Tom Boyden

Tom’s apology video on the Juji Tom Lawsuit.

A Mentally Unstable Freak Paying For His Deeds

If you’ve been a fan of the Juji & Tom YouTube channel, then you must’ve been shocked to hear about the recent breakup and controversy between Jon Call and Tom Boyden.

Juji recently sued Tom for taking over $100,000 from Grip Genie, a company in which Tom had a majority stake and Juji & Erin Borsodi had minority stakes.

Following is a summary of Juji’s complaint against Tom and his horrid behavior.

Tom Boyden Lawsuit Details

Stealing Money From Grip Genie & Taking Unauthorised Loans For Gambling & Fun

Tom used company funds for personal reasons and got large loans without the unanimous consent of the other members as required in the operating agreement.

Read more on the report for: Tom Bilyeu

In April 2020, Erin Borsodi noticed $30k missing from Grip Genie’s Company account, later it turned out that Tom stole that money to pay his tax bills, and reportedly he still hasn’t paid back that money

In addition, Tom took $119,459.08 from the company’s funds for personal expenses.

That’s not all, he also took out several businesses loans amounting to ~$180k. To be more precise, he took out four loans:

A $27,000 loan, a $50,000 loan, a $59,000 loan, and finally a $43,000.

All of these were not authorized by the other members (Juji & Erin).

He spent all that money on useless luxuries and weird products, including an $8,000 trampoline.

Tom also has a severe gambling addiction, he made two unauthorized transfers from the company’s account to his friend Shaun Downey’s PayPal account. He even bet his company stake in a poker match.

Restraining Order From Juji

Juji has also filed a restraining order against Tom.

Tom is prone to fits of rage.

In addition to throwing tantrums when not getting attention like a 9-year old spoiled brat, he got in a gym manager’s face for calling him a cameraman.

Sorry to break it to you pal, but Tom, you are, a cameraman.

In one instance, Juji missed repacking the weight in a technical weightlifting maneuver, and instead of stop filming and help him, Tom stood there while Randy Alarcon ran to help Juji.

On march 19, Juji changed his channel name from “Juji & Tom” to “Jujimufu”.

On March 22, Tom released an apology video, which he has removed from his channel, luckily I’ve saved a copy here, and you can watch it.

Check out the: Jon Ekoniak Review

The apology video really shows how much Tom cared about Juji, he is literally reading a script which his lawyer probably provided him from his phone.

From what Tom has said publicly, he doesn’t seem to show any guilt or remorse for his actions.

Tom Boyden Vs. Jujimufu (Jon Call) Full Court Doucment

If you want to read the full court document yourself, then you can download it using our link down below. It is the official copy from the Govt.’s website

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  1. Now the channel is dead without Tom lol RIP

  2. whats funny is i found this whole thing because i saw tom on a testimonial for a poker website… so he obviously pays for poker coaching so he plays seriously…

  3. Crazy to see such strong opinions based on almost no information.

    Tom’s behavior was probably illegal, but I’m not ready to call it completely immoral.

    It seems pretty clear to me that Juji was profiting WAY more from the channel and was swinging it so that the channel’s expenses funneled into his own personal interests. How else do you think that Juji ended up w/ a new house and half million dollar home gym while Tom was still in a shitty apt? No way the channel was a 50/50 split, I’d be really surprised if Tom was getting a % at all vs being paid a small amount as a camera man/editor.

    I’d bet money that Tom saw Juji using the money from the channel to buy his own/gym, and thought he’d be able to do the same w/ Grip Genie. The problem being more aligned w/ what you can consider a valid business expense. YT makes it possible to expense almost anything, GG not so much.

    • Why the hell would it be a 50/50 split in the first place? Juji started the channel years before Tom ever joined the team as a camera man. Juji was the one who started the Grip Genie brand.

      It was extremely generous of Juji to invite Tom in as a stake holder in the company and to rebrand the YouTube channel with Toms name it it when Juji literally had no obligation to do so. He obviously cared for Tom a lot and went above and beyond to insure that Tom was financially taken care of and part of his business team. “Tom was still in a shitty apt” No, he wasn’t. Tom was able to buy a house with a custom gym in his garage.

      I’m sorry, but you’re absolutely off your rocker if you think Tom was entitled to the same profits as Juji off the channel/GG company. This idea that what Tom did wasn’t immoral and that he was entitled to act as shady as he did is completely ridiculous. So ridiculous in fact that it makes me question whether you are Tom himself trying to justify his crappy, friendship ending behaviors.

      • I didn’t say that it should have been a 50/50, just countering the earlier comments about Juji not needing to split the income anymore, as I don’t think he ever was.

        I think it’s interesting that people think of Tom as just a camera man as he was running the camera, editing, and half the talent (Tom was in most of the videos directly, some were purely about him). I think if you were to look at the numbers Tom was hugely influential in the growth of the channel.

