Buyer Beware

David Goggins – Profane Narcissist Promoting Self-Harm

David Goggins – Net Worth, Books, Story and Abuse (2024 Update)

If you know about David Goggins and his net worth, there’s a 99% chance you will worship the guy. And honestly, I don’t blame you!

Most of us can’t even imagine the pain this guy went through his whole life to prove a point. He inspires millions of people around the globe to change their lives and take ownership of their problems.

However, there are some nasty flaws in the “David Goggins Ideology”, which can literally ruin your life and/or do irreversible damage to your body.

I hope David’s fans read this post thoroughly and understand the points. Let’s get started.

Everything Wrong With David Goggins Methods

I am a huge fan of David, don’t get me wrong. I listened to the audiobook version of Can’t Hurt Me 5 times and read the eBook twice, so please don’t label me as a “p#ssy” or “hater”. After studying Goggins’ work for about a year and trying out all the challenges and joining David’s community, I’ve found out major flaws in the Can’t Hurt Me mindset.

However, most of David’s fans don’t address these issues or ignore them. This results in people getting hospitalized, isolated, and clinically depressed.

In this section, I’ll share my experience with Goggins’ community and the crooked mindset that is often promoted there.

Extreme Misinterpretation Of Can’t Hurt Me & David’s Mindset

The problem starts here.

Readers and followers of David Goggins are not studying the book carefully with their full attention. It is partially *Adam Skolnick’s fault, as the book is more emotionally driven than fact. I think you’ll relate to this part if you’ve read the book at least once:

The book constantly focuses on the emotional trauma and physical abuse around David’s life. However, the author & the ghostwriter miserably fail in conveying the important facts to the listener/reader. I would’ve put all the blame on David’s followers, but after going through the book once more before writing this report, I realized how badly it conveys some crucial points.

This issue is not limited to his book, Goggins takes it to the next level on his Instagram & Twitter. There, he posts short motivational videos which are sure to get you pumped up, but he conveys the messages in an even worse fashion there.

Goggins and Skolnick are not 100% to blame, because we, the fans, don’t help the case as well. Want proof?

Head over to the David Goggins subreddit and scroll for a few seconds. You’ll probably see at least half a dozen posts about people saying they’ll lose 50lbs in 2 months, or quit smoking cold-turkey, or change their whole lifestyle. They start to follow a brand new routine just like Goggins did to lose 100 lbs in 3 months, without realizing some brutal truths about human behavior.

Read about: Isagenix

People flock to the Can’t Hurt Me mentality because of one simple reason: They want 1 quick solution to a problem (bad habit), they built over many years.

No one becomes overweight after 1 unhealthy meal, it takes months or sometimes even years of habit formation and coping mechanisms to become a fat person. There can be many reasons why a person overeats, but instead of going to therapy or figuring them out, people want a quick solution. Now, Goggins’ method is akin to the fake fat loss supplements you find everywhere, the main difference is the cost. While a fat loss pill might just cost you $100 and some regret, Goggins’ method can cost you your joints & self-confidence.

Instead of slowly working on building good habits and getting rid of bad ones, people go cold turkey and fail miserably. And the absolutely horrific workouts that Goggins promotes, only make matters worse. As they try to lose inches off their waist in a matter of weeks, they run and swim for miles while hitting the weights, ignoring the advice of actual trainers who have actual qualifications for giving fitness advice.

*Adam Skolnick is the ghostwriter of Can’t Hurt Me. He is also the narrator of the audiobook version of the book

David Goggins Lawsuit

pexels sora shimazaki 5668481

Please put a disclaimer on your website!

I’m pretty sure Goggins is aware of the millions of people who look up to him. And it is only a matter of time before some teenage kid breaks his legs trying to do the most bodyweight squats in 24 hours, and their parents sue David for millions in damages.

There is no disclaimer on Goggins’ website or social media, I checked out everywhere and it’s nowhere to be found. I honestly believe that David’s lawyer is taking advantage of him right now. Because any good lawyer would put a fine text disclaimer on David’s website, considering the nature of David’s advice.

You need a better lawyer Goggins.

As David is not a certified trainer or any kind of health specialist for that matter, he cannot give advice in such matters without adding a disclaimer. I’ve heard there are lawyers and legal teams who specialize in targetting people like David who don’t know much about these legal issues and they sue them.

I don’t know if David will even read this, but if you want the best for the guy, please share this info with him. I might not agree with him 100%, but I’m still a stan.

The last thing anyone wants is Goggins getting sued for being a quack.

Disclaimer: I’m no lawyer, so this is not professional advice. Please consult a professional before further action.

See! It is not that difficult.

