Eren Niazi – Involved in Extortion, Fraud, and Lawsuits?
Eren Niazi is a crook who was sued for his illegal business tactics and criminal activities.
However, instead of improving his ways, Eren Niazi focused on marketing himself as an innovative entrepreneur. His focus is on distracting investors and other consumers from his criminal past.
To help people stay aware of how dangerous this criminal is, I have written the following review.
Also, I will explore how the PR team of Eren Niazi is promoting him and trying to bury his criminal past.
What the Marketers of Eren Niazi Want You to Think: (PR Attempts)
Initially from Sunnyvale, California, Eren Niazi began figuring out how to foster programming codes when he was 12 years of age. By age 18, he had a dream of a liberated existence where all software engineers cooperated to open and foster problematic innovation, facilitating mechanical advancement as a local area. He realized he could give a minimal expense, versatile venture arrangement and still up in the air to make it a reality.
The subsequent ‘liberated world’ Eren established turned into a climate for developers to make innovations and a foundation of correspondence where these software engineers could share their innovations.
After its creation, a characteristic development happened which could just make source codes worse as they traded hands, however, it would likewise permit youthful business visionaries to add their dreams by liberating them from reliance on enormous, exclusive organizations for data and assets.
Eren Niazi is the first visionary/maker who spearheaded the open-source storage development, effectively marking the whole business as far as we might be concerned today. He holds a few U.S. licenses forthcoming, which include problematic advancements.
One such patent was the absolute first patent to at any point be recorded having to do with man-made consciousness innovation. Eren Niazi additionally planned Facebook’s center frameworks during its hyper-development stage and was instrumental in offering help for Friendster, the US Armed Forces, NASA, Lockheed Martin, and Shutterfly.
Eren’s enterprise-level open source items and administrations have each contributed and brought about a list, of modern strength organizations, changing industry principles until the end of time. Eren Niazi is resolved to foster a world for open source programming, where free-thinking, receptive outlooks are urged to make and contribute, and where a definitive result is a superior innovative climate for everybody in the world. He is as of now the central innovation official for Open Source Advancement, even though he has many energizing ventures in progress.
The Lawsuit Against Eren Niazi for Extortion and Fraud
Eren Niazi, the Silicon Valley business visionary who is being sued for millions by retired NFL superstar Patrick Willis, was condemned to three years lawful offense probation for his job in a shooting binge recently, Niazi’s lawyer told Inc.
Niazi is the pioneer behind a few Silicon Valley tech organizations however didn’t ascend to unmistakable quality until this year when his information stockpiling organization, Open Source Storage, declared that Willis joined the group as a financial investor, executive vice president, and broad member.
The business association went bad in October when Willis sued Niazi in two California predominant district courts for extortion and break of trustee obligation for an undefined measure of financial harm. He is likewise guaranteeing a disagreement regarding land.
Eren Niazi, the Silicon Valley business visionary who is being sued for millions by resigned NFL whiz Patrick Willis, on Thursday was sentenced to three years crime probation for his part in a shooting binge recently, Niazi’s lawyer told Inc.
Niazi is the organizer behind a few Silicon Valley tech organizations yet didn’t ascend to unmistakable quality until prior this year when his data-storage organization, Open Source Storage, declared that Willis joined the group as a financial backer, board member, and leader VP.
The business association went bad in October when Willis sued Niazi in two California predominant province courts for misrepresentation and break of trustee obligation for an unknown measure of money-related harms. He is likewise guaranteeing a disagreement regarding land.
Patrick Willis Sued Eren Niazi for His Fraudulent Activities
Previous San Francisco 49ers linebacker Patrick Willis has recorded a claim against a previous colleague on charges of extortion. Per Salvador Rodriguez of, Willis recorded a grievance on October 26 at St Nick Clara Region Predominant Court against Eren Niazi and claimed Niazi was utilizing Willis “to enhance himself at [Willis’s] cost.”
Willis astounded the 49ers by resigning preceding the 2015 season at 30 years old. After leaving the NFL, he accepted a position as chief VP of organizations at Silicon Valley tech organization Open Source Stockpiling, an organization established by Niazi. In any case, per Rodriguez, Willis is “looking for full responsibility for least $2 million in questioned land as well as unknown financial harms from Niazi.”
The claim states Willis “lost significant sums through unsatisfactory and hasty ventures” made because of Niazi’s extortion. Willis likewise guarantees Niazi initiated him into putting away cash by expressing it would be wisely utilized for protection and growth.
