James Ron Frohlich- Humphrey professor disciplined for shocking sexual misconduct leaves UMN

James Ron Frohlich
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James Ron Frohlich, Ph.D. claims to be a sociologist and political scientist who taught for 21 years in North American academia, including at Johns Hopkins, McGill, the Norman Paterson School for International Affairs, and the University of Minnesota.
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James Ron Frohlich, Ph.D. claims to be a sociologist and political scientist who taught for 21 years in North American academia, including at Johns Hopkins, McGill, the Norman Paterson School for International Affairs, and the University of Minnesota. James Ron Frohlich mentions that he now works as an independent researcher and consultant. James Ron Frohlich claims to have worked on political violence, human rights, humanitarian aid, civil society, nonprofit organizations’ behavior, and public opinion. James Ron Frohlich, Ph., asserts to be a Minneapolis-based researcher born in the United States but grew up in Israel and has taught at institutions in the United States, Canada, and Mexico.

He has combined human rights study and activism with data-driven social science throughout his career. James Ron Frohlich claims that he is interested in the social dynamics that underpin political violence, human rights violations, and advocacy, and he has published frequently in professional and popular journals. Being so self-absorbed James Ron Frohlich claims that his work has appeared in numerous publications, including the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Le Monde, and the Washington Post.

James Ron Frohlich claims to have a long history of social science research, policy consulting, and human rights advocacy. He was born in the United States, raised in France, and relocated to Israel when he was nine years old. In Jerusalem, he spent his formative years.

James Ron Frohlich, claims that he has combined human rights study and activism with data-driven social science throughout his career. Showcasing his work James Ron Frohlich claims that his work at the Associated Press and B’Tselem had a great impact on him. It inspired him to join Human Rights Watch, a non-governmental organization established in the United States. James Ron Frohlich claims that he researched a wide range of Israeli military policies in the Palestinian territories, resulting in two book-length investigations on violations of international human rights and humanitarian law.

James Ron Frohlich pursued a PhD in sociology at the University of California, Berkeley, where he studied the origins and consequences of nationalism and political violence. Despite studying conflicts in other countries, he returned to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, completing his doctorate with a paper comparing Israeli and Serbian nationalism. This work was later published as a book by California University Press.

During his doctoral studies, he consulted for the International Committee of the Red Cross, a Swiss-based agency that promoted the Fourth Geneva Convention, often called the “laws of war.” James Ron Frohlich claims to have evaluated their collaboration with other civilian and prisoner-protection agencies during the Bosnian and Croatian civil wars. Then James Ron Frohlich consulted for CARE-USA, a humanitarian agency, to assess the human rights implications of their aid to people living in the post-Rwandan genocide refugee camps in the Congo.

As claimed by James Ron Frohlich after earning his doctorate, he held several tenure track and tenured positions in teaching and research institutions, including Johns Hopkins University, McGill University, Carleton University, and the University of Minnesota.

As asserted, In 2005, James began using statistical approaches to investigate the factors that influence international NGOs and newspaper reporting on human rights issues. He began conducting face-to-face opinion surveys throughout Latin America, Africa, and Asia in 2012, recording and assessing public sentiments regarding human rights. Soon after, he began looking into the possibility of citizen donations to human rights organizations in Mexico and Colombia, using cash experiments and other novel methods to see if local non-profits could raise funds from their fellow citizens rather than Western governments, the UN, or international philanthropies.

Showing off as being charitable James Ron Frohlich claims that he has volunteered with Life for a Child since 2010. Over 18,000 children with Type 1 diabetes in poor and middle-income countries receive insulin, syringes, and other life-saving medical supplies from this Australia-based nonprofit. For the organization, he has performed evaluations and field visits in India, Mexico, Morocco, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. This piece was inspired by James Ron Frohlich’s kid, who was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, an autoimmune condition when he was two years old.

