How many of you have ever had to deal with a debt recovery agent? How many of you have ever had a bad debt? I guess not many, but the one’s who have had to will be able to relate a lot better to this article, and the ones who’ve been fortunate enough to stay away from them need to be still aware of how the dirty dark and illegal nexus of extortion operates so that you are able to distinguish between what is legit and what is a scam.
Debt Nirvana is a great example of how such scams operate, i recently almost fell prey to their nasty tactics and they attempted to con me, but being a lawyer myself i understand the law a lot better than the amateurs at Debt Nirvana hence was able to tell they were a bunch of scammers just trying their luck.
My experience with Debt Nirvana
Debt Nirvana is a name I have never heard, I could hardly find anything substantial on Google about them, all I could see, and spot was paid PR and fake positive reviews. So let me begin to tell you about my experience and how I came to know of this scam. I had taken up an office space a few years ago in Regus, it’s a co-working space and they have offices around the globe. Unlike Debt Nirvana, they are very popular and reputed, but unfortunately, they too play a pivotal role in this extortion scheme that these debt recovery companies run. You will know more about it later in this article.
So, I had the office in Regus for a couple of months and then due to some professional and personal reasons, I had to vacate the office before the lock-in period. I informed the manager at Regus and amicably and mutually we decided that it is absolutely alright for me to vacate and the security deposit that i had paid will be adjusted accordingly and i will be refunded the balance. I even received an email stating and confirming the same.
A few days after i left the space and went to collect some belongings, I noticed that the same space had already been given to another company. I did not pay much heed to that and was in fact happy that they were able to find a new tenant so soon.
Almost 1-1.5 years later I happen to receive an email from Debt Nirvana asking me to pay for the entire amount of the lock-in period and telling me that if i do not pay up, they will file a legal case against me. They have been sending me threatening emails and texts and have even been calling me for the same. They have absolutely no grounds to demand any kind of money, I still haven’t received the money I paid as security deposit and instead they are telling me to pay for the entire lock-in period of 12 months. How is this scam even operating?
I am surprised to see how come they haven’t been exposed. Being a woman , receiving calls from their amateur salesmen, threatening me and harassing me on a daily basis is intolerable. I will be filing a criminal suit against them and i will ensure i share my experience on all social media platforms and that i expose them so that they are not able to baselessly dupe , harass and threaten any more innocent individuals.
The owners of the company
Being a woman herself, Shilpi Malhotra authorises her team to harass woman to extort money on fraudulent and baseless grounds? And what’s even more funny is that they both are apparently Ex Google employees, what a shame and honestly what a pity!
Read about: Personal-reviews.com
Regus has been sharing my personal and financial information with these scammers, which clearly proves that even they have a hand in this dirty nexus. This company operates as an illegal backend extortion service for various companies with the sole objective to threaten, harass and extort as much from as many possible irrespective of any legal grounds.
Complaints on the Internet
Upon further research i came across the following complaints as well on the internet –
Sahana Chattopadhyay and Anita Gupta from Kolkata share a similar experience like me. I am sure Debt Nirvana must be having hundreds if not thousands of cases like me.
An account executive in Faridabad, Haryana calls this as the worst company to work with. There is clearly no credibility to this company, the entire foundation of this company is corrupt and is built on fraudulent malpractice and illegal extortion schemes.
Their sole agenda is to find naive and innocent people who they can pressure and threaten and get them to somehow pay so they can go back to their bosses / white collared companies and show them results so they continue paying them. They are surviving at the mercy of their masters like Regus and by threatening and blackmailing people on a daily basis. They need to be shut down and completely exposed.
Read also: Wealth Network Solutions
I urge you all to voice your opinion and share your experiences and evidence below in the comments. They will not stop until they are exposed. Please beware of this company and do not entertain any of their emails, calls or texts. They need to be boycotted. If ever anyone reaches out to you regarding bad debt recovery, contact the company you owe money to directly, do not get yourself involved with any third-party agency like this.
Greetings everyone,
I just came across the article and it is quite shocking to see the amount of hate Debt Nirvana is getting.
2 years back I lended my money and MR. X wasn’t giving it back. It was a huge amount and to get the money back, I hired Debt Nirvana to collect the debt. I was actually not expecting the work to be done. But to everyone’s surprise, he cleared all my debt within 1.5 months.
I did upfront asked Debt Nirvana to get my debt back by hook or by crook. But the person to whom I lend my money said he did face any furry. He was not harassed, embarred, or threatened to give my money back.
I was genuinely amused by looking at those poor comments, which is why I couldn’t stop myself from sharing my own experience.
Quote Proffesional Debt collectors .. need to improve soft skills
Hello folks,
Well, I myself do have my own experience with Debt Nirvana.
I did lend money from a lender and that lender hired Debt Nirvana to collect the debt. But my experience with Debt Nirvana was quite an opposite of what many of you have faced. They did approach me to collect a debt, but it was not harassing by any means.
In fact, the whole experience and procedure where Debt Nirvana’s team connected me were quite seamless.
I don’t know what the hate and buzz are all about, but my experience with Debt Nirvana was quite effortless.
Debt Nirvana ranked Top 500 Debt Collection agencies in US
Kindly refrain from organized spamming to influence the User Rating Score. Any such attempt will be penalized by manual infraction. You have been warned.
The same incident happened to us in Regus. We have used Regus Office space for two months and duly paid. After repeated requests, they denied to refund retainer and now they have started sending threat mails after 2 years and demanding amount for a full year. Those who have faced similar incidents let’s all come together and approach consumer court and file a legal suit. After all, it’s our hard-earned money nobody has the right to engulf it. This should stop. I would request someone to create a google forum where we can submit our details and jointly file a legal suit.
maybe i am going to file case on them , if you help and show your support it will be very helpful kindly contact me on 7503817786
We had the same issue from Regus Malad Mumbai . The office was closed during the COVID time and the same was mentioned that we are no longer continuing . They still have not refunded the retainer amount. DEBT nirvana calls, threatens and extorts money. So be careful. Regus sucks big time
Hi, this article is very helpful.
Same is happening with me and they are demanding 66 lacs from me, whereas i already showed them a document that due to covid we had to shit down the operations permanently. Moreover i am surprised to see that our retainer amount was also credited back into our account. With in a month they again rented the premises. How can they double charge someone we must file a defamation suite against the company?
Terrible company with extremely dumb and uneducated employees. I am surprised how these guys have not been exposed. I have personally faced their idiocracy. This company needs to shut down and the owners who are orchestrating this illegal extortion network need to be exposed.
Pathetic company which clearly proves to be guilty. The fake positive comment done by their employee/ friend Raghu is just so lame and dumb. Grow up guys!
And talking about “proof” and “an iota of it”, i will be posting tons of it dont you worry. Sharing this on all social media and even broadcasting on whatsapp and will compile all evidence and share once, i am already in touch with 4 other people you have pissed off. All the best.