As well as confronting a claim from Willis, Rodriguez likewise notes Niazi was as of late captured in California after being accused of utilizing a gun, releasing a gun, and imperiling a kid. Open Source Storage appears to have run into some bad luck, with Rodriguez bringing up the organization’s true site was taken disconnected in October and there is presently “little movement to be found” at the organization’s office in Campbell, California. A preliminary is booked to start on February 21, 2017.
Who is Eren Niazi?
Eren is the first visionary/maker who spearheaded the Open Source movement as well as approved the credit for marking the whole business, as far as we might be concerned today.
Where is Eren Niazi situated?
Eren Niazi is situated in Silicon Valley, California, United States Regions West Coast.
What did Eren Niazi do?
Eren Niazi is a fraudster who scammed an NFL star and stole millions from him.
What is the net worth of Eren?
Willis asserts his business colleague, Eren Niazi, pioneer behind Open. They are on the whole worth more than $2 million.
On Thursday, November 17, Niazi was set free from prison after arguing no challenge to net and careless use of a gun and consenting to post $50,000 in bail. The other charge against him, youngster peril with the utilization of a gun, was excused. Under the states of his delivery, Niazi should accept prescriptions for bipolar turmoil and can’t have a gun.
Thomas Worthington of the Worthington Regulation Center, the lawyer addressing Niazi in his crook case, said his client had lost touch with reality. Before that evening, Niazi had been taken to the emergency clinic on a supposed 5150, a compulsory mental hold. The shooting binge happened solely after Niazi was delivered, Worthington said.
We need to avoid these companies providing fake advertisements about their successful deals and also misleading their users.
Let these scammers suffer for their doing once my brother suffered a lot after investing with one of the ventures who offered him the best deal of all time, but it led to a nonlegitimate site and the owner indulged in several criminal activities facing numerous lawsuits which cracked me into tears as we have invested all of our savings into the company.
You can search for a lot more investors with the best profitable scheme but we get diverted by these scammers and their nefarious schemes.
Make the perfect choice before investing with them and letting your money be safe with you, never let these people scam you with a nefarious mentality.
I have read several articles where these sports players are being on target by these scammers and scamming them through these investment schemes and taking away their millions of dollars, we need to avoid these cheaters.
The company’s owner has got numerous clients after promoting his scheme for the software engineers and making them attracted to the brochure but the reality is far away different from the way it is being portrayed,
This company is making their people feel frauded and also attracting people through his innovative idea and making them fool around, not worth it.
Search for some other form that has got some legitimate business deals with a clear past.
The author is taking the initiative to put all the criminal past in front of the public and making them aware of their reality after all they are in the market for competing with all types of illegal tactics too.
Avoid them at any cost, you will find several ventures for investing.
The man has been working on his future of bringing the revolution and is also committed to the promise had made but the problem is these people are always involved in some kind of scam and are promoting themselves as the most positive personality.
We should be aware of these fraudsters they can make you suffer for a lifetime with financial loss.
Once my uncle was also trapped by a financial agent, who promised him to get a home loan at a low-interest rate, and was fooling him, he also offered him get one of his farmhouses in debt, but he showed his colors when he tried to force him and was setting timelines, then uncle put his hand’s backoff.
People like Niazi shouldn’t be allowed to do any type of business otherwise they will make others suffer, here Willis suffered badly the trust he showed in Niazi was broken with no regret. He was very rude, this is what greed for money can land you in, now he will have to live with the tag of the fraudster.
Niazi suffered a major loss when he was sued by Willis regarding the fraud of land. He was being charged by the district court of California and he was facing a financial drop.
People like Eren full of notoriety can’t understand the feeling of trust and what is its meaning, they are always full of fraudulent things, and ready to cheat anyone without regretting their fault.
The NFL star after reading this article would feeling good if the official didn’t support him for the cause, now he will never be able to trust anybody.
This man is such a professional criminal that he even claimed to be mentally ill and tried to get away with the punishment, make sure these criminals don’t get freed from the punishment and should be provided with proper punishment.
The government should design some platform for submitting reports against these criminals they are misusing the loopholes for their benefit and personal profit.
Many businessmen are using loopholes to get away with their crimes.
How can he be provided with bail after committing such a serious crime?
The usage of guns should be prohibited and none of these psychopaths should be allowed to keep guns. They should be restricted after being registered for the case.
This man is using a fake PR team to clear his fake criminal records and get the free track to scam their users at full speed, and with no obstacles.