David Goggins Book: Can’t Hurt Me Review

Buy Can't Hurt Me: Master Your Mind and Defy the Odds Book Online at Low  Prices in India | Can't Hurt Me: Master Your Mind and Defy the Odds Reviews  & Ratings -

Can’t Hurt Me single-handedly changed my life, period. I’ve read it 5 times in total and I’m still planning to read it again. The thing that makes David’s book so much better than other “self-help” books, is the disgustingly raw tone and story.

(Spoiler Alert)

He talks about defecating in his pants, peeing blood, burning his palms for a pull-up record, and literally almost dying. I did not expect this book to have this much of an impact on me as a person. The craziest thing about Can’t Hurt Me is that it is based on the real-life of a person, it isn’t fancy fiction.

(No Spoilers From Here On)

The book gives you a challenge after you finish each chapter (except for the final one). There are a total of 10 challenges in the whole book. Honestly, if you did all the challenges in the book, you will be a more disciplined person than before, that’s guaranteed. The challenges are not difficult if done correctly. They will slowly shift your mindset as you prove to yourself that you could do so many things that you once thought impossible. It is some advanced-level stuff. I didn’t expect David to have such an understanding of human behavior and tendencies.

However this book isn’t perfect.

In the audiobook version, the narrator is a total boot licker and always gives his own thoughts about the story, instead of letting Goggins speak more. And the narrator’s voice is nasally and annoying. This really bothers me because David could’ve easily worked with Shawn Dobbs who has a 100x better voice than the ghostwriter (who voiced the actual audiobook).

This is not the worst thing though.

The second half of Can’t Hurt Me is really boring and repetitive.

After the Hurt 100 chapter, I felt like the rest of the book was very heavily edited and badly put together. There is no flow in-between the later chapters and the ghostwriter has tried to blend in stories together but he clearly lacks the skill to pull it off properly. This section shows that Adam Skolnick might’ve taken advantage of David’s naivety. The accomplishments are obviously great and inspiring, but they are presented in a very poor manner. Adam could’ve definitely done a better job with it.

David himself said on the podcast with Joe Rogan that he has removed hundreds of thousands of words of stories from the book and if you read through the book with focus, you can notice the sheer lack of flow in-between sections and chapters. Adam and David have rushed the second half of the book (apart from the final chapter maybe), and I think this is because halfway through they wanted to remove some stories from the book so that they can save them for a second book (Built Not Born).

Who should read Can’t Hurt Me by David Goggins?

Everyone. At least once. You don’t have to be an obese underachiever in life to be entertained or inspired by David’s story. Even if you find the narration corny, you can read it for sheer entertainment. I think everyone can get some piece of knowledge from this book. But if you are an athlete, or if you often do physical exercises, then you should read this book with caution.

David Goggins Net Worth Is Massive

I added this section to lighten the mood a bit.

$2.5 Million

That’s the estimated David Goggins net worth.

Some of you might think that it is a ton of money, but for a guy with one of the highest-selling books on Amazon, he isn’t that rich. I think it is because that David deliberately didn’t want to monetize the hell out of his fans. And I have immense respect for him for this.

He does sell apparel now and I strongly suggest that you purchase something from his official store. There are dozens of knockoffs of David’s clothing brand so make sure to double-check the website link before making a purchase.

I have personally not bought his clothing stuff yet, but it is mainly because of the shipping issues in my local area. I do have the water bottle and it has a nice build.

Support the guy if he has helped you.

David Goggins Podcast Appearances

As a big fan of David, I realize how addictive this guy can be. I’ve listened to his podcast with Joe Rogan & Rich Roll more than 6 times by now and it is my go-to media when I’m feeling low.

Here is the list of all the podcast appearances of David Goggins. Feel free to bookmark this, or copy this section into your Evernote, because these are golden:

  1. Wrestling 411 Archive
  2. Wake Up Minute
  3. Finding Mastery
  4. The Earl Hall Show
  5. The Hey My Man Podcast
  6. Alpha Male Buddhist From Brooklyn Podcast
  7. Team Never Quit
  8. Old: Tall and Taller
  9. Tall and Taller
  10. The Art of Charm
  11. The Mindvalley Podcast with Vishen Lakhiani
  12. The Joe Rogan Experience (Must Listen!)
  13. Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu
  14. Mark Bell’s Power Project (If you haven’t seen Goggins laugh, then skip to the end of this one and you’ll be surprised)
  15. SME Podcast
  16. The Cardone Zone
  17. The Unbeatable Mind Podcast with Mark Divine
  18. Project Reclamation Podcast
  19. The Michael Caz Podcast
  20. Order of Man: Protect I Provide I Preside
  21. The Tom Ferrry Podcast Experience
  22. Becoming The Lion Podcast
  23. On Purpose with Jay Shetty
  24. Young Entrepreneur Lifestyle 2.0
  25. OBryan with a Why?
  26. Laughs Are Up – Official Podcast of the Amish Patel Comedy Corporation
  27. The Disruptive Entrepreneur
  28. Comp + Coffee
  29. One Minute Book Review
  30. Babbittville Radio – Babbittville
  31. The Jim Rome Podcast
  32. Leadership Lounge with Jack Tester
  33. Lazy Millennial
  34. The James Altucher Show
  35. Monday Fun-Day Motivation
  36. The Rich Roll Podcast (Must Listen!)
  37. The School of Greatness

These are all the podcast appearances I could find. If you have more, definitely add them in the comments.

