just a big disappointment. Please do not waste your money on this, you will regret it. They might make it into something bigger in the future, but right now it is cr@p.

  30. Reply
    Don't buy the course, it is bad
    August 20, 2020 at 2:55 pm

    You know what would’ve been great? If he had released some different courses and then sold a membership at the website. Paying a hundered fifty bucks just for a “simple habits course” is just bizarre. I wouldn’t recommend anyone to go for it.

  31. 0.85
    Customer Support

    What a bummer :). I waited a whole week for the announcment and this is what he had for us. A mediocre course which is obviously overpriced. My friend has it and even she hates it. She isn’t asking for a refund because she’s like a big fan of Matt’s personality (I’m just kidding, it’s the biceps). But yeah, she does not like the course.

    + PROS: Matt is love
    - CONS: Course is a Bummer & it is Overpriced
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  32. Reply
    Not gonna lie, it is bad
    August 19, 2020 at 10:15 pm

    I 100% agree with the reviews! I’m waiting on a refund from them. Hope it gets through. I didn’t like what they are offering. It felt like Matt launched this project prematurely, if it had more courses or content, then I would’ve loved it. Instead it only has a very basic habit building course.

  33. Can’t believe I paid a hundred fifty bucks for that. The course is not worth the price. Its price only looks attractive because the scammers like Tai Lopez are offering their crappy courses at a thousand dollars. I want him to release something worth while, this simple habits course is way too generic.

  34. Thanks for the review! I was going to get a payments plan at teh slow growth academy but decided to do a little research before making a financial commitment. I’m so glad I did! I’ll stick to his free content for now. Thanks again, I really appreciate it 🙂

  35. 1.1
    Customer Support

    A hardcore Matt D’avella fan here, I’m even supporting him on And I hate to break it to ya’ll but Slow Growth Academy ain’t worth it. My girlfriend bought it for me as a gift yesterday and I couldn’t have been happier. I was on the fckin moon. But when I went through a couple of the videos and yeah, they are fun to watch. I mean, we have Matt in the videos so it’s obviously a fun watch and the editing is probably the best in the world. BUT (and it is an important but), the content itself is meh. I was underwhelmed with the advice and tips he gives in the simple habits course which is a big disappointment for me. Because I expected him to give some new advice, anything. This review puts it really well.

    + PROS: Best edited & choreographed course ever
    - CONS: But the content itself is VERY cookie cutter
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  36. 0.85
    Customer Support

    Avoid the course website. I bought it as soon as I saw the video in my YT recommendations and boy oh boy is it bad. The course is generic in my opinion. I want a refund, which I really hope I get, but we’ll find out won’t we. Overall, please don’t throw your money away on this course, it is not worth it.

    - CONS: Simple Habits is Generic Overpriced Don't even know if you can get a refund Risky
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  37. 1.25
    Customer Support

    I was literally just browsing the website before I saw a familiar face and clicked on this post. Not gonna lie, I’m pretty shocked.

    Matt has such toxic fanboys!

    Get a hold of yourself guys, what are you saying. She just wrote an honest critical review on a product she has bought and paid money for.

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  38. 5
    Customer Support

    Just fuck off. You don’t know what you are talking about. I love what Matt D’avella is doing with his course website and I don’t find any problems with that. I have not bought the program yet but I know for a FACT that it would be awesome. You haters live a pathetic life, you should be ashamed of yourself!

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  39. 4.85
    Customer Support

    Oh god I can’t believe it hasn’t been 24 hours and there’s already someone complaining about this. You are just a hater. You don’t have a life “Samaira” do you. Let me guess, you are probably from Pakistan or India, barely making any money to support your family lol. You should get your life straightened out before you critique Matt D’avella. What a loser

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  40. 0.85
    Customer Support

    I guess you are right… You can literally watch all of Better Ideas’ or Matt D’avella’s videos and get almost all the knowledge presented in the course. I think he could have done a thousand times better job with this. I don’t recommend anyone to waste their money on the slow growth website. You’ll just regret it cause the content is wayyyyy to similar to his past work.

    - CONS: Self Plagiarism
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  41. 1.75
    Customer Support

    WTF!? I got double charged from the website too! What the hell! Either there’s something fishy going on with Matt’s intentions or the website is too fricking buggy.

    - CONS: Sloppy execution Not recommended
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  42. 1.5
    Customer Support

    Please help me! I have been double charged by the store and I don’t know what to do. I bought the course for $XXX but instead of charging the said amount, the website charged me twice. I can’t even get any help for a refund. If I could get any help from anyone, I would really really appreciate it. Thanks in advance!

    - CONS: Double charging on payments PATHETIC Customer Support
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  43. 0.5
    Customer Support

    Slow Growth Academy seems like an attempt by D’avella to make money off his popularity. I mean there’s nothing wrong with making money from your fans, but he needs to be more explicit about it. After seeing a**holes all over the internet making $hitty courses, I kinda expected Matt to be an outlier. But sadly he fell in the money rabbit hole. My friend has gotten a payment plan for the Slow Growth Academy so I have an idea about how the whole website is. My friend did not like the simple habits course either. It is just way too simple for the price and not in a good way.

    - CONS: Big disappointment Simple Habits is not a good course
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