James Ron Frohlich co-founded Open Global Rights in 2013, an online thought-leadership platform that promotes a multilingual dialogue about human rights tactics, research, funding, and impacts. The Ford Foundation, Open Society Foundations, and others contributed over a million dollars to the website. For four years, he was the website’s lead editor.

As claimed since 1992, James Ron Frohlich has worked intermittently with Human Rights Watch, performing rights-related research in various countries and generating publications on innovative research methodologies. In 2018, James Ron Frohlich collaborated with colleagues and Human Rights Watch to assess the American public’s perceptions of human and civil rights at home and abroad.

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James Ron Frohlich- Following a sexual harassment suspension, UMN paid a professor over $200,000 to resign.

A University inquiry concluded in 2018 that James Ron Frohlich violated school policy by sexually harassing a student. Ron’s resignation became effective on July 1st.

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A Humphrey School of Public Affairs professor who was reprimanded for sexual misconduct will not be returning to the university.

In early July, James Ron Frohlich, a human rights professor who had been reprimanded for sexual harassment, resigned. Ron’s retirement follows a year of student activists urging the administration to be more proactive and upfront in addressing problematic power imbalances between professors and students.

Last fall, Humphrey School Dean Laura Bloomberg hosted a series of public discussions with students to discuss two Humphrey professors, James Ron Frohlich and urban and regional planning professor Jason Cao, who were reprimanded for sexual harassment claims in September 2019. Last spring semester, James Ron Frohlich was not teaching classes, but he was nonetheless hired and “performing faculty duties.”

In mid-July, Bloomberg told students, staff, and professors of James Ron Frohlich’s resignation by email.

“James Ron Frohlich is a distinguished scholar.” During his nine years at the School, he has made significant contributions to the expansion and development of our global policy teaching and research program. “I wish James Ron Frohlich the best in his future endeavors,” Bloomberg wrote in an email.

The dean refused to comment on James Ron Frohlich’s resignation, and the University provided no explanation for his departure. The University of Minnesota did not respond to a public documents request for James Ron Frohlich’s resignation letter. Ron declined to respond through a representative.

According to the University’s response to a public information request, three complaints involving James Ron Frohlich have been filed with the university since September 1, 2019. All cases have been closed. Citing data privacy law, the University did not disclose the nature of the complaints.

Katie Burke, a recent Master of Human Rights degree graduate who leads Humphrey Students for Accountability, described Ron’s resignation as “like a brick wall.” Following the charges against Ron and Cao, Burke and several other graduate students in Humphrey’s human rights master’s program created the organization to urge the administration for greater openness and tougher anti-sexual misconduct rules.

While Burke expressed relief at James Ron Frohlich’s resignation, she took issue with Bloomberg’s schoolwide email announcing his departure.

“I think it makes a mockery of what it means to be a good professor and someone who cares about the school to call him… ‘an accomplished scholar’ and [say] he’s contributed significantly to the school.”

Though Humphrey Students for Accountability will continue to press Humphrey leadership to enhance sexual misconduct procedures, the student organization recognizes that sexual harassment is not a problem limited to one school or university. Federal policy also establishes a framework for how universities must address sexual misconduct allegations.

After the US Department of Education made significant modifications to the policy, the University spent the summer rewriting its Title IX standards, which govern sexual misconduct proceedings, including sexual harassment.

One of the policy modifications is a standardization of the level of proof in cases of accused sexual misconduct. While the old Title IX policy required a higher level of proof when a tenured professor was involved, making it more difficult for alleged victims to prove their case, this policy has changed.

“Sexual misconduct is not a rarity that happens once every 20 years. It happens all the time, “Burke said. “And the only way to deal with that in a trauma-informed way and to help students do that is to have policies that respond to it.”