The David Goggins Quotes I Love

โ€œThe most important conversation is the one you have with yourself.โ€

โ€• David Goggins

I wholeheartedly agree with this one. If you have a healthy value system, you will be the one responsible for choosing where you want to go with your life. And thus the conversations that you will have with yourself are going to be the most important ones.

โ€œEveryone fails sometimes and life isnโ€™t supposed to be fair, much less bend to your every whim.โ€

โ€• David Goggins

I hope more people realize this ugly truth of life. No one owes anyone anything, and having unreasonable expectations can destroy your life. Living life is going to be the longest thing you will ever do, so you should make sure that you set your expectations straight. Otherwise, you will start to hate life, which is a horrible mindset that a surprising number of people have.

โ€œAt the end of the day, hard work may not be enough. You still may fail. But you keep going out there and go after it.โ€

โ€• David Goggins

I wish that I had understood this concept earlier in life. Sometimes working like a mule isn’t enough and life still knocks you out. Luck is a factor and while most of us avoid even considering that there’s no guarantee to success, the truth is bitter. Even though there might not be a guarantee, you can sure as hell increase your chances by “getting after it” (like Jocko Willink says)

โ€œIf you can get through doing things that you hate to do, on the other side is greatness.โ€

โ€• David Goggins

No one likes to wake up at 4AM or eat bland foods, but people who suffer that pain, get to enjoy the greater goods of life. Sometimes it is just a matter of pushing through, having one donut will not ruin your diet, but it will sure as heck ruin your dopamine receptors.

โ€œDonโ€™t get mad at others because life is kicking your ass.”

โ€• David Goggins

I honestly think you cannot stop blaming others without starting a meditation practice. And it is such an important thing to realize that I can guarantee that you won’t reach your full potential until after the day you accept that you are responsible for your life.

David Goggins Diet & Workout (Lost 100lbs in 90 Days!)

“I ate a grilled or sauteed chicken breast and some sauteed vegetables along with a thimble of rice.”

This is what a “real meal” composed of when David was trying to lose a hundred pounds in 90 days.

Thermodynamically speaking, David was in a massive calorie deficit during his 90-day cut and that’s how he lost such a large amount of weight in such a short duration.

He was doing hours upon hours of cardio while also hitting the gym and doing weight training.

One thing to note is that David had been seriously going to the gym for a couple of years and had built a solid muscle base as he trained as a powerlifter. So when he decided to start doing tons of cardio daily, his body was quite ready for the beating.

If you have no experience in working out (especially with weighted training), then you shouldn’t start doing hours of cardio all at once. Take this advice seriously, and your joints will thank you in the future.

Can you lose 1/3 of your body weight in 90 days?

Technically yes. Do I recommend such a thing? Definitely not.

Here’s the issue with massive short-term weight loss. You are not actually fixing your eating habits when losing weight with insane amounts of cardio, you are just forcing your body to burn all the calories. A working person simply cannot do 2-4 hours of cardio every day. But when you do such a feat for 60-90 days, you lose a large amount of weight in a very short period of time.

You may be interested in: Tom Bilyeu

But as soon as you go back to living your normal life, your old eating habits start to kick in, as you are not doing as much cardio now and your cravings will be quite intense.

Research shows that 80% of people who lose weight, put it back on in 12 months.


Because these people are not fixing the issues from the root, they are trying to brute force themselves into something they are not.

David promotes a really unhealthy and unsustainable method of training which is literally guaranteed to leave you with serious injuries. He does add a few disclaimers here and there, but he also is only proud of the moments he pushed his body past its limit. This mindset is really addictive for most people to grab on to because it is extremism. People want a one-click solution and they love to punish themselves. David’s ideology combines these two and creates a poison of self-harm.

I’m not saying that everyone who reads Can’t Hurt Me is going to injure themselves, but a majority of people are going to start “pushing their body past the limit” to “callous their mind” and while doing so, they’ll be doing nothing but abusing their body.

The slow and steady is the way to go. You might want to lose 50lbs in 2 months, but that kind of weight loss is impossible to sustain and is likely to cause a lot of strain on your organs.

I highly suggest hiring an actual personal trainer if you can afford to, or start learning about macros and the science behind nutrition. Losing weight is not as difficult as you think once you understand how it all works.

