Dr. David A. Hidalgo, MD

Dr. David A. Hidalgo, MD is a cosmetic surgeon in New York. He performs rhinoplasty, breast augmentation, facelift, breast reduction, and plenty of other procedures. 

Recently, he has been gaining notoriety for botching procedures and giving dissatisfactory results to his patients. His patients complain about lack of proper attention, poor results, and late meeting arrivals. 

The following review of Dr. Hidalgo will help you visualize what’s it like to get a surgery from him: 

About Dr. David A. Hidalgo, MD: Wife, Prices, Age, Instagram, Etc.

Dr. David A. Hidalgo, MD, is a cosmetic surgeon based in New York. His address is 655 Park Ave, New York, NY 10065, United States. 

He performs rhinoplasty, facelift, browlift, eyelid surgery, breast reduction, liposuction, breast augmentation, and several other procedures. David claims to be an expert in aesthetic plastic surgery but his patients disagree. 

Many of his reviewers allege that his PR team misleads consumers into thinking Dr. David is very skilled when he’s not. 

His Wikipedia page is proof of his PR team’s efforts. Many people think that having a personal Wikipedia makes you a celebrity but it doesn’t. You only need to spend a few bucks to buy a wikipedia page: 

Dr. David A. Hidalgo, MD review

Many service providers will write a Wikipedia page for you that praises you immensely. Another proof that David has paid people to write his Wikipedia page is in its revision history: 

Dr. David A. Hidalgo, MD review

GoingBatty and Theroadislong are paid editors. They charge money to edit a Wikipedia page. After reading the various reviews on Dr. David, you’ll realize why he resorts to such unethical measures to promote his business. It’s common among suspicious businesses to use such methods. For example, Dr. Dean Toriumi hides crucial information from his patients because they wouldn’t want to work with him. 

What is a Red Flag? 

A red flag serves as a signal or sign that there may be an underlying issue or danger associated with a company’s stock, financial statements, or news reports. These indicators can come in many forms and are often identified by analysts or investors as any notable undesirable trait.

I have shared some of the many reviews his clients have shared online. They will help you understand why Dr. Hidalgo isn’t worth your money: 

Staff Doesn’t Disclose $300 Consultation Fee to the Patient

Dr. David A. Hidalgo, MD review

According to the reviewer, Dr. Hidalgo’s staff doesn’t inform the patients how much they charge for consultation. They charged the reviewer $300 for consultation. Moreover, this fee doesn’t apply to the surgical fee and the reviewer learned about when they were filling out patient forms. 

Dr. David A. Hidalgo, MD Performed a Procedure That Offered No Results

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This reviewer had hired David to perform an eyelid procedure to enhance their appearance. At first, they thought the results were very natural looking. However, they soon realized that the results look natural because there was no change in their appearance whatsoever. David charged them for doing literally nothing. 

Botched a Facelift Causing the Changes to Revert 

Dr. David A. Hidalgo, MD review

In this case, Dr. Hidalgo performed a facelift whose results failed within 2 years. The first six months, the reviewer’s face looked great but it was because of the swelling. When the swelling subsided, her face returned to its previous state. In other words, there wasn’t any change in her appearance after the facelift. 

The reviewer says that they won’t get a revision from him because they are afraid his technique is wrong. 

Botched a Revision Rhinoplasty and Lacks Compassion or Warmth

Dr. David A. Hidalgo, MD review

This reviewer had a revision rhinoplasty but Dr. Hidalgo botched the procedure. Her nose has become wider from the front and the tip is over-extended and droopy. She wanted a feminine nose but David gave her a “witch-like” nose. 

The reviewer also expresses concerns over the price of the procedure and says the results are nowhere close to what she expected for such cost. Also, the clinic left her by herself in the room after the procedure after taking off the bandages for 40 minutes. She says those 40 minutes were very traumatizing for her and she’ll never forget them.

Botched Rhinoplasty Left Patient with Anxiety and Depression

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This reviewer went into depression and has become extremely self-conscious because of the poor results she received after the procedure. David had performed a rhinoplasty on this lady but it was horrible. 

The procedure was too aggressive and she has spent a lot of money on trying to repair the damages David Hidalgo inflicted on her face. Still, nothing seems to work, worsening her mental and emotional state. 

Charged $50,000 for Breast Augmentation and Neck Lift to Deliver Poor Results

Dr. David A. Hidalgo, MD review

This patient spent around $50,000 on breast augmentation surgery and neck lift. She is very disappointed with the results because her breasts are uneven and one sags more than the other. 

The reviewer alerts other consumers that Dr. David has a strong PR team and they should be wary of its work. There are a ton of negative reviews on Dr. David A. Hidalgo, MD. I’m sharing some more of them below: 

Performed 6 Revision Surgeries and Gave Scarred, Uneven Breasts to the Patient

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Charged $40,000 for Breast Augmentation, Mistreated the Patient

Dr. David A. Hidalgo, MD review

Botched 2 Procedures and Hidalgo Focused More on Himself than the Patient

Dr. David A. Hidalgo, MD review

Dr. David Hidalgo Doesn’t Respect His Patients’ Time and Overcharges

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Rude, Condescending and Horrible Behavior with Young Patient

Dr. David A. Hidalgo, MD review

$35,000 Breast Augmentation Gave Disappointing Results

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Dr. Hidalgo Charges Too Much and Behaves Rudely

Dr. David A. Hidalgo, MD review

Sent 2 Emails and Called 3 Times, The Clinic Gave No Response

Dr. David A. Hidalgo, MD review

Dr. David A. Hidalgo, MD Review Conclusion

There are too many issues present in this doctor. He doesn’t address complaints, doesn’t listen to his patients, and fails at delivering satisfying results. Obviously, he lacks the skill or competence to perform a surgical procedure successfully. 

It would be better if you found a surgeon who actually cares about his patients and the results he delivers. New York has plenty of plastic surgeons, you don’t have to pick the one who is building a reputation for the wrong reasons. 

2.6Expert Score
Avoid Dr. Hidalgo

There are too many issues present in this doctor. He doesn’t address complaints, doesn’t listen to his patients, and fails at delivering satisfying results. Obviously, he lacks the skill or competence to perform a surgical procedure successfully.

Concern for Clients
  • None
  • Gives poor results regardless of how many revisions performed
  • Excessive fees
  • Too many complaints

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