Also go through- James Ron | Academic Sexual Misconduct Database (academic-sexual-misconduct-database.org)

James Ron Frohlich- Terms Agreement (Between University and James Ron Frohlich)

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Under the terms of the agreement, the University paid Ron $86,198.40 in severance pay, plus another $28,107.36 to cover 18 months of health insurance premiums. The University also paid $80,685 to James Ron Frohlich’s attorneys. The agreement also laid out how the University would communicate James Ron Frohlich’s separation from the university. There would be an email to Humphrey School students, faculty, and staff, but the statement would not be published on any university website.

Dean Laura Bloomberg praised James Ron Frohlich as an “accomplished scholar” who “has contributed significantly to the growth and development of our global policy teaching and research agenda.”

Through public information requests, the Pioneer Press got the settlement agreement as well as Ron’s disciplinary letter from the University. James Ron Frohlich’s suspension had something to do with a graduate student he was advising.

James Ron Frohlich- Sexual Misconduct (Crime committed by James Ron Frohlich)

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Sexual misconduct is sexual misconduct that exists on a spectrum that includes a wide range of undesired sexual acts. This encompasses morally incorrect behavior on an individual or cultural level, sexual harassment, and/or criminal sexual assault.

However, from a purely legal standpoint, sexual misconduct is a “lay term” that represents a breach of a moral boundary, particularly where the situation is normally non-sexual and thus unusual for sexual behavior, or where there is some aspect of personal power or authority that makes sexual behavior inappropriate. 

The violation of another person’s personal boundary in the field of sexuality and intimate personal interactions is a recurring theme and the reason for the word misconduct.

Sexual misconduct is committed against a person when permission is not achievable or when the power dynamics of the relationship are questioned in an attempt to redefine the type or form of consent required in a given setting. The alleged wrongdoing might range from exposing genitals to violence, aggressive come-ons, pleading, or simply inattention to nonverbal signs of discomfort. 

Some online sexual harrassment and abuse types

  • Making inappropriate sexual remarks
  • Sending unwanted pornographic content
  • Making disparaging comments about another person’s gender or sexual orientation
  • Online stalking
  • Making sexual innuendos or jokes
  • Making online sexual advances

The Impact of Sexual Assault on College Students

Health Impact

College students who survive sexual assault must first deal with the immediate issues of such an encounter, such as the possibility of sexually transmitted illnesses, bruising, skin abrasions, and pregnancy. Survivors, on the other hand, frequently face long-term mental health issues. Many people suffer from severe sadness, anxiety, or even post-traumatic stress disorder. Some even consider suicide.

After a sexual attack, some survivors lose their appetite or develop long-term eating disorders or digestive concerns, while others withdraw from friendships and social groups for fear of being sexually assaulted again. They may struggle to maintain and build relationships with others, as well as to retain their self-esteem. Some survivors lose interest in romantic interactions because they are afraid of being taken advantage of against their will.

The Academic Impact

College students who experience sexual assault drop out of school at higher rates than those who do not face such traumatic events. One study found that 34.1% of students who were sexually assaulted dropped out of their university. Even students who manage to stay enrolled face severe challenges when trying to keep up with their academics.

Many victims feel that the sexual assault was somehow their fault or that they didn’t do enough to stop it. In these cases, they may feel crippling shame and want to withdraw from their peers.

The Social Impact

After experiencing such a traumatic encounter, many students distance themselves from friends and family due to mental health issues, stigma, embarrassment, and other factors. In some cases, their attacker may even be a member of a friend group or family circle, and the survivor may feel that in a she said/he said situation others will not believe the victim’s account of the events. Some may even worry that their friends will take the perpetrator’s side.

Sexual assault affects both introverts and extroverts. Even the most extroverted individuals who participate in many groups and activities, occupy leadership roles, and have huge circles of friends and acquaintances can find themselves separating from others and avoiding things they once enjoyed following a sexual assault.

The Legal Implications

Whether a student chooses to pursue disciplinary actions through their college or local law enforcement, justice is not without its difficulties. Even if the survivor “wins” the case, the emotional toll of the legal procedure can be draining and unpleasant.