Here’s a simple way to start your weight loss journey. Just follow these steps:

  1. Get a kitchen scale and install MyFitnessPal: From today, start measuring everything you eat, from a teaspoon of olive oil to the bag of chips you plan to eat in the evening. Track it all.
  2. Find out your TDEE: This will give you an estimate of how many calories your body burns in a day. I like using this calculator for BMRs. Once you calculate your TDEE, reduce 500 calories from it and this new number is your daily calorie goal now.
  3. Eat within the daily calorie goal: That’s it! If you eat in a calorie deficit, you will lose weight.

You don’t have to run on the pavement until your legs give out, or cycle until you faint. All you need is consistency.

This method is stupid simple but guesses what, 90% of people reading this will not want to follow this. Why? Because it isn’t fancy and fast. They want to undo their years of binge eating in a couple of weeks and they think that’s a reasonable request.

Please gives this method a try. And give yourself a pat on the back for believing in yourself.

David Goggins Need To Be More Careful With His Words

David is one in a million. There are probably only a handful of people who have the mental toughness levels of David Goggins. However, David is not good at giving sound advice and he makes horribly non-sensical statements which can lead to terrible misinterpretations and injuries. David’s ADHD and high levels of stress make it impossible for him to stick to a train of thought and thus, his sentences have no connection with each other. He starts by talking about one topic and finishes with a whole different one.

But these speech patterns shouldn’t discredit the man’s effort to help the world. He has changed more lives than most of these “self-help” gurus like Tai Lopez can even imagine to. I hope he works on these issues and stays hard.

5.7 Total Score
Be VERY Cautious Of David's Methods!

David Goggins is an extremely motivating person but his ways of "pushing the body" are outrageous and are promoting harmful tendencies among overweight and struggling people. His methods should be avoided in practice or done in a very controlled and calculated manner.

6.9Expert Score
Honesty & Transparency
Usefulness Of Advice
4.4User's score
Honesty & Transparency
Usefulness Of Advice
  • Changing Millions Of Lives
  • Extremely Honest & Transparent
  • Narcissist
  • Bad At Answering Questions Directly
  • Indirectly Promoting A Horrible Way Of Living
  • Unknowingly Causing Massive Injuries To His Followers
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  1. What goggins has accomplished is impressive and I respect that.

    As for his “advice” it’s pretty generic but hey it might motivate a few losers.

    His fans are mostly losers who need that motivation so I can see why they worship him. It’s funny how mad some of them are in the comments just because there was some criticism on their idol.

    As for his personal life, it’s shambles. He has a daughter who he isn’t in contact with for years now (shes in her early 20s now). goggins talks about mentally toughening the mind, so he might be thinking to himself that if he doesnt stay in contact with his own daughter then thats embracing discomfort and toughening his mind. His daughter came out a few years back saying Goggins is essentially a deadbeat dad and only focused on himself. I don’t think that should come as any sort of surprise.

    Goggins be like โ€œthey dont know me sonโ€ and His kids be like โ€œyeah i dontโ€
    some dudes be like oh don’t talk about his personal life. And it’s like why not, if you’re going to be famous and put yourself out there like that then it’s expected that people will talk about your personal life (as they do with all sorts of celebs).

    so basically the dude is quite successful but not an overall well-rounded person.

  2. 5
    Honesty & Transparency
    Usefulness Of Advice

    First time replying to a blogโ€ฆitโ€™s very sad how hateful and quick to judge people are towards not even just David, but the author as well. Neither are prophets or anything else, weโ€™re all just stuck on this rock trying to figure it out.

    Yelling at someone for being soft isnโ€™t going to change them, neither is claiming that those who put high amounts of effort towards their goals are brainwashed.

    I believe we could all agree that nothing said here is going to change much of anything, take information, try to decipher it to use to the best of your ability.

    David goggins is a powerful motivator and can be very useful for some, and maybe others need a different approach, regardless, itโ€™s not up to him or anyone else to inspire or change your life, that responsibility falls on you.

    Whether or not anyone else at all is to blame for your situation, it will not change the situation, only you can, and once you realize this you will change it to your own pursuit of happiness.

    + PROS: -He obviously has went through a lot of growth and can give very good advice -He tries to promote a mindset that provides a foundation for every aspect of your life -He wants you to use the information heโ€™s gathered throughout his own life to improve yours
    - CONS: -While it really isnโ€™t his fault at all, I think it can misinterpreted and cause a lot of harm. -Regardless of how itโ€™s interpreted, he isnโ€™t responsible for it being taken wrongly, if people havenโ€™t been raised to be able to cipher through information, they have a lot bigger issues to address than David Goggins. -With that being said, it could still be the cause of harm done if not taken with percussion and understanding your own limits
    Helpful(1) Unhelpful(0)You have already voted this
  3. 4.9
    Honesty & Transparency
    Usefulness Of Advice

    Get a life and go insult someone else. He has done more for this country and these people than you could ever achieve. Bunch of idiots.