        I’d be curious to know what % of the channel’s success was from Juji/vs Tom, and whether you think that paying him only as an editor was right. I have no idea what he was getting paid, but hypothetically would $25/hr be fair if Juji was making millions a year? In your mind was the amount of work put in/creative input overwhelmingly in Juji’s favor?

        Also, looked briefly for Tom’s living situation today but couldn’t find a video demonstrating it. I recall it being an apartment and not a house, but I could be wrong.

        • I mean, considering Juji was at 600k subs before Tom and has earned another 350k subs in the 2 years after Tom despite taking multiple long breaks from making content I’d say the 400k subs added during the 4 years Tom was part of the channel would have happened regardless.

  4. Wasn’t he just a camera man?

  5. What is this goofy ass website?

    I was looking for information on the situation and stumbled across this weird rant riddled with grammatical errors and harsh, illogical summations about a person the author doesn’t know. What the fuck lol?

    I agree that Juju’s content is basically unwatchable now. Tom apparently added every bit of humor and editing value to it because its become entirely devoid of it as of late. I watched for both of them but the strait man, funny man dynamic doesn’t work at all when its just the strait man. Boring af. Sad.

  6. Tom fucked up big, but Jujis channel is pretty mediocre and almost unwatchable without him. Views declain tells it all from 500k-1,5M to 40-90k per video and golden half a million dollar gym is a flop too, totally soulless.

    • It looks like something like having 200-250K for run of the mill to million plus on highlight videos went to 100K and 500K, so a 50-67% drop. Not too bad, considering he doesn’t have to share the revenue anymore. Definitely a drop, but I think the bodybuilding prep took a lot (especially dieting) so maybe he can have more upbeat and interesting videos to pick up viewership in the future.

    • Well said. I feel like what you said is a really unpopular opinion, but I think it’s definitely true… no one admits how much Tom brought to the channel.. sad stuff.

  7. This article is on the level of communist state propaganda when it comes to bias.

    Sure, from the few details in the public, it seems Tom had a gambling problem. But if it was a real addiction it should be spoken of like an illness.

    True addiction only exists within a setting of major mental well-being crises. And in that setting it is uncontrollable (or close to it) for the sufferer.

    Gaslighting about the “weird” products like $8000 trampoline is ridiculous when trampoline was integral part of the YouTube channel and used by Juji aswell.

    And Tom was not just a cameraman, this horrible view by simpletons is what rightfully drove Tom round the bend.

    He created ideas, concepts, storyboards, graphic styles, presentation styles, humor, gags and more that were not only the foundation of the Juji & Tom channel but also became a blueprint for EVERY YT fitness channel. All of them like Larry wheels, Brian Shaw, Eddie hall, stefi Cohen and more were using his concepts.

    He also did the research, planning and communication for the channel.

    All in all a lot of intellectual input and graft far beyond that of a camera op.

  8. Good on Tom for not whoring himseld out on Youtube any longer. These morons think no spot light is equivalent to a life ruined

    • Yea I hold the same unpopular opinion. I liked the banter between the two. I always thought that Tom’s antics were entertaining. Perhaps it’s not as bearable when you spend so much time together.. but he did also do an inexcusable thing with the money.
      Still, we’re all human, and I hope Tom gets better.

    • Actually I mean his life could be ruined with the lawsuit they slapped him with.

    • Love how most of these are Tom commenting – Clinical narcissist. Everything he did on-screen shows that, his “apology” and his off-screen actions.

  9. The front page of this dogshit website says “unbiased.” How is this article unbiased?

    • I don’t think the website posts stuff here, it’s just a user-submitted forum. Nice name by the way.

      • What would make you guys look more credible would be if you proofread your articles before releasing them.

        • This article is on the level of communist state propaganda when it comes to bias.

          Sure, from the few details in the public, it seems Tom had a gambling problem. But if it was a real addiction it should be spoken of like an illness.

          True addiction only exists within a setting of major mental well-being crises. And in that setting it is uncontrollable (or close to it) for the sufferer.

          Gaslighting about the “weird” products like $8000 trampoline is ridiculous when trampoline was integral part of the YouTube channel and used by Juji aswell.

          And Tom was not just a cameraman, this horrible view by simpletons is what rightfully drove Tom round the bend.

          He created ideas, concepts, storyboards, graphic styles, presentation styles, humor, gags and more that were not only the foundation of the Juji & Tom channel but also became a blueprint for EVERY YT fitness channel. All of them like Larry wheels, Brian Shaw, Eddie hall, stefi Cohen and more were using his concepts.

          He also did the research, planning and communication for the channel.

          All in all a lot of intellectual input and graft far beyond that of a camera op.

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