Students in these cases are frequently required to consent to tests, share their timeline of events, and potentially testify against their attacker. Aside from the mental strain caused by these processes, students may feel overwhelmed by the demands of academics while pursuing legal action. Victims are well aware that, even after going through the full procedure, school, and law enforcement officials may still fail to prosecute the perpetrator.

Conclusion- Avoiding Sexual Assault: What Precautions Can College Students Take?

Self-Defense Training

Self-defense programs teach you how to attack a perpetrator if they try to restrain or harass you against your will. These lessons vary in length but teach typical tactics for staying calm in stressful situations and injuring someone who is attempting to harm you. Check with nearby community groups or gyms if your college does not offer these classes.

Employ the Buddy System

If you need to go out at night or to a part of campus or your city that is unfamiliar, take someone with you. Ask a friend or roommate to accompany you and offer to do the same for them whenever they need a buddy. There truly is safety in numbers, and the buddy system reduces the chance of going missing or being taken advantage of by a perpetrator.

Allow Others to Monitor Your Location

Smartphones provide tracking apps that enable others to see where you are. While this should only be utilized with trusted friends and family, allowing these people to track you is a fantastic idea. If you go missing or one of your friends or family members spots you in an unusual location, they can check on you and notify the authorities if necessary.

Maintain the privacy of your social media accounts.

Because many social media platforms employ geolocation services that reveal your position to others, you should disable these services or make your social media accounts private so that only friends can see your posts. Consider not posting when you’re away. Save your stories and postings for after you’ve left the premises and returned to a safe location, rather than posting in real-time.

Always keep a whistle and/or pepper spray on hand.

If you must walk or travel alone, make sure you have goods that can deter would-be criminals. Using a whistle can signal people in the area that you need assistance, while pepper spray can harm the perpetrator and give you enough time to flee to a safer location.

Make use of Campus Escort Services.

Take advantage of any safety escort programs offered by your campus. When returning to your dorm late at night or seeing other on-campus acquaintances, request an escort to either walk you or offer transportation. It is preferable to be extremely cautious than to find yourself in a risky circumstance.

Don’t allow strangers to buy or give you drinks.

Perpetrators who intend to drug their victims usually do so by sneaking the substance into the victim’s drink when they aren’t looking. Aside from avoiding allowing someone you’ve recently met or don’t know well to buy you a drink out of your sight, don’t leave your drink unattended. 

Understand Your Drinking Limits

Keeping track of your beverages throughout a long night might be challenging at the moment. Having stated that it is critical. You should be conscious of how different degrees of alcohol affect your judgment and awareness, and you should stick to a lower quantity if you are with people you do not know well.

If you have sensitive information or have had a personal experience with James Ron Frohlich but want to stay anonymous, then submit it using our secured form. You can connect with our expert contributors and help in finding the truth. We never share your information with 3rd parties.
James Ron Frohlich- Humphrey professor disciplined for shocking sexual misconduct leaves UMN
James Ron Frohlich- Humphrey professor disciplined for shocking sexual misconduct leaves UMN

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  1. It is very heartbreaking that these types of cases were overlooked, by the media. At least this article is a way to expose professors like him.

  2. James resigned from his post, which confirmed that he was engaging in misconduct and inappropriate behaviors with the students.

  3. Those who lie about these awful acts and refuse to accept their mistake are the criminals. I hate this, and it’s one of the basic reasons why most victims are unable to speak out.

  4. I strongly stand with the victims, it is hard to believe that professors who are teaching against violence and were sexually assaulted their students.

  5. These cases are becoming worse every day, raising concerns about women’s safety. Justice must be served to the victims.

  6. People like James never deserve a second chance, these predators need to be punished.

  7. Why he can’t understand that these types of acts may harm the person mentally and socially?

  8. It’s disgusting that he had to go through that even after he resigned from the job.

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