    + PROS: Almost everything.
    - CONS: Somewhat extreme, but still right.
    Helpful(3) Unhelpful(2)You have already voted this
  4. It took you a year of studying Goggins book to figure out that his methods aren’t sound, lol? I could have told you that reading about the guy for 5 minutes. Go back to your mom’s basement…you clearly aren’t very smart.

  5. This reviewer is trying to split hairs and find someone to cancel. Nothing but hot air here.

  6. LoL as the man said “Greatness pulls mediocrity into the mud”
    I get a feeling that the mediocre author of this page doesn’t like mud ๐Ÿ˜€
    Goggins has changed my life.
    so I recommend instead of crying “Get out there and get after it.”
    STAY HARD!!!

  7. Include a disclaimer? What a stupid concept! Are people not responsible for themselves?

  8. 0.9
    Honesty & Transparency
    Usefulness Of Advice

    To whom it may concern: Cope!

    + PROS: great life-changing book
    - CONS: none
    Helpful(1) Unhelpful(2)You have already voted this
  9. 5
    Honesty & Transparency
    Usefulness Of Advice

    Whoever wrote this is the real narcissist.

    + PROS: I don't worship Goggins but I respect his struggles to triumph lifepath and story. He's a living legend and an inspiration to many. I won't say a negative thing about him, but it amazes me how far someone will go in attempt to tear someone down who is a good, decent, and honest person.
    - CONS: None.
    Helpful(2) Unhelpful(3)You have already voted this
  10. I don’t think you had balls to go after him even harder for narcissism. This man reached the PEAK of his life and career. He can EASILY transform the world with LOVE and HELPING HAND of caring and nature and HUMILITY. But instead he chose not to heal his trauma and wound and his rippling the effects to others. “Can’t Hurt Me”? More like hurt people hurt people.

    Look at Khabib, Lewish Hamilton, Alex Honnold and yes even Lao Tzu and Nisargaddatta Maharaj and Sri Ramana Maharishi.

    REAL Men are always unassuming! They have nothing to prove.

  11. Who even wrote this bullshit lol?

    Goggins has helped far more people than the talentless hack who came up with this garbage.

    Goggins: focus on yourself, push yourself and be uncomfortable, strive for better, make goals and achieve them, face fears, hold yourself accountable, be the best person you can be in life.

    The โ€œauthorโ€: piss, moan, bitch and complain about pretty much everything in life.

    You, and those like you, are the exact problem with society; soft, weak, easily offended, too comfortable in everything, entitled. You are whatโ€™s wrong.

    • I donโ€™t think if you donโ€™t try what David says you should hold off your opinion. This is about an action thing that you need to do. Not an opinion thing.

      Try it, then comment on it.

      Donโ€™t be metaphysical about it.

  12. Not sure how long Goggins has been on the self promotion treadmill but having admitted selling his soul to the devil, I suspect he is hitting his peak right now and will fade away in a year or so.
    He has built his ‘hard’ persona on hate and self hate.
    He has no family or friends to speak of, he says he is happy but his eyes are dead.
    He sells isolation and narcissism and for a 47 year old this is not a good look.
    Even Tate appreciates family life citing certain values, whether you agree with them or not, and mental and financial support which a man must strive to provide.
    Otherwise , what is a man?
    The Goggins version equates to the nail obsessed, hair extentioned, face contouring painted female, and sadly both types will find themselves alone in old age surrounded by sycophants at best, albeit with some pennies in the bank, but convinced that they are the best thing since sliced bread.
    His meet and greet consisted of a scripted Q and A, without audience participation and ยฃ80 for an handshake photo. No engagement with the public, misery (truth?) written all over his face and a further price tag should you wish him to converse with you.
    A downtown ho would fix your self confidence with far more honesty than this fraud.

    • Doubt youโ€ll even see this but . Where did he admit to selling his soul? Everything else you mentioned is pretty spot on thoughโ€ฆ Iโ€™ve been tried to get a read on him and what he really stands for but pretty sure you nailed it.

  13. Goggin’s rules came from trauma. He did what he had to for survival. Obviously his methods need to be approached with that understanding, and the critical thinking to hold on to the parts that are good.

    For example “turn darkness into power” will require some critical thinking, because not all of that is good. But you can pull the good out of that if you want, because you are an adult.

  14. You’re exactly the type of person he talks about. “Br uncommon in a world full of common people.” Stick to your soy latte while pounding away on your keyboard.. but not too hard. Don’t want to break a nail and sue David Goggins for pushing yourself. ???? What a joke.

  15. 1.2
    Honesty & Transparency
    Usefulness Of Advice

    David Goggins runs so much he gets too tired to please his wives ????????????. I guess that’s why every woman keeps leaving him.

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  16. I definitely can see someone taking Gogginsโ€™ personal experience and making it their own ending badly. However, Goggins time and time again tells his listeners to not try and be him. He doesnโ€™t say to kill yourself trying to keep up with him. Instead, he says challenge your mind to go further than what you think it can. That may be in the gym, that may be in the classroom, that may be in the workplace. Like you said, he had a good physical base built up before his intense weight loss. To the person who doesnโ€™t have that he says start where you are and improve, when you want to quit, keep pushing. The benefit of a calloused mind is: yes, I have eating problems, but no, my mental strength wonโ€™t let me satisfy those. While I agree that Davidโ€™s teaching could be harmful when misinterpreted, I donโ€™t believe that is his intention.

    Thanks for writing the review though. I hope people realize you also have said that Goggins has had a huge impact on you.

  17. Whoever wrote this “article” should stop whining and get out there and live their life. David Goggins has done more before 9 am than the writer of this article has done during his entire “writing” career. Stay Hard.

  18. I am 59, and in all those years, the 3 people who have affected my life the most are:

    1. God
    2, David Goggins
    3. Jocko Willink

    In that order – and I have never met any of them in the flesh. I idolize nobody, and have no interest in wearing their gear. But, you are entitled to your opinion, and you tried somewhat to be balanced. All I know is, during the darkest time in my life, he revolutionized things for me. He was a bright light in a dark tunnel, and even he says don’t try to be like him. It isn’t just about physical fitness. It is about a mindset that can apply to whatever YOUR calling is in life.

  19. I’ve banged ladyboys with more testosterone than this reviewer. It’s easy to hate and tear down legends. It’s exceedingly hard, if not almost impossible to attain their greatness.
    Stay hard.

  20. 4.9
    Honesty & Transparency
    Usefulness Of Advice

    A lot of you all are weak, canโ€™t achieve your goals or even attempt to work towards them. Probably never achieved anything great in your lives, so you talk shot on this guy, cause you canโ€™t stand seeing someone else having done much greater and achievements so much bigger then you will even imagine attempting. Yeah dudes got a bigger then life egoโ€ฆ.. most of us do. Itโ€™s how you employ and deploy your ego tgat matters (cause everyone has one).

    Iโ€™ve wanted to run a marathon since I was 16 years old, I mostly gave up on it ever happening. At 33 now I finally accomplished that goal, mostly driven by the goggins story and inspirations and mantra lessons. So all you hatersโ€ฆ..โ€go fuck yourselfsโ€ and โ€œdonโ€™t stop when your tired, stop when your doneโ€

    + PROS: To many to list
    - CONS: Many donโ€™t have tge mental will to do as he teaches
    Helpful(5) Unhelpful(2)You have already voted this
  21. What a joke of a review.

    Stay hard.

  22. Hater stop hating go run 200 mile race. Donโ€™t Judge people Narcissist isnโ€™t the correct. God Bless

  23. 0.6
    Honesty & Transparency
    Usefulness Of Advice

    Obviously you did not understand your multiple renditions of his book. They clearly state don’t be like him. I cannot answer about his individual videos etc, but if you read the book it is right in front of you. DONT BE DAVID GOGGINS. It’s the principle behind his so far lifelong work. Examine yourself, take accountability and then find your goal and go after it. Don’t stop just because you encounter pain, use the negative processes of your mind to overcome those obstacles and get to your goal. Don’t be satisfied after you attain it. Find another goal to achieve. Most if all DONT TRY TO OVERCOME THE BARRIERS OVERNIGHT. JUST DON’T GET OFF THE BUS.

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    • You idiot, exactly what this world is coming to…bunch of pussies (although even those are stronger, as they can take a pounding, unlike you little bitch). Sorry ass loser!

  24. 0.5
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    I don’t understand the hype behind this guy. Why are so many people obsessed with this skeleton of a guy? David is simply an author who got successful by boasting about himself. Now his fans are stroking his ego everyday by praising him like a God or something. He should apologize to his fans for his behavior especially when he doesn’t take any action on issues that really matter.

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  25. 0.7
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    David Goggins is an inspiration to many people. He is a reputed speaker and a very successful author. The man has built himself up from the ground up but I think somewhere along the way, he forgot where he came from.

    Maybe it’s the army or the wealth, but David seems like one of those people who change as soon as they get rich. I have read his book and it’s a great book for sure. However, the David Goggins you read about in the book is very different from the one you see on Instagram.

    He’s a changed man. Goggins doesn’t care about his culture or his history. He is too selfish to think like that.

    I had become a fan of him after reading his book but after seeing how he responded to the shooting and the protests, it broke my heart. The guy refused to support something that’s supported by millions of people across the globe.

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    • I don’t think he has changed. I think he was always an ungrateful guy who is only obsessed about himself. Just take a look at his book for instance. He portrays himself as some sort of Demigod and acts like we should worship the ground he walks on. David Goggins seems more like a cultist to me if I’m being honest.

  26. Reply
    David Googins Himself
    August 8, 2021 at 3:09 pm
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    Just wait for a few days and you’ll see David Goggins sell courses on how to “stay hard”. LOL

    And then you’ll see his fanboys buy that course in multitudes because after all, they can’t “stay hard” without the grace of their lord and savior, David Goggins.

    - CONS: the guy is okay but his fanboys are mentally challenged
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  27. 0.5
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    David Goggins is a disgrace. Period. He doesn’t care about his culture. All he cares about is himself. The guy doesn’t talk about the real issues surrounding the society. He lives on a high horse.

    And then there are fools who keep falling for his pathetic schemes. The guy can’t even kneel for his people. He lives in a mansion and is so distant from reality that it’s hilarious.

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    • Oh, get over yourself. Goggins is about taking responsibility, not kneeling for a drug-addicted felon or being a perpetual and mythical victim. We need a lot more of him and a lot fewer “Camerons.”

  28. 5
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    Obviously many havenโ€™t read the warnings throughout to not do it his way but to find your own and be your own judge. Itโ€™s not the 10 commandments fgs.

    + PROS: Driven and says donโ€™t do what I did find your own why and methods donโ€™t hurt yourself build incrementally, people miss that bit?
    - CONS: None of you have half a brain you take from it what you will and use what is useful. Itโ€™s a book and 1 mans journey. Get a grip. Literally says donโ€™t do it my way do it yours!
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  29. 1
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    David Goggins is a fake guru. The guy had no career taht could sustain his lifestyle so he chose to fool a bunch of people in various places and leech off of them. He is an arrogant guy who has an opinion on everything except the things that matter. I feel sorry for his supporters. They are being led by a selfish guy whose sole purpose is to take away their money. Just give it a few more years and you’ll understand where I’m coming from.

    + PROS: Smart at duping people
    - CONS: Scammer
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  30. 1
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    David Goggins has gone through a lot of suffering. In David’s life, abuse colored his days. If you go through his life story and reveals his old days, you’ll notice he was a victim of extreme racism and home abuse. He is marketed as the only man in history to complete elite training of the 3 divisions of the military, which is not actually true.

    David was a depressed overweight young man who turned himself into a navy seal army ranger and become the fittest real man with his numerous endurance events inspiring young adults all over the world.

    I have mixed feelings about Mr. Goggins. On one hand, his story can motivate anyone with half a brain cell, and on the other, it is just abuse being treated by abuse.

    Who else has trained as a Navy SEAL, Forest Ranger, and Air Force? Not many people if you think about it.

    His training as a navy seal itself was extremely difficult with the 3 hell weeks, but that didn’t stop him from going through more physically and mentally abusive events.

    He is very self-abusive, take his 40% rule for example, where he says if you think you have given your 100% to something, you’ve only given it 40%. Which does not make any sense.

    I also heard he was a force tactical air controller in some interview, but don’t know for sure.

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  31. Reply
    Not a David Goggins fan
    July 1, 2021 at 9:34 pm
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    I don’t hate him much but I hate his methods and the nonsense that comes out of his mouth. I get it the guy was a navy seal and has accomplished a lot in his life. But that doesn’t mean that everyone is like him. He acts as if everyone can do what he did. NO. That’s not how we operate. Every person is unique. They each have their own identity, work ethic, values, and goals. He is also very rude.

    But he is much better than his fans. Even the comment section reeks of cultism. His fans think that they are better than everyone else because they “stay hard”. What a bunch of masochistic losers. Stay hard fools.

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    • I also noticed a “cult-like” theme in his community. There’s a dedicated subreddit on David Goggins where people compare themselves to him, praise him, and are constantly watching his every move so they can praise him some more. People like David have ruined the self-help industry. I remember there was a time when the authors were truly humble people but David, nah. He is a selfish narcissist. His personal life is proof of that. I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that he’s a misogynist too.

  32. 0.8
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    David Goggins is the most overrated fake guru out there. His fans are toxic.

    - CONS: Guy's got the brain of a chimp. The best thing he could come up with was "Stay Hard"
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  33. So this guy reviews David’s book claiming to be a fan having read it 5 times but picks apart the methods. Therein lies the problem. Never take advice from someone who doesn’t have the results to back it up. Sideline spectator at best. This entire review is one big excuse not to do anything David says in the book. Hope the time it took to write this gave you all the juicy validation to continue to be common and mediocre.

    You aren’t a concern or threat to David or any other true Spartan out there. You’re simply the case-in-point of what David talks about.

    Stay soft and stay the fuck out of the way of true warriors you human speed bump.

  34. 5
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    Honestly David reminds me of a person such as myself, him and I share this similar ideology. The ultimate points are:

    When you think you should quit, donโ€™t, and remind yourself of your previous achievements.
    Challenge yourself, and face the obstacles that you fear in life.
    Give it your best, that is all that matters.

    He is the reason I lost 180 pounds, and it was because of his inspirational book, that I was able to land a high-paying job.

    Iโ€™ve always hated running, but I usually run five or 6 miles a day, because Iโ€™m inspired by him. For me, I do imply moderation, but Iโ€™m not attempting to be the best.
    If I was attempting to be the best, I wouldnโ€™t give a fuck, I would live and breathe what I was pursuing.

    + PROS: His book is amazing.
    - CONS: These wild mothafuckas are boat team #1.
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  35. 3.4
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    u right mate…the guy wants his nephew in the army and will be surprised when the kid come home from irak a mental mess prone to domestic violence…goggins speak in warrior language ..but to shot somebody straight into the head or use the knife to slide an attackers belly is not for the faint hearted languagge worried sedaet middle class…soldiers are given high respect but usually they come from very low places

    + PROS: great guy
    - CONS: not for suckers
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  36. 4.5
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    That โ€œPhilionโ€ kid is just another guy trying to be idubbbz. He donโ€™t know anything about the stuff he talks. His opinion is pathetic tbh.

    About Gogginsโ€ฆ he is not perfect but he is a vet who is helping thousands. Huge respect!

    + PROS: - vet; - Not trying to "brand" himself; - full hardcore, no BS;
    - CONS: Too much hardcore... I guess
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  37. 0.8
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    I do the opposite of what this egotistical, narcissist does, and I am in very good shape at 58 years old. That includes having pizza nd beer. ๐Ÿ™‚
    It’s about moderation in life.

    He overdoes shit, and expects others to do it if they are to be successful, too.

    I think there is something wrong with him mentally, to be honest with ya.

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  38. 0.9
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    We need a rating agency for books like we have for movies and shows. The language of this man’s book is very profane and is not suitable for kids. I had bought the book to gift to my nephew because he wanted to go to the army, but I read a few passages and discovered how disgusting its language is.

    We shouldn’t be promoting such foul language. It is already doing so much damage to our society.

    + PROS: veteran
    - CONS: horrible language
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    • He made a clean version thatโ€™s also available on Amazon.

    • So you’re worried about language and want support your nephew join the army? They don’t like snowflakes.

      • u right mate…the guy wants his nephew in the army and will be surprised when the kid come home from irak a mental mess prone to domestic violence…goggins speak in warrior language ..but to shot somebody straight into the head or use the knife to slide an attackers belly is not for the faint hearted languagge worried sedaet middle class…soldiers are given high respect but usually they come from very low places

  39. Reply
    Derek Brown - I stand with my people
    April 7, 2021 at 8:18 am
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    This man is a disgrace to his community. He doesn’t stand for just causes out of some deluded self-righteousness, thinking he’s above everyone else.

    When we were on the streets, fighting against racism and oppression, he refused to take part. People bigger than him, more successful than him were protesting on the streets while he was sitting in his big house, claiming to be some sort of messiah for masochists.

    David Goggins should apologise to his community and his people. Only those who have no life of their own and have no idea what problems this world is facing, think of him as a hero. The rest of the world knows what a fake he is. No respect for him.

    - CONS: a disgrace selfish fake fraud
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    • Rightly said. David never stood for his community even when we were on the streets fighting for our rights. That guy only cares about his wallet and nothing else.

    • 1
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    • There is no such thing as “your people” – you didnt liked him because he is not a “poor victim”

      This “racism and opression” talk is for weaks only. This is why he was a seal and you dont

  40. 4.4
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    I can agree on a lot of this, for the average individual. He does state that the book that this is about HIS journey. He never says beat yourself, he says give 10% more. I see what your saying, and understand where it is coming from. We are in a world that would lose half its population if not for warning labels. That said, you also have to look at the source here. Specops is full of alpha type, narcissistic, ego filed individuals. Not all of them surely. That is the mentality needed sometimes. The ability to shut off the world, focus on “mission first” attitude.

    + PROS: Will defiantly get you pumped up. In your face.
    - CONS: Definatly not for the weak willed or part timer.
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  41. Very misleading title. The article itself is really good, but why are you titling it like “Profane Narcissist Promoting Self-Harm”. Not good man.

  42. David really need a good lawyer. That’s a good point.

  43. I stopped at “hoenstly”. Too many misspelled words in this thing. Try Grammarly or Word spellcheck. Stay hard, keyboard warrior!

  44. I stopped at “hoenstly”. Stay hard!

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